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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. I just got a catalog yesterday with a free shipping code. I've not paid shipping in the past year or so, sign up for their emails or do a google or check freeshipping.org when you're ready to order :)
  2. Check with the colleges where you're applying. I know one school says as long as you take the SAT (or subject tests) in the month of the application deadline, you're okay. I.e. if the application is due Jan. 15 the SATs taken in the month of Jan. are still within their deadline, regardless of when they actually receive the scores.
  3. we seem to get all the academics done, but you know what? We're not having "fun, game-playing, read a fun book" time. It's getting old. High School: it's not for sissies.
  4. I would think discretionary entertainment, although maybe not movies :) We tend to get them on DVD anyway so I don't know about that. But we love seeing live theatre and musicals, and we're thinking creatively how we can still do that - volunteering to get free tickets, signing up for emails for specials, etc. Probably the travel industry as well. I've heard of many families deferring travel till things settle.
  5. Just one other thought :) I would go ahead and contact the school where your student will take the test. Our local ps is fabulous about letting hs'ers take tests, but they need to know in January which ones my dd will take in the spring, so they can order the appropriate tests. :)
  6. http://www.hasbro.com/default.cfm?page=ps_results&product_id=15642 http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3105923
  7. Mere Christianity, Surprised by Joy, A Grief Observed - CS Lewis Desiring God - John Piper The Reason for God - Tim Keller
  8. I'm in the middle of Perelandra right now! Have you heard the Teaching Company tapes on CS Lewis? Excellent. :)
  9. Could you have them call you when they're 30 min. away? Are your Saturday activities close enough that you could pop to your house in time for the delivery?
  10. interesting! Is that a FT job for him? And did Pat win? :) It looked like it. BTW your girls are adorable - even when they're crying. :)
  11. I read it! At first I thought Pat was your husband :) What role does your dh play?
  12. Will you have a peaceful easy feeling one of these nights? Maybe during a Tequilla Sunrise when you check into the Hotel California. :):) I can't tell you why..... Hope you have a BLAST!!
  13. We've forgotten the crackers! :lol:

  14. It's a great book. We were just talking about it last night, though we all read it several years ago. Do you have a link for the movie? Is it out in theatres or on DVD?
  15. I think part of the issue is the social groups happened around the same time the election got heated up. People "found" their group(s) and banded together - strength in numbers and all that. In that regard I think the social groups have been a detriment to the community aspect here.
  16. Honestly I think that age is way too old for SOTW. Isn't it recommended for 1-4th grades? Anyway.... I don't know that I would totally revamp the program but I would listen to him. Maybe get Kingfisher or even Spielvogel - you could start with the Am. history sections and then backtrack if necessary. If he's set on doing Am. history I would probably go with Boorstin. Are you doing Sonlight? it was sort of hard to tell from your post. It almost sounds like your ds can handle beefier books. Sonlight 7th grade (or Core 100? is that what it's called?) is more dumbed down than WTM suggestions.
  17. Possibly the most urgent thing is finding a school that will allow your student to test there. Then they'll need to know which tests you want them to order. Our local ps school is very accommodating but they want to know which tests dd will take by the end of January, to allow them enough time to order them. You might get some test books from the library to help you and your student decide which (if any) tests your student will take. In general we like Barrons and Prentice Hall test prep books, but that's not a blanket statement by any means :) If your library doesn't have a good selection, take your student to a bookstore and let him/her spend time in one of those cushy chairs perusing the books to get a feel for what will work best. You might also check out the AP section at college confidential: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/ap-tests-preparation/
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