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Everything posted by Myra

  1. Here's a question for those who chose to hyphenate the two last names for marriage - Susan Jones-Smith - what is going to be the protocol when your children's last names when they get married? That always has me wondering! Myra
  2. I used to have intense itching on my back between my shoulder blades - you know, that spot you can't possibly reach to scratch. Finally, as a last ditch measure the dermatologist suggested botox in the area just once to see.....well, it only took one session of botox shots and my nerve endings stopped their constant spasms and no more intense itching. It's been five years since then. I still get the occassional urge to scratch but not the incessant itching and haven't needed any more botox. People who have experienced uncontrollable and intense itching for hours, indeed, days on end can understand my situation to turn to something as drastic as botox shots especially how I am so conservative medically-speaking! Myra
  3. I think what makes it harder each successive year in college is that it is one more step in acknowledging that my boys aren't just going away to college then returning to life back at home again after the four year college experience. They are moving on into adulthood and a new phase of their lives. It's all good, but one can't help mourn the loss of previous family dynamics while embracing the new relationships that happens when everyone spreads their wings. We've tried our best to give the kids good educational and emotional foundations so that they can be independent and well-adjusted young adults. So even though it is all good - it is also bittersweet. I have found this to be true for all the stages in parenting so far and I can't wait to see how it all turns out! Myra
  4. And remember....sometimes while you are in the midst of decluttering it might seem to make a bigger mess than the original clutter! I mean that you are pulling stuff out of closets and making sorting piles, cleaning, etc. while trying to maintain the usual routines of the household. But when you finish one area - wow! I started decluttering in the basement and sometimes when I am feeling overwhelmed I just walk down there to look around and feel so satisfied with the results that it recharges me! Myra
  5. My son also suffers from O-S. After he was diagnosed and playing soccer, one of the parents came up to me and mentioned that he was a chiropractor and could tell that my son had O-S. He suggested a visit and after a brief exam (free) made customized elastic brace with padding (free again!) made for my son. It made all the difference in the world! Myra
  6. Based on past experiences, it took less than one hour to check into the dorm, set up computer and printer to college wi-fi, make bed, and unpack. We usually bring sandwiches for a picnic lunch on the quad and then out of there. I'd like to stay longer but you can only hang out in a dorm room for so long esp if roomie is moving in at the same time!
  7. We have $50 a month directly deposited into son's debit card the first of each month during the school year. Since we have already paid for books, meal plan, and dorm expenses, that money is for dates, late night snacks, etc.
  8. We did the shots for six months. Each time his arm had a half a tennis ball reaction/swelling at the injection site so we had to wait an extra hour to make sure no further reaction. Meanwhile, others came in, got their shots, and left bragging how their allergies were lessening! The end result - absolutely no desensitization or reduction of allergies and/or symptoms and allergist/doctor said to discontinue them at that time. Myra
  9. Look into Ithaca College in New York State. It has a well-respected 5 year PT program!
  10. I know, that 2E thing adds an extra layer - at least it does to us! Often the young adult doesn't see a need for any guidance and the necessary helicopter parent has to tiptoe around the issues; therefore, adding to the stress!
  11. As a mom of an aspergar's kid who is also battling lyme disease and severe allergies, your message resonates with me. Even though this is his senior year, the change from the summer routine to the fall semester is one of many difficult transitions and until a new routine is established I find myself in the helicopter parent role. Unlike my second child who is drop off and roll!
  12. My boys check in daily since they have been at college. At first I was impressed....but then I realized that they called me on their routine "down" times like walking home after a night class or having 15 minutes to kill while waiting every day for girlfriend's schedule to mesh for lunch. But you know what? I am not insulted. I like the contact even if it is just hi! Myra
  13. I even have to keep a notebook in the car with directions on how to get to a destination AND then on the next page how to get home from that destination! It drives me crazy as I'm good in math, with computers, and in most subjects. And forget oral directions - I must write it down or it's gone! But on the plus side, everyone comes to me to get detailed directions as mine include visual landmarks, etc.
  14. I don't mind msgs if they are giving important information.....but it drives me crazy when the msg is just "hi" or "no news, just checking in", etc. If it is a msg that can't wait until you get in contact with me personally on the phone then okay - otherwise don't leave me an annoying voicemail msg. Myra
  15. 1. Yes - student Textbook 2. Yes - teacher edition/manual because it has the answers for the student text's exercises and the translations 3. Optional - student workbook - totally optional, answers are in teacher edition, too - I got the first one and skipped the rest 4. Optional - but nice lonline resource - it used to be about $20 per year and it gave help in translation and vocab/grammar practice - my kids liked it as an alternative 5. Optional - CDs - my boys really enjoyed listening to the cds that read (theatrically) most of the stories in the student text - not necessary, but the cds kept their interest and helped with pronounciation and fluidity - besides since my boys enjoyed them it was worth it for me to purchase them 6. Don't know - Independent Learning package - we didn't go this route so I can't comment about it at all!
  16. Okay - sounds great! But when I googled it I couldn't find any closer than NYC......I'm in upstate NY so anybody know of any closer?.
  17. Covertly, I used to slather A&D ointment on my son's chapped hands while he was sleeping! This was the only way to get lotion on his hands as he couldn't stand the feel of lotion and then would forever wash again to get rid of the lotion. It doesn't addressthe OCD issue but rather just treats the sympton of raw hands.
  18. And check out your medical options. Each of my boys caught a number of illnesses their freshman year....so not only is it good to pack a medical supply kit for them to take with them that has not only basic first aid stuff but also cold/flu/etc medications. But beyond the common cold/flu research ahead of time what the the college health center offers and what doctors outside of the clinic your kid can go to for more serious illnesses. A friend of mine got stuck with a $250 bill from the health center for tests that they didn't cover, but if he went to a local doctor only a $20 co-pay would have been required! It's better to check into this stuff before you have a sick kid calling long distance for help! Before going to orientation, I suggest that you research what courses are required for the freshman year, core courses, and (if you already know) their intended major. It helps if your kid actually takes a list of courses (and back ups in case the courses are already filled or conflict timewise when scheduling) for the first semester when they go to summer orientation. All of this stuff is online on the college websites.I learned this the hard way and both of my kids had to contact the advising office after orientation and try to enroll in different coures. Orientation can be overwhelming and the advisors somewhat lax.........so prepare ahead of time! Good luck, Myra
  19. Could you give me a heads up of where to stay for a 2-3 night stay in Montreal for a family of 4?
  20. My eldest son struggles with spelling even now as a junior in college. What i found that worked best was to introduce my son to microsoft word with the grammar, readability level, and spell check turned on. This removed me as the big meanie and let the impersonal computer make the suggested corrections. I also found (can't remember the name now) a typing program that teaches keyboarding skills by using phonic-based words (like all short e vowel words, then words in different forms like pet, petting, pets, etc) ......it was boring, but my son liked the challenge to improve his speed while it sneakily cemented some phonics/spelling skills. I finally broke down and bought him a I-phone with the one stipulation - no abbreviations allowed when texting - and boy did we text! Is he a good speller now - no. Will he ever be - no. But at least he is functional! Good luck, Myra
  21. I agree that you should consult a nutritionist. After radiation therapy, my Dad wasn't ever hungry and was losing too much weight. The nutritionist gave him several helpful hints until his hunger cravings returned to normal. One hint was to leave a jar of open peanut butter in the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. He was to eat a spoonful every time he entered one of those rooms. Sounds gross...but along with her other helpful hints it worked. Good luck!
  22. Keene and Teva have always held up great around here even after punishing walks in the creek, hikes off rocky cliffs, and general hanging around. However, I have found that after a bit Keene sandals pick up a funky odor that is very off putting! But for us, they have been good deal. I don't know if adults or kids sizes are built any different, my boys have worn adult sizes only.
  23. Conversely, I often think it is rude when people do not include others in the conversation. If two people are having a conversation and a third person approaches the area, I think it is polite to turn and include the third person into the fray. If the conversation was personal, then the topic can be switched and resumed at a later time rather than make anyone feel awkward or excluded.
  24. I am conflicted on this topic. Yes, I think students should receive the grades that they earned in a course. Ones that are unwilling or unable to complete the necessary work should just not be given an undeserved passing grade. But.....I do think that colleges should have stronger paths for success built into freshman core courses. For example, not all students automatically make a smooth transition to the rigors of college coursework. I like it when voluntary help labs or sessions (extra and separate from regular class times) are built right into the syllabus that help the kids learn how to get over the hump......here's how you study for this particular test, let's review the complicated concepts together, any questions or areas that student needs clarifying, etc......I don't mean give the kids the questions and answers but rather facilitate success for the freshman that might be clueless about getting the proper studying system set up. Surely the freshman has met the qualifications to attend that college and the prerequisites for the course, but if so many students are failing or rec'ing low grades then perhaps it's not a function of low motiviation or low ability so assistance in learning how to learn at the college level might have to be addressed.
  25. So I guess it's not that unusual. At first, I thought it might be a scam. I was surprised and did call the college's financial office - it is a real thing. Guess we'll be paying that next week! Myra
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