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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Hello :seeya: and welcome. There are lots of people from Australia on here. I've never used a box curriculum, but Sonlight is the one I would if I did. Mabe other people will know more. Have you read The Well Trained Mind? I would recommend it. Even if you choose not to educate classically, it has a lot of good curricula recommendations. It's a good starting point, as lots of people get completely overwhelmed with the sheer number of options out there when they start. Good luck!
  2. :D Well it's not your fault I covet almost everything in the world. :lol: I wasn't going to abandon MUS; I was going to supplement it! Because everyone knows there's no such thing as a "perfect" curriculum. I was going to make it "perfect" by adding four more programs :001_rolleyes: *sigh* sometimes me and my zany ways just crack me up.
  3. My DH is 100% for my being a SAHM and his own mother was not a SAHM (during the years he was growing up. She quit her job about the time he graduated high school)
  4. Tee hee, yeah, this does not include my PHP items. Or Amazon. Ok, I've cut out all the math and extra stuffs. I now have two extra AAS levels, BFIAR and the books, and Artistic Pursuits. I'm down to ONLY $300 :lol: I'm sure DH won't have a heart attack or anything over that :tongue_smilie:
  5. Oh phew! I was so worried. ;) (PS, I'm glad I'm not the only curriculum junkie out there. Sometimes these boards just feed my addiction!)
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't tell me about something else that I will have to look into and start coveting. :drool5:
  7. No fair!!! (Yup, still going crazy over the five math programs here :D)
  8. LOL, I'm pretty sure this problem (and the BFSU one as well) started the last time I came to your house. :tongue_smilie: Yes, that is what I need to work on. Consistent. I just get too bored and distracted by all the other shiny stuff out there. :willy_nilly:
  9. Yes, I totally do! I know I do. I've accepted that I need to change. But I can't figure out which ones to cut. Crazy, here I come! :auto:
  10. :D:lol: Oh don't get me started on grammar. I was perfectly happy using FLL. Now I am worried I need to start supplementing with MCT. Don't know much about it other than everyone else loves it! AGGGHHHH!!!!!!! I apparently believe I need to supplement EVERY. SINGLE. SUBJECT! Is it too obvious that I'm a Type A and am homeschooling for academic reasons. I might just wind up in a mental institution if I keep this up.
  11. :glare: I went from being perfectly happy with my MUS decision. Then people started talking about Miquon. "Ok, well maybe we could supplement with that; it's cheap enough." Then people started talking about MEP. "Well it's free, so I guess it couldn't hurt." Then people talked about how wonderful Singapore is. "I really want it too." And Life of Fred; no math could be complete without Life of Fred. :banghead::lol::banghead::lol: Thanks all, my RR wishlist is now over $400 (AAS and BFIAR is in there too). But seriously five math programs?! The kid loves math, but I think even this might make him :willy_nilly: Now what am I going to do? :tongue_smilie:
  12. I only bought the teacher and student books. We already had a chalkboard and the teacher book has a pattern for the blocks. I just cut the patterns out and traced them onto foam. It worked well enough.
  13. oh whoops, didn't see this before I checked my messages. :lol: Disregard the email I just sent you. Glad it finally worked for you, it looks awesome!
  14. No, it worked just fine for me. Thank you for the recommendation, btw it looks nice:D. Would you like to PM me your email address and I'll try sending it to you as an attachment? Maybe that would work.
  15. Good morning everyone! What's for breakfast/lunch today? I had leftover pizza, Pigby had cereal and Digby had a muffin. For lunch, Pigby is eating at his school, I am not yet sure what Digby and I will do. Are you having a good week? It's been ok, except for some lack of sleep issues again. Those are pretty consistent, so I'm used to it. We got out on a walk early yesterday morning. It made me happy because I got to use baby girl's snow suit. Since apparently winter has skipped, it's nice to be getting some use out of it. We'll be taking more walks to use it more; that discovery made me happy. Also, yesterday was her 1st birthday, which was exciting. She got her first taste of sugar from a mini cupcake. The chocolate face was really cute. I also need to go buy her some new clothes, she outgrew all the winter ones I had for her. Buying baby girl clothes also makes me happy. What's the last new thing you've tried (food, activity, whatever)? I've been trying to teach myself how to sew. I cut out and started sewing baby girl a summer dress, put the zipper on, and am now stuck on the bias tape. Apparently I went with what I thought it should be (on the outside) and I guess that's wrong. To me it doesn't look awful and I'm considering just leaving it, because who would care? I did start Zumba a few weeks ago. I am woefully uncoordinated w/ my hands and feet moving at the same time. I'm very good at ballroom dancing, but I've never been able to pick up moving the hands and feet at the same time. My friend told me her instructor told her that it would take 6 times before you really start to get it. She said to focus on the feet movements first, then the hands, then the hips. In any case, it's pretty fun and can be a really good workout. Everyone is watching the instructor, or so my friend says, so no one notices if you mess up.
  16. Me: "Pigby, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Pigby: "Anything." Me: "Digby, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Pigby: "Do you want to be a racecar driver?" Digby: "Mommy, I want to be a racecar driver!" :001_huh:
  17. I would also like to thank you for your posts. And everyone else who has been explaining things. It has been such a fascinating thread; I've loved reading all of it (and loved that it hasn't gotten argumentative)
  18. No, I doubt they are worried about that. Covenants must be kept in order to receive that blessing. The b*st*rd broke A LOT of covenants.
  19. What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today? Breakfast was cereal. Lunch was spaghetti for me, peanut butter and jelly for the boys. What are your plans for the week? Wednesday is baby girl's first birthday. :party: We'll probably do cupcakes on Sunday though because Wednesday and Thursday are going to be really busy for me. Thursday, Pigby goes to school and that night I am teaching a class on freezer meals to our women's group at church. I'm very nervous. Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? I buy a mix of both. A friend recommended a really good thrift store and we bought all of Pigby's shirts there. 90% of Digby's clothes are hand me downs. And baby girl wears both, depending on what we can find. I'm trying to learn how to sew and am in the process of making her a dress for summer. Hopefully I can learn really fast and make all of her clothes. That would be my goal.
  20. It was linked on a friend's FB page. That's where I get all my news. As the daughter of an extremely narcissistic man, the only thing I am grateful for is that my parents divorced after all us were over 18. I have no doubts that we would have been used as pawns by my father to "get back" at my mother. Even as it was, he was using us to make threats against her. I don't think he would have gone so far as to kill any of us, but our lives would have been miserable because he is always right and no one had better cross him. With these types of people, it's all about control. When they can't control every little thing...bad things happen. May those two precious boys rest in peace.
  21. The article I read said he was a narcissist. It's more likely that he was angry he didn't get his way and had a "well, I'll show them (the GPs) or "If I can't have the kids, no one can" type of mentality.
  22. I haven't tried it, but what about this one? http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2011/12/01/recipe-ranch-flavored-dip/
  23. Me too. It's very frustrating at times. I have a hilarious story about green beans and butter and losing my mind, but it makes me worried about how much more spacey I could get when I'm older. I'm only 27 now!
  24. Mrs. White:I dont want a scandal, do I? We had had a very humiliating public confrontation. He was deranged. He was [points to head] a lunatic! He didn't actually seem to like me very much; he had threatened to kill me in public. Miss Scarlet: Why would he wanna kill you in public? Wadsworth: I think she meant he threatened, in public, to kill her. And pretty much the rest of that movie. Ringo: What was it that first attracted you to me? John: Well you're very polite now, aren't you? Professor Foot: MIT was after me you know; wanted me to rule the world for them. Superintendent: Good lord, it's Rajah, the famous Bengal man-eater who escaped from London Zoo this morning. John: Good Lord! So it famous is! Superintendent: Oh, don't worry, he's absolutely harmless. All you have to do is sing Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" from the famous Ninth Symphony in D minor. John: Of course! Why didn't you think of that you twit! Ringo: I don't subscribe to your religion And pretty much the rest of that movie.
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