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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Excellent. Thank you. I just wanted to make sure before I spent all that money to get them done
  2. We got AAS for Pigby and I was wanting to laminate all the cards so they would last through baby girl. Then I realized I hadn't seen anyone else do it and was wondering if there was a reason I shouldn't.
  3. Maybe encourage him to find a hobby he enjoys? Or to at least watch on the computer with the headphones on? I'm so sorry.
  4. It's common enough that we can poke fun at each other. To me it seems to be a Utah Mormon thing as I had grown up in Colorado and we didn't eat Jello that much. Once I came out here, it was everywhere!
  5. My favorite, favorite book is Warbreaker. Brandon came to the library to do a book signing a year ago, maybe. But gosh darn it! Hubby had to work that day and I wanted to cry. And I think I was grossly pregnant at the time and couldn't even walk around the block without my back killing me and me crying otherwise I would have walked and then asked, "IS CLOD A LIFELESS ARSTEEL?!?!? BY GOLLY I HAVE TO KNOW OR I'M GOING TO GO CRAZY!?!?" And he obviously would have said, "I think you are already there. But the answer is _____" And then I could have died happy having that mystery solved.
  6. :lol: When I first saw "salad" I was thinking, "Oh great, now what have those crazy Mormons come up with? Jello and lettuce?!?! EWWWW" but all is clear now. I vote for dessert. Here's the closest I can find online for my favorite jello recipe. It's a pain in the bum to make so I haven't done it in about 6 years :auto: but it's yummy. But in my recipe, we use milk instead of water.
  7. You poor thing. Sometimes men make me laugh. He was probably like, "Camping isn't that hard. You bring a pot and carry your dehydrated food and use a hole in the ground." That's men camping. GIRL's camp has to be good! Oh and I LOOOOOOOVE giving talks. Love, love, love. But in the SEVEN years I've been married, I've only had to give one. Talk about a major disappointment
  8. FWIW, I never thought you had some kind of passive aggressive secret agenda. I have wondered about other posters (might have been on another thread, I don't think it was this one) but like I said, I'm not about to start trying to judge it on the internet. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you like. Also, I doubt any of us were even slightly offended by calling us Mormon. Please don't worry about it either.
  9. When she does, we'll have to make sure that everyone knows she's the MMIGJ-LDS (mini marshmallows in green jello). We can't have things getting confusing for all the non green jello eaters out there. They would probably try to lump us all into one category.
  10. Tuna fish?! TUNA FISH?!?!?!?! Outer darkness for sure!
  11. White grapefruit :001_huh: Surely you speak blasphemy!
  12. Well obviously we need to start something truly controversial. Anyone up for a debate as to whether or not carrot chunks belong in green jello?:lol:
  13. That's a good point. Growing up with all this stuff, it seems normal to me. I forget that other people have heard some bizarre things that are completely untrue. Another reason why I don't mind when they ask questions. If I can tell one more person, "We don't have horns," then I consider it a good day.
  14. First of all :lol:. And second of all: because the world as we know would end if people knew how really (un)scary our home teachers are. We can't let that happen yet, we've got more missionary work to do! :auto: So for now, sweet old men like MamaSheep's home teachers must be kept on the DL. Keep it secret, keep it safe!:tongue_smilie:
  15. Well I don't mind if 10,000 people ask me the same question over and over. So long as they can be polite and not rude about it. I'm not going to get into an argument or debate with anyone about our beliefs, but I don't mind satisfying those who are curious or clarifying for those who have heard something untrue. If it's tiresome for you to see the threads, you don't have to read them. I always assume people who are asking new questions on new threads missed the older threads.
  16. Can you download apps from the Android market onto the Kindle Fire? I had thought you couldn't, that you could only download apps from the Amazon market onto the Fire, but now I'm seeing a review that you can. I'm just thoroughly confused now is all. I can't find the information on the Amazon website. Thank you.
  17. I was absolutely convinced Pigby was a girl. Had dreams about a girl and everything. My mom and grandma even bought some pink things. Didn't find out until the 28th week appointment that he was a boy. I spent the entire day in a haze going, "I don't know what to do with this" because I'm a girly girl and while I have two brothers, I don't know how to relate to boy things. With Digby, I kept saying it was a boy because I was secretly hoping for a girl and didn't want to admit it. With baby girl, I kept saying it was a boy (we didn't have an ultrasound with her, we found out when she was born) because I knew it was my last and by that point had figured it didn't matter either way. I didn't have any health scares or concerns during that pregnancy, but I was just more nervous and I REALLY just wanted that baby to be born healthy.
  18. If I remember correctly (and someone can correct me on this if I'm wrong), it's a nickname that people not of our faith gave to those of our faith. It probably came the Book of Mormon title. I think it was originally an insult, but it isn't anymore.
  19. Thank you for asking politely; we do appreciate that :001_smile: 1) Mormons no longer practice polygamy. Here is a statement from mormon.org (an official LDS website, so this accurately portrays the Church's stance): President Gordon B. Hinckley, prior president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made the following statement in 1998 about the Church’s position on plural marriage: “This Church has nothing whatever to do with those practicing polygamy. They are not members of this Church.... If any of our members are found to be practicing plural marriage, they are excommunicated, the most serious penalty the Church can impose. Not only are those so involved in direct violation of the civil law, they are in violation of the law of this Church.†At various times, the Lord has commanded His people to practice plural marriage. For example, He gave this command to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon (Doctrine and Covenants 132:1). At other times the Lord has given other instructions. In the Book of Mormon, the Lord told the prophet Jacob “for there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife: and concubines he shall have none... for if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things (Jacob 2:27-30). In this dispensation, the Lord commanded some of the early Saints to practice plural marriage. The Prophet Joseph Smith and those closest to him, including Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball, were challenged by this command, but they obeyed it. Church leaders regulated the practice. Those entering into it had to be authorized to do so, and the marriages had to be performed through the sealing power of the priesthood. In 1890, President Wilford Woodruff received a revelation that the leaders of the Church should cease teaching the practice of plural marriage (Official Declaration 1). The Lord’s law of marriage is monogamy unless he commands otherwise to help establish the House of Israel (see Encyclopedia of Mormonism Vol. 3, pp. 1091-1095). And regarding heaven. We believe that there are three degrees of glory. They are called the Celestial, Terrestial, and Telestial. There are lots of factors that go into which degree of glory you receive, works being one of them. Maybe one of the other LDS moms could answer it better than me. I'm not very good at explaining things simply :lol:
  20. What is DNFTT? Also, we've lived in this ward two years and have yet to be home taught. But I have wonderful visiting teachers, they always come and one of them is one of my really good friends. So I'm ok with it. My husband always does his home teaching and his companion is my visiting teacher's husband and is awesome. So I figure if we ever needed anything, we could just call them.
  21. Crap, I was worried the tone wouldn't transfer over the web correctly so I erased it. But it was all in good fun and I'm glad you could appreciate the humor.:lol: (but really, just in case, no offense was intended)
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