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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Have the children sit in a circle. Go around the circle, first child says an article (a/an/the). second child says an adjective, third child says a noun, fourth child says a verb, fifth child says an adverb. All is fair as long as it's the right type of word. Write them on the board as they go.
  2. I'll be 50 next month. We always wanted more but it wasn't meant to be. Now I'm very happy with my life. I'm looking forward to spoiling grandchildren some day. When dd was younger she said she wanted 18 children and a 20 seater bus :lol:
  3. This made me SMILE. Please post photos of you and your dd in your new duds! :)
  4. I get them in emails ALL the time (at least 2x per month) - but I had to sign up to get them.
  5. :iagree: I don't think we would have stuck with piano as long as we have - or done as well as she has - if we couldn't break it up during the day, mix it up, etc. If she had to do it after school - and let's face it, most likely after 3 hours of homework - it would have fallen off the schedule years ago.
  6. LOL I didn't mean getting her input on school :) although she might be involved in the scheduling if everybody recognizes that "getting it all done" is a challenge. And I would just acknowledge to her that ALL of what you are doing - music, theatre - *all* are good things - you could have the issue that she wants to IM her friends and work on her Myspace - not degrading those at all - just recognizing that music and theatre are better uses of her time. We all just have 24 hours in each day. Sigh I often wish we didn't need sleep! ;)
  7. Aw, I'm sorry about that. Have you looked into the weekend last minute fares some airlines have? I don't know where in TX you are, but here's Continental's page of last minute fares: http://www.continental.com/web/en-US/apps/booking/specials/default.aspx
  8. Hey Robin! :) This is going to be quick because the St. Thomas grad at TCU is coming to work with dd on dance - but I wanted to comment on two things - maybe we can flesh it out later - There have been years when we did a "push" on Mon. and Tues. because of having a heavier outside schedule later in the week. So we tried to get 3 days of school done in two or whatever. Also I would have a conversation with dd about what *she* wants to do. Maybe you do school year round, so in the summer (when it's too hot to be outside plus the outside activities usually end) you do a push on the academics - with the carrot being you will have a "lighter" load during the "school year". Hugs :grouphug:
  9. Have you decided what you'll use for Alg. and beyond? I would go with the highest math before pre-alg. by that publisher,that way you'll adjust to their presentation method.
  10. How funny! I sat in on the tutorial last week and cleaned out 1000 emails in my inbox and sent box :) I'm not sure what E. will do going forward - I thought this week would be fairly slow as they all get adjusted. Maybe she can do her needlepoint during class? That may be too disjointed with needing to type every now and then.
  11. Ouch! I did that a few months ago - knee and wrist/hand as well! It did heal fairly quickly but I stuck to walking during that time. I'm SO with you on what we call "chasing the shade" here - of course in the winter we do the opposite and "chase the sun" :lol: Hope you are on the mend soon.:grouphug:
  12. :eek: How do they do that? Does that mean you have to come get him? If he were my child, they'd have to have a fire drill after I came to get him because of the steam and spew coming from my mouth. Sigh. How awful for your ds. :grouphug:
  13. I think Houstonians are some of the friendliest people this side of the Mississippi. You might check out this yahoo group - it's chock full of fabulous ideas for and by homeschoolers (over 1000 members) in the Houston area: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/G-HAH/ Texas is very easy to homeschool. You'll never have to report anything again. :)
  14. :iagree: Same here. I prefer printing and can do it quicker than cursive.
  15. http://www.vrbo.com/vacation-rentals/usa/georgia/atlanta-central-southern/atlanta Sorry the system logged me out. We've used this site many times with good results. I've never used Atlanta specifically, mostly the coastal regions.
  16. How about a little humor - http://www.obgyn.net/medical.asp?page=/english/pubs/jokes/hum_1026
  17. Could you do a lesson every other week with Becky? Could Becky come to your house for a lesson? At his age I would be inclined to make it fun as well, though I'm always amazed at how many little ones take from the "serious" teachers. Perhaps your son is a quick learner. :) OTOH I would encourage you to listen to your dh as he's part of the equation. The main thing with piano is consistent practice so which do you think would encourage that?
  18. Sigh. Is this your 15 yo? Is there a college/university nearby where she could take piano? My dd just started with SMU and it's a wonderful program - really just what she needed to go to the next level. Her teacher also teaches students who are getting their masters in piano pedagogy. Sounds like you dd has outlearned what can be taught locally piano-wise. Maybe she could just focus on organ for a few years? Just thinking out loud. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this.
  19. Aw, no worries. Just click on the link and it should come up in your screen, then you can print out the pages :)
  20. Isn't it amazing? I can't believe how little lint my dryer collects, even with towels.
  21. I can't help with the detergent sensitivity - but you will use so little detergent, maybe it will no longer be an issue? And as for the size of your washer - you will be amazed at how much you can get in it. I've washed all the bedspreads here including a king size one. Now if the clothes would only fold themselves....:glare:
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