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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. Today was our first official day of school. We started around 8:45 and worked until about noon then had lunch and are going to do a little painting once dd2 falls asleep. We started with our Bible memory verse and did a daily journal prompt. Then some group Math word problems. my older 2 read some Anne of Green Gables and did some vocabulary words from it. While the worked on that I did FIAR w/ dd5 we started with Ferdinand and did a few cut/past worksheets I had to go with it. I then let dd5 loose on ETC while I read another Chapter of Anne of Green Gables with the big girls. We then went over our spelling words for the week and did some cursive with our memory verse then moved on to math. dd5 needs harder math for sure she breezed through her workbook like it was nothing It is a First grade Harcourt workbook I picked up at the used book store. dd12 worked on her math (saxon 8/7) and dd9 worked on some multiplication story problems. dd12 also read her first history lesson (all American history) and dd9 did some map work. I didn't do social studies with dd5 (I have CLE 1st grade for that but she was to busy digging her math so I am saving that for tomorrow) I was shocked we accomplished so much with a toddler running around and dh sleeping. I am hoping our science comes very soon but not holding my breath so I am going to be looking to add some science in very soon. I really hope I covered enough for a whole day I am thinking I need to add in some more things for tomorrows plans.
  2. I am in the middle of what I feel to be a bad transaction. I am praying the mama comes through though as I don't have the budget for errors. I am not very hopeful as the transaction was on 3/18 and she forgot to mail it I moved gave her the new address and asked for a conf# over a week ago and no response :( This was my first transaction here too. Kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth :(
  3. Here are some pics I still need to paint and to get some posters or something up on the walls. My view from the kitchen view from the foyer (dont worry the saw isn't on the floor anymore lol) More pics And just because they are so cute (first breakfast in the new house)
  4. This is our first week in the new house and I am finding that I miss my little house in the woods. I keep hearing cars and people talking outside I am so not used to it at all.
  5. I don't know! TBH though my Aunt and Uncle had children late in life and my uncle died at 46 leaving her with small children the youngest was only 4mts old. That kinda changed my mind a little bit. However, now that we have been ttc for almost 2 years I will take as many more as the Lord blesses us with. fwiw I am only 31.
  6. We enjoy making resurrection rolls and we usually grill out and do picnic type foods. We don't do ham or any of that type of thing. I also make jello eggs and we have hardboiled eggs too.
  7. Honestly, I hate shoes and socks I would go barefoot everywhere if it was safe. Crocs have been a decent alternative for me. Cheapy flip flops hurt too much.
  8. We moved into the new house this past weekend and the white is overkill. We can paint anyway we like so long as it isn't too bold. I am clueless when it comes to painting though. our furniture has no rhyme or reason so matching to it is not top priority as it will be replaced someday soon I hope. My kitchen has a brick wall that they painted white I really wish they hadn't I have no idea if I can strip off the white though. I know the little girls want a pink room and the older 2 have requested Meadow green and Lilac colors which I am ok with. I have no idea what color to do the main living areas, bathroom or my room. I really want a yellow kitchen/school room but dh hates yellow. I have a feeling we will be at Lowe's for hours looking at swatches :glare: So give me some ideas. if it helps my floors are all hardwood that where painted brown (that is as lame as painting bricks white but I am not putting all the work into stripping and restoring the floors.
  9. if it was a pvt forum I would but I rather keep their identities pvt. I don't have an issue using my own real first name. Michelle is not uncommon at all their are tons of us.
  10. We had 6 + 2 cats in smaller before we moved. I feel our new house is too big its very echo-y with out having big house furniture.
  11. I love it for just about everything. It is great on my scalp I have a very sensitive dry scalp I massage it in and let it sit for a few mins. I use it as house hold cleaner and I use the bar version to grate in my laundry soap. I love peppermint laundry soap.
  12. The only negative person about schooling is my mom :confused: in fact our last convo was about how I should be looking into the schools in our new area. Seems like a pretty Pro Homeschool town though based upon running into a fellow homeschooler at the laundromat today :lol: what are the chances :D
  13. They where logged in when I sent the last message, still no response :( it's just very frustrating on my end I am schooling on a VERY fixed income and I can't afford mistakes this person did have 100% feedback too.
  14. last communication with her was on the 30th ample time I feel to get a confirmation number to me at the very least :( I am going to give it 48 hours from the last email I sent and let her know if I don't hear in the next 24 hours that I am going to file :(
  15. I purchased something on 3/18. I was hoping it would show before we moved and it didn't. I contacted the seller and she had forgotten to mail it. I asked that she hold it for a day or so till we got into the new house and asked the a conf# be sent to me (which still has not been done). Other things that sellers have held for me have arrived this item is still missing. I contacted the seller again and have not heard back. I need this item ASAP as we are starting schooling Monday and it wasn't such a rush when I didn't think we would be schooling until Aug. I want to be patient and all but with other media mail items arriving from further locations before this item has showed up I am starting to worry especially since I had to buy other items to go with it and not having the main textbook I will be out a bit of money :( Would you go ahead and file with pp in this case or give it more time?
  16. We are starting with Ferdinand dd picked that at the library today and next week we are going to do Peter Rabbit as we already have that book.
  17. We are starting HS'ing Monday. I have FIAR vol 1 & 2 for dd5 I was wondering if it would be ok to start with Vol 2 for Aprils schedule and then work our way to the end of it and start Vol one next year. I just like the schedule and the way the holidays line up and such. wwyd?
  18. We are planning on Alg 1 for 8th if dd is ready for it. We just pulled them out of Pvt school when we moved to Ohio Sunday. We plan to do pre Alg from now threw the summer and we will asses then if we need more pre Alg or not. She plans on a Science Major so I want to make sure her math is sharp and advanced enough to handle all the science.
  19. We ended up moving. So we started from scratch. I have a bit to do yet. I need to paint and get some stuff hung but for now we tossed a room together. Our eat in kitchen is our school room. We have a formal dinning room but no type of formal furniture so that is like an extended schoolroom/playroom to (once I get all the boxes out of it lol) I will post some pics of our progress tomorrow.
  20. this is why we are starting mandatory rest hour after lunch. This is day 2 so far its not working as well as I want it to but I think over time it will get easier on us all. I need some time to collect my thoughts and have a little peace.
  21. Prior to the convention throw down I had not heard about it. As a YEC I don't think it would line up with our beliefs so I would not choose it as part of our curriculum. I have only read a few tidbits and it just isn't for us. It's nothing personal against the author/publishers.
  22. We made it into the new house. Phew that was so much work. Dh the girls and I did all the moving without help. I used muscles I didn't even know I had. We have a bit to do to get settled in yet. Going to try to get the new bookshelf put together and the school room semi organized while dh is at work tonight.
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