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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. You could subscribe to threads - whether you've responded or not - and get updates in a daily email. But the time that determines "daily" will probably be one of the US time zones :lol:
  2. Nope - it was hot enough on the coast, and we heard it was about 10 degrees hotter inland at the Wild Animal Park. If we wanted hot, we could have stayed in TX! :tongue_smilie:
  3. We were there the last week of June. We found Legoland to be a very family-friendly place - much better than, say, 6 Flags. We all LOVED the cities made out of legos. The zoo was, well, tired... I had been 25 years ago and liked it much better then. We spent two days on the beach (we saw seals!) and visited the USS Midway, which everybody liked much better than expected - the docents are fabulous.
  4. Haven't been to a convention in a few years - but by far my favorite speaker is SWB. Her talks are SRO and are full of helpful ideas - no fluff!! We've heard Voddie Baucham speak at a Desiring God conference a few years ago and I've read his blog - I agree, I would definitely go to hear him again.
  5. For about a month before her test date, my dd did one timed section (25 min or so) of the test each day (from CB's "blue book"). She alternated and of course there were some days she didn't have time for a section, but she probably did 20-25 sections total. She developed strategies for reading the test, finishing timely, reviewing, etc.
  6. We have both, love both, though we play Crowns way more than Quiddler. In both games, each player gets an increasing number of cards with each round. In Quiddler you have to make words with your letter cards, in Crowns you make Rummy-like sets (runs of the same suit or sets of the same type of card). We've had Crowns for > 10 years so it's had a long life in our house (actually we're on about our 4th deck of cards). They're both made by the people who make the Set game, and you can play a sample game here.
  7. Google to find out what's near the specific colleges - or ask here :) BTW the Ga Aquarium is fabulous. Depending on when you arrive, you may be inundated by school or daycare groups.
  8. Do you mean this one? My dd is using Boorstin, et al and keeps saying "I just read this in my book today." Not sure whether that's scientific enough :lol: Oh and I just noticed the price on Amazon :scared: I paid <$10 on Ebay. It's the teacher's edition but I told my dd to ignore the teacher's notes :001_smile:
  9. My dd has worn shorts to all our college visits. Not SHORT shorts, knee-length, cotton knit Lands End shorts. Even when it was just our family on one visit, and the tour guide wore a coat and tie, she didn't feel out of place at all. This year she'll be interviewing so she'll definitely dress up for that, but still may switch to shorts for the tour/info session.
  10. My dd did AP English language and SAT English Lit. She has requested that I not post her scores publicly but she did very well using Princeton Review for each test. She then did LOTS of practice tests, as many actual previous tests as she could find. My standard advice (I didn't make it up, probably stole it from Gwen in VA ;)) is to take your student to a bookstore and have them spend some time looking through all the study guides, and determine which one(s) work best for your student.
  11. When does the next session start? Could you get her a private lesson or two before then to work just on her back stroke? Would they move her up to the next class (in the middle of the session) once she gets the back stroke?
  12. I just wanted to comment on this part of your post, my dd found her studying for the subject tests helped to solidify the studying she had done previously in those subjects. So she saw it as a sort of end of the year review. YMMV as always :)
  13. It's very confusing. And score choice just makes it more confusing. But my friends with more experience say applications and all the gc stuff we have to do junior/senior year is a cakewalk compared to all the things that must be done before they start college - so many forms to complete, vaccinations to get, dorm stuff to buy.....:tongue_smilie:
  14. My vague description of groups like National Merit :001_smile:
  15. Yep! I didn't want to "out" you if you didn't want it outed :lol: Anyway, I love how you worded it and had JUST put it on my document when I read that TX has done away with the health requirement. Go figure. They even put it into effect NOW. DD has a friend who is taking speech and health this summer to get those "requirements" out of the way. I think the TX legislature is on the right track but I don't know how schools will be able to handle the "fix" when they've got all these health teachers with nobody wanting to take their classes. :glare:
  16. I always have my phone in my pocket, which doesn't prevent the phone from getting washed :glare: I'm not sure the store is liable if you left it in your cart.
  17. When you're taking a break from packing (lunchtime?) look at the websites for the areas you'll be driving - particularly Mt. Rushmore, I'm sure you could contact them for information and it would probably arrive before you leave. If nothing else you can create your own file of opening hours, not-to-be-missed details, etc. I'm jealous - we can't seem to get to Mt. Rushmore :glare:
  18. :sneaky2:Or if she's insistent on being able to talk to the boy after midnight, put her on overnight phone duty. Any calls about your dad get answered by her... Seriously she needs to understand that she's a member of the family not the queen of the house, and that your dh deserves respect (and rest!).
  19. I love what somebody on this board put on her documents, something to the effect that her dd had no formal class but they had covered it all through her high school year. Interestingly Texas just recently passed legislation rescinding the requirement for 1/2 credit health - and it starts with next year's graduating class.
  20. Can you have him dry the braces with a towel? I don't remember how my dd did this but I can ask her in the morning. Is your orth in central London? We *loved* our orth there, Stephen Hopson. His office was off Regent's Park - though that was about 7 years ago. I'm sorry your ds is having trouble.
  21. I graduated from UAB as well, BBA in Accounting 1981. :) And we moved from Houston last summer, my dd did lots of piano activities at UH.
  22. I have never based my homeschooling decisions on what I can turn around and re-sell. Trust me, what has worked at my house (Bob Jones math for instance) has such negligible resale value, it wouldn't be worth it to try to resell.:glare: Having said that, we've been very pleased with Rosetta Stone with an additional grammar program. It's been a very good fit for my family.
  23. Did they rent the canoes? I would think a permission slip (i.e. signed by you, the parent) would be required.
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