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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. My dd's PSAT score improved 30 points from soph to junior year.
  2. Believe it or not, my dd wrote about this in her college application essay ;)
  3. Actually there are 3 sections - Critical Reading, Math and Writing. So for KS you would need an average of ~70 for each section.
  4. Would you like a copy of my transcript in Excel? I got the "skeleton" from another homeschooler - it gave me fits a few times but I'm sure not as much as if I had tried to create it from scratch :willy_nilly: :eek:
  5. I've had it in my Amazon cart for quite awhile. Wish you could hear all the songs on the CD before buying. I'll probably gift somebody in my family with it, that way I can still listen to it :)
  6. Here's Potters School - I don't know that it qualifies as AP though.....
  7. (never mind - didn't see the "AP" in the "OP") ;)
  8. The last time I ordered from them, they guaranteed shipping if you ordered by xx date. It didn't come by Christmas and they didn't care :( They blamed it on FedEx who didn't deliver on Saturday:huh: (I think Christmas was on Sunday that year). I've never ordered from them since, though the current catalog has some dog-eared pages. If I do order this year, I'll be sure to do it before December. But I'm not rushing to give them another try.
  9. Most of the interaction will likely go over their heads. The scenery and costumes are fabulous and will be what your dc will remember.
  10. I definitely wouldn't recommend taking it again. Did he take the ACT? It seems to be a better fit for some people. Here's a site that discusses the differences the two tests.
  11. I'm pretty sure you can estimate based on current year data and what you know will change. But you might check with the colleges to see what they advise. I know *nobody* who knows what their exact numbers will be :)
  12. My dd took 2 AP exams at the local high school, the one that is consistently ranked in the top 100 nationally. She was amazed at how many students came into the testing room, wrote their names on the sheet, and put their heads down on the desk for the next 3-4 hours.
  13. Check Amazon's market place on their Canada website.
  14. Interesting observation, GardenMom. The price will be prohibitive to many - $350 per semester for HSLDA members, $400 for nonmembers. $700-800 for a year-long course is higher than any other online course to my knowledge. As a comparision, PA Homeschoolers charges $375 for the year for their US Government course. Does anybody (Rebecca?) know whether PHC has received AP approval from the College Board? The wording on the website is a bit confusing:
  15. Would Covenant College work? Fabulous location. Strong Christian heritage. What about Berry College in Rome? It's in a pretty location as well. I know nothing about the music dept. at either though:001_huh: I'm sorry you're facing this situation! Argh.
  16. :lol: I forgot about UNT - but he could live with us and (kinda sorta) walk to SMU :001_smile:
  17. Is Wesleyan still all-women? They have a fabulous music department. Would he consider Alabama or does he need to stay in GA (does he have the in-state scholarship?)? Samford has a good music department. If he'd consider SMU, we could adopt him :)
  18. Wow! I didn't know that - dd has only done the SAT, where the (required) writing section is the first thing every time. Her brain would be a mush bucket if she had to write an essay at the end.:001_huh:
  19. HA - you sound like my dd "but Mom, that's not school, that's just what we do as a family!" ;) If he's planning on a FA major, it will all add to letting them know who he is. If he's not, it will let them know he's a well-rounded student who would make a fine addition to any student body (do you think I've written too many gc letters?):tongue_smilie:
  20. I've wondered the same thing, though we don't have ready access to a university like you do ;) I would suggest including ones that add value to the courses you already have listed - e.g. Robert Pinsky for whatever English he did during the term when you heard him speak. For the concerts, that would make a great FA credit - or 1/2 credit - particularly if you could add "listen to and discuss" the performances. One other idea would be to include it in your counselor letter, just mentioning that you have done this over his high school years, what it meant to him, etc. There you could mention half a dozen or so specific concerts/lectures. :)
  21. Are you on the hs2coll yahoo group? A very helpful lady there has a son in his 2nd year at CalTech :) She has been very free with sharing his documents - transcript, counselor letter, course descriptions, etc. She might be jealous of your living so close though - IIRC, they're in Washington state :)
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