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Status Updates posted by mommymilkies

  1. Am I the only one with a kid that must narrate every thought in their head to me? All day? Every day?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ScoutTN


      I have one too!

    3. fraidycat
    4. mommymilkies


      I wish I could like your comments! At least I'm not alone...

  2. Why am I changing my homeschool system again?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Walking-Iris


      Because it's fun?

    3. LearningMomm


      It's more fun to plan then teach!

    4. ILiveInFlipFlops


      OK, you can't post a teaser like that and then not share. Spill it! What are you doing differently?

  3. NY is a terrible state to homeschool in. Everyone says it's no big deal. So far that has not been the case.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SparklyUnicorn


      What has been giving you trouble? Maybe we can suggest something. I've been homeschooling in NY for 9 years.

    3. mommymilkies


      The district has already tried to go beyond state law in our first go through. Requesting things outside of their jurisdiction and power. And the paperwork. OMG the paperwork. WHY does NY like paperwork so much?

    4. SparklyUnicorn
  4. Moving to New York!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jen in NY

      Jen in NY

      Won't you be my neighbor? Where to?


    3. mommymilkies


      Far far Western NY! Hopefully congratulations are in order. I'm very happy to be leaving Illinois again. ;)

    4. Arcadia


      Congrats! Hope your family gets a fantastic relocation and remuneration package

  5. Too.much.drama. See ya later when it clears!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Juniper


      this is what I get for being gone all day. Clueless. :)


    3. Juniper


      Nevermind. I took my blinders off. I am sad now. :(

    4. Walking-Iris


      I haven't been on the forum in close to a week---2? maybe. I'm sort of glad.


  6. I am not ready for it to be December.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Walking-Iris


      We put up the tree today--I'm ready for the stress and crazy to begin. Sort of. Not really.

    3. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      Dec is when we FIND OUT (college app). I don't think I'm ready for that, but I can't wait for the snow.

    4. mommymilkies


      Snow does sound fun hopefully we get some this year!

  7. I can't see notifications suddenly. Anyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mommymilkies


      Mine just showed part of a box with no links when I click the notification icon.

    3. Wheres Toto

      Wheres Toto

      I get the partial box. I have a number indicating notifications but nothing shows when I click. I guess I'm glad to see it's not just me.


    4. mommymilkies


      So it's not just me? Must be a glitch! I was afraid I broke something! It seems to be working now, so hopefully yours goes back to normal, too.

  8. I wept like an infant while watching Call the Midwife today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mommymilkies


      Episode 2. I just started watching. I love what I've seen so far. I had to buy the whole season to keep. :)

    3. Freckles


      :) have a box of tissues ready! Love Love Call the Midwife.

    4. dirty ethel rackham

      dirty ethel rackham

      Ooh! Love this one. Haven't seen the Christmas one yet.

  9. Thanks to the dirty house thread and Pinterest, my kitchen is now sparkling places I never knew could sparkle!

    1. Live2Ride
    2. Walking-Iris


      Come do mine. Where do you find the time?

    3. mommymilkies


      I scrubbed as fast as I could when I was making dinner and once the kids were in bed. It's not 100% done, I still have to dust the fan, but by god, it's cleared out!!! Next up is the library!

  10. Ugh. Burn out just hit again and private school is looking awfully tempting.

    1. SunnyDays


      I feel for you. I waver between HSing through high school and making calls for next year, LOL.

    2. Momof3littles


      What sunnydays said!

    3. Laura's Haven

      Laura's Haven

      I hope that your day gets better, and you find the answers you are looking for :-)

  11. I just got a foot of hair cut off.

    1. Walking-Iris


      nice. I need to do something with my hair---having kids has done a number on it and it's just not healthy no matter what I do. Oddly enough it only looks good when flat ironed, I just don't want to do that all the time or often.

    2. prkerr


      My daughter got 9 inches off a few weeks ago to donate.

    3. Mom-2-7


      Did you donate it?

  12. Finally moved! Hello, New York!

    1. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Good for you! I hope you settle in comfortably, quickly.

    2. PinkyandtheBrains.
    3. demy


      Hud dat nyc


  13. Thank goodness for the ignore function.

  14. Is anyone else getting error messages for the site again tonight?

    1. Unicorn.


      yes, off and on

  15. I'm out of likes. :/

    1. RegularMom


      Me too. First time ever for me. lol...

  16. Gingerbread might just be the best thing ever.

  17. Realtor stopping by to list my house. My stomach is in knots.

  18. Selling a house is way more stressful than I thought it would be!

    1. PinkyandtheBrains.


      Crazy how much it is


  19. This move is a disaster. Very bad idea.

    1. Renai


      Oh, no. I've read how tough it has been. I hope it works out for you in the end.

  20. It feels like most of my days are just waiting for payday. >.

  21. The pain!! Exercising has me debilitated.

  22. Mmmmm cream cheese gf pancakes. If only my kids would leave some for me...

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