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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. If he (the baby that is) wasn't so darn cute I might lose my marbles! I've tried gripe water, mylicon, swaddling, white noise, baby wearing, more naps, eliminating dairy from my diet, warm baths, and massage. He is on Zantac for reflux but may switch to Prevacid. I'm open to any advice!
  2. The new one that is. I thought it was well done and some of the old cast was there.
  3. I would go. Although I live next door to my parents and we get along really well. I would do it and save all I could so it would be a temporary situation.
  4. IDK what's wrong with me. I feel like a miserable failure. I can't seem to make any of the kids happy. The baby is colicky, the 5yo is quite the ball of attitude, and the 2yo is hot and heavy in the terrible twos. I go back to work in 9 days and I think I will be glad to get out of here for 12 hrs and I feel awful that I think like that. Most of my coworkers are pursuing advanced degrees and I don't have the time or the money to go back to school right now. My mom (who I love dearly and usually get along great with) is constantly bragging to me about her nephew (who she raised after I was married) is doing great in school, has a 4.0 and is about to take the mcat for med school. Blah blah blah....:( Thanks for letting me get it off my chest.
  5. Most likely its low on freon which means it has a leak somewhere. Apparently no one anywhere is capable of making an ac unit that does not leak! They need to come out and put freon in and do a leak test to find the leak. I would bet the air handler needs to be replaced we had ours replaced this year as well.
  6. I shop at a chain store. We don't have many mom and pop grocery stores left, however those prices are pretty similar to what I pay on sale:)
  7. I don't think you have much of a choice if he wants it corrected. I would seek out an orthopedic surgeon.
  8. I agree with everyone else. Teens are just spacey like that sometimes. I don't see what one thing has to do with the other. I wouldn't say anything to my boys about it. I believe it is normal and healthy to discover ones own body.
  9. I don't live in NC but I believe you pay the sales tax in the state you are purchasing in because it is a fee that is paid to the dealer and they are then responsible for paying the state. You then have to pay property tax when you register the vehicle unless you are transferring a tag from another vehicle...at least this is how it works in SC.
  10. Yes call poison control. They are super nice...I know because I have talked to them. Twice :). I think he should be fine though. My 2yo ate one of my uncles bp pills and a diabetic medication we had to go to ER to be monitored but he was fine.
  11. My house is messy most of the time. Three boys 5 and under will do that to a house. I decided that we live in our house and I'm not going to kill myself keeping it spotless. I hope that as my kids get older and we don't have as many toys it will get better.
  12. I've got 3 boys too. They are 2, 5, and newborn and some days I go to bed thinking that when I get up the next day ALL of my hair will surely be gray! The 2yo's mission in life is to climb everything! No kidding he can climb like a professional mountain climber! The baby is super fussy right now and if he isn't crying to be held he's crying to be nursed and the 5yo has discovered the word "why"! "Why mommy? Why? But WHY!?!? Grrrrr! :lol: I swear somedays if they weren't so cute I might lose my mind. :)
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  14. :svengo: I would have most certainly wet my pants! Truly amazing! I loved it when the big guy directed the little one, so awesome.
  15. Wow...I only wish we could sell our used cars for the prices talked about on here! Maybe it's regional:confused: The used car market around here is in the toilet.
  16. I got a 2002 ford windstar for $2450 :) I have a 2002 Tahoe also that I rarely drive because it is so much trouble to get the kids in and out of. But to answer your question...get the captains seats.
  17. The one of little JFK Jr. always makes me cry :crying:
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