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Everything posted by meggie

  1. I think in Jessie Wise's talk, she mentioned how when SWB's sons were younger and sharing a room, they would do quiet time in the same room, but they were each confined to their own bed. Would it work to have him in the same room as the 8 year old but not have them talk to each other? If they each have their own mp3 player, they could listen with headphones. You would probably have to sit outside their door for a week to enforce the no talking to each other rule. Or if the 8 year old wants some time alone, what about having the 7 year old do his quiet time on the couch? You could go about doing what you wanted and he could color or read or listen to audiobooks or something. Obviously I am no expert, we've been trying to figure out the quiet time here this past week. Good luck.
  2. Bill, thank you for posting that link. I watched it last night and all I can say is wow. I've been on an anti-soda crusade for awhile now and my jaw still dropped when he said what the Coca Cola conspiracy actually was. Believe me, I've looked at the label of MANY a soda can and it still escaped my notice somehow. I really want DH to watch it with me. The best thing about this video is that it's not a documentary. Yes, documentaries are good an all, but with DH's training in film, we're well aware that most have an angle and we try to search for that angle. The fact that this guy is a scientist and presents all the facts and the boring scientific evidence is what backs him up, makes this worth more than five documentaries.
  3. Thanks everyone for the great ideas. I will check around at our library and thrift store to see if I can find some of these things. Our library doesn't have Life of Fred, but I put in a ILL request and will hear soon if they can or can't get it. DH wants me to look at them before buying any of them. I may get FLL and WWS ahead of time too. I think out of all my subjects, writing was the one that was severely lacking. I guess it's easy to understand; in high school they have to fit grammar, vocab, reading, and writing in the same amount of time as other subjects. I was good at grammar, vocab, and reading, but never even heard about sentence diagramming or doing some of the other things they have in the WWS sample. I'm glad to hear that I'm not being super crazy or OCD or anything by trying to get a head start. I know I can't give my kids a perfect education, but I'm really hoping I can give them one worthy of their potential. Thanks all!
  4. Of course! Khan Academy! Thank you for all your wonderful ideas. Also, I think I might have to go back to logic stage for some things. I have NEVER diagrammed a sentence in my life! I had never even heard about it and had no idea what SWB was talking about when she mentioned it. I'm pretty sure WWS would have a lot in there that I have never done too. I might just go buy the Kindle edition of WTM, I'd really like to look up a bunch of their resources and not have to wait my turn at the library....Anyway, thanks for all your help.
  5. I hope this makes sense; I'll try to keep from rambling. I know my oldest is only 6, but I'm looking ahead and trying to figure out what I should do to educate myself so I'll be ready for the upper years. I only have the 1999 edition of WTM, I'm thinking looking at the rhetoric stage resources in the newest one and going from there. I would also appreciate any additional ideas. For math: I was never any good at Algebra 2 or above. I managed to get a B in Trig but stopped there. Anything beyond that is completely scary. I'm thinking about using the Life of Fred high school books to refresh my memory and see if math actually makes sense. Any other recommendations? For science: I did earth science, biology and chemistry in high school. Biology was easy; chemistry was difficult. Physics doesn't always make a lot of sense to me. I struggle a lot with the mathematics of physics and chemistry. Any recommendations? For history: I've tried reading SWB's history books. They just go over my head. I'll probably just keep trying those. Any other recommendations would be appreciated too. If you have any tips, ideas, or experience on how you educated yourself, I would love to hear it. :bigear:
  6. Thank you for all your ideas. I'm gonna cross post this on the general board too.
  7. Hello all! What did you have for breakfast? Lunch? Plans for dinner? For breakfast I had cereal. For lunch we had burriotos. For dinner we will be having strogonoff. What are your plans for today? And how are they going? Today I'm hoping to get a lot of cleaning done. I might also be buying WTM 2009 edition for the Kindle, since I'm sick of checking out the book from the library. Then I plan on sewing a zipper on a dress I'm trying to make for baby girl. Have I mentioned I don't know how to sew and am trying to teach myself with YouTube videos? Yeah, we'll see how this goes. Have you ever gone to a chiropractor? I have many times, mostly when I was younger. I even used to work for a practice in high school. I did some billing, hooked people up to the machines, took and developed Xrays, cleaned the office. It was fun.
  8. I hope this makes sense; I'll try to keep from rambling. I know my oldest is only 6, but I'm looking ahead and trying to figure out what I should do to educate myself so I'll be ready for the upper years. I only have the 1999 edition of WTM, I'm thinking looking at the rhetoric stage resources in the newest one and going from there. I would also appreciate any additional ideas. For math: I was never any good at Algebra 2 or above. I managed to get a B in Trig but stopped there. Anything beyond that is completely scary. I'm thinking about using the Life of Fred high school books to refresh my memory and see if math actually makes sense. Any other recommendations? For science: I did earth science, biology and chemistry in high school. Biology was easy; chemistry was difficult. Physics doesn't always make a lot of sense to me. I struggle a lot with the mathematics of physics and chemistry. Any recommendations? For history: I've tried reading SWB's history books. They just go over my head. I'll probably just keep trying those. Any other recommendations would be appreciated too. If you have any tips, ideas, or experience on how you educated yourself, I would love to hear it. :bigear:
  9. :iagree:Now I know why my older sister was always complaining about being the oldest; it's really rough being the guinea pig for your parents. I know absolutely nothing about CC, but is there any way to make the memory work fun? Could you have him say it while he's doing jumping jacks or running around or bouncing between bits of paper on the floor? Could you write it on the white board and say it, then have him erase 2-3 words and say it again, repeat. What is your purpose for having him in CC? To find friends? To get an introduction to a school type setting? If it's for any reason other than academics, I wouldn't worry at all about the academic side of it. What will happen if he doesn't get it? Will he fail? Will he be kicked out? If neither of those two will happen, I wouldn't worry about it. I have Pigby going to a charter school for one day a week so that he can play with other kids and have a little school experience. I honestly don't give a fig about the academics he does there. I know they do math and reading and some other fun stuff, but that's not why I have him there, so I don't worry about it.
  10. I stopped watching because of all the freaking product placement. Do I really need to see Bob extol the wonders of a ZIPLOC BAGGIE?!?!?!:angry: It's bad enough when they do it on Bones and Castle. Why must the actual show have commercials now; why not just leave it during the commercials?!?!?!
  11. Thanks Ronette! I've sent an invite to everyone who PMed me. Now I gotta go :auto:
  12. I know I promised to send invites, but I need to go run some errands and won't be back until this evening. I can check my messages in about 20 minutes right before we leave and if there are any to be sent, I'll send them before we go. Thanks, sorry for any inconvenience.
  13. At four, I would just put the books away when he's done. I still do this for Pigby who's 6 and in K. When you are ready to start kindergarten, I would start by making one subject mandatory, let him pick reading, writing, or math to do that day. Then once he's used to doing one subject a day, make two subjects mandatory but still let him choose. Then move on to three. For kindergarten, the three R's are the only ones that should be "mandatory" everything else is optional. If he'd rather do something like coloring or playing with Play-doh instead of writing, I would let him do that. He's 4 and has 13 years of education ahead of him. You don't need to force him quite yet.
  14. If you get it from a friend it only takes a few hours (if that). If you request it from the site it's been taking a week. If you want to move it along, PM me your email address and I'll send you one. Anyone else who wants one can PM me too
  15. They all seem to be on the border states. None in the middle of the country. Even when SWB was going to do her home tour, the states she had picked were all border states. There are millions of us on the interior who have been forgotten; we shouldn't tolerate this at all!!!:toetap05:
  16. Pigby does it when my attention is elsewhere like when I'm writing or reading or on the computer. Since the computer is a problem for me, I try to stay off it when he gets like that and play a game with him or something. I'm sure that's not very helpful for you though. I have no advice, just :grouphug:
  17. You guys are silly. Worried about cost, pshaw! A day and a half without the youngun's is a vacation; you can't put a price on that!!!:tongue_smilie:
  18. I only used flashcards for the words he struggled with. For the ink, ank, onk words, I cut a bunch of 3x5's in half and wrote "ink", "ank", and "onk on the left sides of the cards. Then I wrote in all the beginning letters from that lesson but on the right side of the card. So then we would go through them all and practice. For regular words he struggled with, I just wrote them on cards and had him practice them instead of doing a new lesson. Since he was 3 and 4 when we did it, I found that a break for a day or two would help more than pushing through and trying to force him to retain it. I define "words he struggled with" as words that he still didn't remember after the reviews.
  19. Heh, I'm trying to sew baby girl a summer dress. Only I don't really know how to sew and am using YouTube to try and teach myself. I'm afraid to ask for help from someone IRL because I don't want them to know how stupid I am.:lol: This might only be hilarious to me, but I think it's hilarious
  20. I don't know; I've never been either :D
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