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Everything posted by Peela

  1. My brother grew up eating a very narrow diet. The only vegetables were potatoes, and sometimes tomato soup in a can. He ate meat though, and cereal and bread. That's about it though. It's amazing how kids can actually survive on a narrow diet. As an adult....he learned to eat much better. I honestly think I would not turn it into a battleground and be constantly trying to get the girl to eat better- you have said what you needed to say- she has the information now, and if she wants, I am sure you would share your food with her. The girl is emotionally damaged and the food is an expression of trying to keep her world small and safe. It sounds like she would need to heal on a deeper level first, before she would be able to handle broadening her food intake. And amazingly, she will survive on that diet for a good few years, most likely. Ultimately, she is responsible now. She is a young woman. Meanwhile, I would see if I could get her to take a multi-vitamin/mineral tablet, just to help a little. There is also some evidence that low zinc levels are more common in picky eaters- not sure if its a symptom but it is suspected that it is both a cause and symptom (zinc is high in meat), and it also affects taste. If you have low zinc, you can't taste very well. So a multivit/min (with zinc) would help. If she will take a multi easily, and regularly, I would start adding in other things such as spirulina in tablet form. It is a very high protein green supplement that would give her a lot of extras too. But not at first, of course- one thing at a time.
  2. I have certainly used the books on my shelves rather than ones suggested in curriculums. I think we as homeschoolers need to trust ourselves more and feel free to do our own thing, to write our own programs and use our own books. It has got to be better to teach your kids using books you resonate with, rather than books someone else has chosen because they resonate with those ones. There are zillions of books out there- and while there are many that are widely considered "classic", many more are just darned good books.
  3. Yeah, thats kinda my thoughts too. Good on any company that tries, and shame on anyone who gets in their way. Plastic water bottles are a huge source of waste and pollution. Check out these: http://www.bottledwaterblues.com/ http://greenupgrader.com/3258/plastic-bottle-facts-make-you-think-before-you-drink/ http://www.earthdive.com/site/news/newsdetail.asp?changedate=true&changeyear=2009&id=3063
  4. I like my bread to rise for at least 8 hours (it makes it more digestible, especially for gluten sensitive people) so I always make it in the evenings so it can sit overnight- up to 12 hours. Then the next morning I knead it and let it rise again for another hour or two. I tend to do 2 loaves at once, and I do it by hand. Even though it doesn't take very long, my family aren't enthusiastic enough about home made bread to encourage me to make it more often. I did just get a Thermomix though, (not available in the U.S apparently) and it will grind my wheat then make my dough for me- I will still then leave it overnight so it's still an evening operation. I am looking forward to trying it- hopefully it will help me push past my family's resistance.
  5. I would have loved it if my kids could have picked up a 2nd language, but apart from slogging away at Latin, which we continue to do, we gave up. From what you say, it sounds like it woudl be great if your son could continue with Spanish- whether or not he wanted to pick up Japanese as well. Perhaps languages are his forte. In Europe, many people study a 3rd and 4th language, I understand. I agree it would probably be better to be fluent in one language rather than sketchy in two, but if he has a strong pull to Japanese....well, who knows, maybe he will be a diplomat or something.
  6. I went to the history based writing lessons too, and it was very good, although as with everything, I ended up tweaking it. It is far cheaper than buying the whole program and I felt we got plenty out of the history lessons alone.
  7. I think its both. Just like some people are born with the potential to be gymnasts or football players....some have more potential to be scholars. However it seems most people have more intellectual potential than they ever attain. It's going to be easier for some than others. I know its more politically correct to say we can all do anything we want...but I doubt it's true. But most of us dont live up to anything like our own potential so I like to think in terms of my own natural inclinations and abilities, rather than compare myself to others.
  8. I have a lot of free time. I have a part time job but it's at home. My teens are getting very independent but I drive them all over the place. I cook and clean and my home is big. I still have plenty of free time. My home is not spotless because its not my priority, and neither is cooking a 3 course meal ...ever, actually. But its all within reason and I dont live in chaos or overwhelm (very often, anyway). Our homeschooling standard doesnt involve 8 hour days, either. I am not really a perfectionist. I dont believe life is all about work work work. We all have a lot of fun, and we all love our computer social time.
  9. My son has trouble sometimes falling asleep. He really likes very soothing music playing while he goes to sleep. He also really likes a hot water bottle. Other possibilities are a foot or back massage, essential oils such as lavender on the pillow or in a burner, carbs for dinner (not so much protein), warm milk before bed (that one works for me), lots of exercise and sunshine during the day.. There also may be something bugging her, or some fear. For my son, he has a fear of "robbers". A non specific fear. We talk about it sometimes and it helps. He also still likes the light on out side the door, and for us to check under his bed sometimes even now.
  10. I get achey joints if : It's a change of season I drink coffee (more than one cup a week or so) I eat badly - too much sugar, junk food etc The solutions are to drink more water, massage my joints if its seasonal, and eat good healthy food, in particular lots of vegetables. Check out the ideas behind the alkaline diet. Basically, it says a typical diet of white flour, white sugar and meat cause the system to get too acidic, and lots of fruit and vegetables help to alkalise it. I dont take it all too religiously, but I know if I eat the wrong foods, I get feedback from my body pretty quickly.
  11. Actually, I like it raw too. Recently I had the dreaded flu and I sliced up garlic very finely and put it on toast and ate it. I did it twice, and I reckon it helped me get well as fast as I did. Its also nice to grow. Stick some in the ground, water, and voila, garlic. I also have garlic chives which are a milder flavour.
  12. I love having teenagers, but it is bittersweet- it feels like I am on the final few years of being a full time mum- the end is in sight. Homeschooling through the teen years is just the biggest blessing.
  13. My computer tends to be on all day too. I used to spend several hours a day online- especially when I was researching curriculum, which went on for years but now seemed to have finished. Nowadays I get on in the morning, check my email, maybe write an email or two, come here to the boards, and have a browse...rarely am I on for long though. I will come back several times a day usually. The intense, several hours a day period was disruptive to my family, but I tried to balance it and discipline myself. In the end, it seems to have just wound down by itself as other interests have come in.
  14. How about some Shakespeare or some Dickens? I would use whatever she is reading- or something you want her to read.
  15. Ummm, I havent got around to putting music on mine yet :) I have lectures by spiritual teachers I love. I have ebooks and audiobooks. I have bought all these apps that do things like play the round of waves and running streams and frogs, to go to sleep by. I have guided meditations. I will get around to music at some stage I guess :)
  16. I think you are all a bunch of wonderfully generous people. I would have felt put out, myself, I think. However, I live a long way from my parents and when I do see them, every couple of years for a couple of days, I am all out to do anything for them. But if I saw them often and they dropped in and expected a meal, I would feel it was as rude as anyone else who did that without being up front about it. But I guess we are just not on those sort of terms. I dont think my family would do that, though, and nor would dh's. They would bring food for starters, and they would offer to buy take away...they wouldnt just expect to be fed. My brother and his wife visited recently and although I wanted to cook for them I was exhausted from sightseeing with them all day...they bought us all take away.
  17. I dont identify with the term "liberal" much- here in Australia, the two main political parties are called Labour and Liberal, and Liberal are the more conservative of the two. And I'm not that. But I am a tree hugging, political left (socialist tendencies), non defineably religious (love Hinduism and Buddhism and Non Dualism), hippe type person, far more "liberal" I suspect than most of those who consider themselves "liberal" (although I must admit I don't know the nuances of the term). I'm just a way out there gal married to a way out there guy with two quite conservative teenagers :) Poor things, having us as parents :) These boards are full of conservative people however I find we often have common thoughts on many issues. And I find it fascinating to read how other people think- people I wouldnt normally come across in my day to day life, and certainly not have rigorous discussions with. I have been here for 5 or 6 years now and I have never felt anything but welcome.
  18. :iagree: I would give my son (who is 13) a chat about what to do if he felt any wierd vibes from anyone, the same as I give my daughter when she travels alone now on public transport. I would allow it for sure.
  19. UNschooling is not NOschooling. It is simply child led. If the child WANTS to be a scientist or mathematician, they have the freedom to do it. Of course you can catch up. I have heard many stories of unschooled kids going on to do amazing things.
  20. I did the family bed thing on and off. Actually, dh and I sleep better in separate beds- I used to sleep with the kids when they were little though, and often dh woudl have teh older in his bed and I would have the younger in mine. When dh and I were living separately, the kids were about 7 and 9, and I had a bunk bed for them, in my room. It just felt good for the 3 of us to sleep in the same room, all in our own beds. The two kids slept together in a double bed for many years, too. I dont have a problem with it. The danger of smothering an infant is often due to alcohol intoxication, which is one reason the "authorities" dont recommend it. So many people drink and they see those cases where babies are smothered. I just cant imagine ever smothering my baby though and people have slept with their babies and kids since time began.
  21. We have a schoolroom that is also a loungeroom- books are either here (on their desks, on a table next to the sofas) or next to their beds. They are not all over the house- I try and keep things more ordered than that- that would irritate me.
  22. I grew up in a Uniting Church school and it didnt take the Bible literally as fundamentalists do. We were taught evolution. Fundamentalism is a strong phenomenon but I never knew about it till I started homeschooling- jus tnever came across it. It's not as strong in other countries as it is in the U.S.
  23. I would be concerned too...but its true that until people are willing to change and respect themselves, they often can't be helped. Having said that, I once stayed in a women's refuge and I was sooooo grateful for the support I got there. However, until I really respected myself, I was in a pattern of attracting destructive behaviour towards myself. I changed, and the behaviour toward me changed.
  24. Dh, ds13 and I are on the first floor (that means upstairs here in Australia), and dd15 in on the ground floor (downstairs). It concerned me at first but she LOVES it. She locks the door at night and there is a grate on her window. No one can get in. That was my main concern. The other is fire- but we are the ones more in danger. She is close to the front door. If it really bugged me enough I would get one of those baby monitors in the rooms, connected to my room. I have conisdered it but dd wouldnt like it most likely.
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