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Everything posted by meggie

  1. That's only two weeks away. Nothing permanent in either direction has to be decided before then. Just keep thinking and praying or ignore it all together for awhile. After Digby was born, I was adamant that we not have another. I prayed and got a "sorry, there's another spirit waiting for you" and I was angry. So I figured nothing had to be done right then, as Digby was only 6 months or so. I didn't worry about it at all until Digby's 1st birthday and I was wondering why Aunt Flo was late and did I miscount and all that. I made DH buy me a dollar store PG test before he went to work and after he left I took it thinking, "Wouldn't it be so funny if I called him and said, 'I'm pregnant...JUST KIDDING!'" And what really happened was the two lines showed up and I was in complete shock and denial. So I got to call DH and tell him the first part, followed by a "I think it's wrong." For about 3 weeks I was in denial. Now I can't remember what the point was of that story, but that's our little story. Now I have an IUD in and figure if in 5 years I change my mind, I always have that option. I think God knows my heart and can accept my offering of doing my best with the three I've got. That's all he asks of anyone; that they do their best.
  2. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Have you taken it to the temple? I always get my best revelation there. I understand how you feel. I'm done with childbearing. I've got three, have no interest in starting over. And I don't even have a hard time getting pregnant or have miscarriages. I just get PPD. And yet in our church, I feel like I am the BIGGEST mommy failure because I don't want more. I hate to see my in laws reaction when they find out. DH says we just won't tell them :lol: which is totally ok with me. So my answer to your whys: That's just life. It happens and it happens to both good and bad people. So I personally would stop trying to explain the whys. If I were you, I'd pray, come to a decision and take it to the temple. And go based on that. :grouphug::grouphug: Miscarriages are never easy. Praying for some comfort for you.
  3. WHEEEEE! I actually did one this week. AND there's a picture :001_smile: I so proud o' meself.
  4. My passion is hobby hopping. Seriously. I can't fall in love with anything long enough to stick it out forever. There are too many fun and exciting things to learn out there. I keep freaking out because I have it in my head that I ought to be talented enough at something to help make money, but it's just not happening now. Right now I'm crocheting and sorta learning to sew. In the past I have done food storage, financial planning, makeup artistry, ballroom dancing, canning, nutrition and history. At least, those are all I can think of. In the future, I would like to try soap making, gardening, knitting, tatting, and more sewing. There's too many fun things in this world; I can't get tied down to one of them! I have a midlife crisis every few months and scream to myself: Where is my me time? What makes me happy? What do I love? And then I pick a new hobby.
  5. we recently got a graco 3 in 1. it was only $130 and has a forward facing limit of 65 pounds.the side protection is decent too. safety 1st has a line for side impact protection, the best that I've ever seen, but they are a little more pricey.
  6. Thanks. I do try and catch him when he's doing something right and praise him for it. Like when he's being sweet to Digby and Chuck or being helpful to me, I make sure he knows how happy it makes me. Thank you. I remember going through something similar when I was about 9. I'll try to work with him through it
  7. I will try to remember that. It would probably help me a lot. Thanks. Aren't some of the episodes on Netflix? Maybe I'll try to watch an episode or two before the boys get up.
  8. I'm about at the end of my rope with Pigby. He's just so angry all the time. Anytime I have to tell him "No" he completely freaks out. He'll try and retaliate by hitting or hurting me somehow. For example, yesterday he was playing on the computer. I told him he had half an hour and set the timer. I told him I expected him to not whine when the timer went off. He said ok. Shortly before the timer went off, baby girl woke up, so I went upstairs to get her, change her diaper, and feed her. When I got back downstairs, I saw the timer had gone off and Pigby was still playing, so I told him the timer went off and he needed to get off. Major Meltdown! I told him he better stop or he wasn't going to get the computer today. He didn't stop, so I followed through. He tries disciplining me: "if you don't do X in 8 seconds, then you have to Y." I tell him he's not in charge and doesn't get to discipline me. Another example is from two days ago. He was looking for colored plastic, because he read in his book that if you shine a light through colored plastic or glass that it will make a filter and make the light come out colored. So he found a pencil box and wanted me to find him a flashlight. We went upstairs to look for the flashlight but I couldn't find it. So I stood on my bed and held the box up to the ceiling light. He was whining and arguing that it was the wrong kind of light. So after trying to get him to stop, I took away his math blocks (He always has two MUS 10 blocks in his hands that he likes to play with. Getting them taken away is discipline) I took them downstairs to put them away. He followed with the box. As I was standing by the shelf, he put the box on my foot and stepped on it. At that point, I was tired of all his behavior and sent him upstairs. He refused to go, so I carried him up. I'm just tired of him fighting all the time. Anything and everything. I try to say "Yes" a lot. I try to be patient. I try to explain why I say "no" when I have to say "no." But I'm tired of being treated like dirt. And let's not even talk about Digby, who has become more dramatic than a teenage girl. Anytime you tell him no, he falls on the ground and sobs and sobs. Then there's baby girl. Still waking up multiple times a night. It's 630 now, she's been up since at least 5. I finally brought her downstairs in the hopes that it would wear her out quicker. The sleep deprivation crazy has officially come back. I'm at the end of my rope with everything. DH is going to be taking the day off work, for my mental health. I know I shouldn't, but I feel like the ultimate failure. And Pigby is only 6. Heaven knows what he'll be like as a teenager and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to survive that either.
  9. (Not to be naggy or a butt or anything, but it's probably a single crochet. A chain is when you don't attach it to anything. Just to keep you from getting confused in the future if you ever follow a written pattern :001_smile:) So far as the tightness, that's a tension issue and very common in the beginning. With practice you'll learn to keep them the same length. I was always taught that your stitches should be the size of the hook where the bump in the middle starts; that's one way to help it stay even. Good luck and have fun practicing.
  10. http://crochet-mania.blogspot.com/p/index-of-patterns.html This Youtube channel is how I learned. And it's free. And she has left handed videos too.
  11. Get a lawyer, get a lawyer, get a lawyer. If you've known for a long time that he's an SOB, he's not going to be stopping that anytime soon. Get a lawyer, get a lawyer, get a lawyer.
  12. This is very similar to what my father did to my mom. She needs a good lawyer ASAP! Do not even let her listen to any "I'll be nice, we can do this fairly," BS. My dad promised something similar to my mom and we told her not to believe him. Once the threats started coming in, she realized we were right and ended up filing before he did so that she could protect herself. Do not let her leave the home, do not let her go without getting a GOOD attorney. I'm so sorry this is happening to you all, but right now she's gotta get tough. What she's facing ahead of her is tough.
  13. Praying for you, Amy :grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss.
  14. Nah, I just happened to remember who started it bc I was one of the first to respond. Plus someone said I was funny, so it will forever hold a place in my heart :D
  15. They would both get an eye roll from me. In fact, I have a LDS friend who read some book that proved Jesus was married and she wrote about it on her blog and actually had something along the lines of "This proves Jesus was married." And it got an eyeroll. It's not doctrine, it's opinion. And as for them both claiming it was revealed to them, I would say, "That's nice." It's kinda like the YEC vs OEC debates that get started on here. I'm sure both sides have had revelation that they feel supports their opinion. I'm not going to argue with them over it or tell them they need to be better about receiving revelation because they're wrong. To us, it's one of those things that don't really matter. All of our important doctrine has been revealed and that is what we need to follow. We don't need to worry about speculation. ETA: I think I should change it to *saving doctrine*. Everything we need to know to be saved has been revealed. That should give us plenty to work on.
  16. I like the way you think. But, but, but....what about gardening? We'd need to have acreage for growing our own fruits and veggies. I personally, would like to learn from the experienced gardeners here. I keep drooling over heirloom seed catalogs
  17. We can only receive revelation for those in our stewardship. So everyone can get personal revelation. Parents can get revelation regarding their family and children. They don't get revelation for other families. A bishop can only get revelation for his ward (congregation), not another ward. A stake president can only get revelation for those in his stake, not for those in another stake, etc. All the way up to the First Presidency and Prophet. The Prophet is the only one allowed to get revelation concerning the ENTIRE church. He is the only one who can clarify or reveal certain things. For example, Jesus having a wife. Right now it's a "No official stance" kind of thing. Because we really don't know. It doesn't say he did, it doesn't say he didn't. If someone other than the prophet were to say, "X proves Jesus had a wife," it would only be considered opinion. If the Prophet were to say in Conference or with an official declaration that it has been revealed to him that Jesus had a wife, then we would accept it. If some random person from the ward came up to DH and me and told us, "God told me that He wants you to X," we would dismiss it without a thought. If God wanted to tell us something, he would have told us himself. There's a very specific order to revelation and we follow it. The way we tell real doctrine from opinion and false doctrine is whether it supports what the scriptures and prophet says. If it agrees with them, it's doctrine. If neither the scriptures nor prophet has said anything regarding the matter, it's just opinion. If it contradicts what the scriptures and prophet says, it's false doctrine.
  18. What she said. When paying bills, I always write down the confirmation # too, just in case.
  19. :iagree: To get them to peel easily, you need to start as soon as possible. The longer they sit, the harder it gets. And btw, I feel your pain. HBE are a pain in my behind.
  20. I personally think it's ridiculous to get your panties in a twist over nicknames. I'm hoping my real name is obvious enough and spent my life being called Megs, Meggie, Meegee, Moomer, Mega-Lega, Nut meg. People didn't ask my permission and I didn't care. Maybe it's just because I hate my full name, so any of those were better options. Of the three children, only Digby has a real possible nickname option.
  21. We got rid of our TV and it was the best decision ever. However, they still have screen time with the laptop. When I need to get something done, I put them in their room (Digby in his crib so he can't touch/break the computer) and let them watch a movie or Blue's Clues or Wonderpets on Netflix. Now they can only watch when I say they can, because the laptop is password protected instead of turning the TV on whenever they want. Plus there aren't any commercials so no asking for everything they see.
  22. Yes, I think that is. Although can I ask, how do you manage to do that? I've nursed three babies and I can't figure out how to keep so covered up. It's not really an issue as she's nursing less, so I rarely have to do it in public anymore. But I was always making an awkward mess of myself trying to deal with a blanket, then that would get pulled off, etc. *sigh* I could never really get the baby wearing figured out either. But way to go! I'm totally jealous of your skills :D
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