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Everything posted by meggie

  1. She really didn't care that her baby almost drowned? :confused: (at least that's what I'm assuming since she put a kid who can't swim down a slide in the deep end) What on earth?
  2. Anyone going to the UHEA Conference in June? I am so excited; it's going to be in Provo this year! I've already told DH he will be taking that Friday off and spending some quality time with his children, while I go enjoy myself! Anyone want to join me?:bigear:
  3. Honestly, my favorite liquid foundation is Mary Kay's. I love MAC for everything else.
  4. I'm sorry OP, but I would have had a chain lock way up high out of reach the first time your toddler escaped. Now you've had them escape at least three times? When Pigby was about 3, he tried escaping once and he wasn't even a Houdini type kid! I'm just lucky that door had a chain lock on it. Digby would try it I think, but we have toddler proof coverings for our door handles at this apartment. Oh, also I know what a pain it is to have to drag kids to the park and supervise the younger ones. I only have three and I stopped going to park days with the homeschool group because it was too difficult to manage baby girl and Digby. He once took off across the field while I was trying to chase him with an 18 pound baby. I get it. But some rules ought to be followed. Ones that ensure your kids' safety fall into that category.
  5. Yeah, see how happy they are when this comes back to bite them in the butt. I have a feeling those who "can't plan ahead" enough won't be all that consistent at showing up at the drop of the hat either. Then no one will be reading to the kids. :glare: Seriously? Who refuses volunteers?!
  6. I always changed the rules to fit our pronunciation. I say bank and sank with a long a and sink and brink with a long e. I have no idea about teaching reading with AAS. Why not use AAR? Anyway, I didn't always focus on the rules in OPG (especially if I changed them and I had no qualms about changing them), but Pigby had a hard time with those particular words, so we spent several days going over those with flashcards. Even if you learn to read by using phonics, most words are going to be read as sight words when the child becomes fluent. So for me, phonics lessons help for when children get stuck. They just need lots and lots of practice to become fluent readers
  7. Well I am in spirit. I don't actually have any money right now with which to buy things. But I want to buy several things ahead. Our charter school was supposed to be giving us the AAS Deluxe kit but they haven't, so I'm thinking about ordering it myself.....and to save on shipping I might as well buy levels 2, 3, and 4 since I have a feeling Pigby will be flying through them. I also want to buy FLL 3 & 4 and WWS to look through myself. I've never done diagramming before and want to self educate all the gaps I have in my own education. I'm also tempted to buy the high school levels of MUS to go through them myself and fill in my math gaps. And I've tried so hard to read SWB's high school history books and they just conk me out and make me feel like an idiot. I'm hoping they put those on CD because I understand more listening to it than actually reading it.
  8. Well, when Pigby was dragging his feet about finishing OPGTR, I bribed him with a Nerf gun to finish. I knew he could do all the lessons, he just didn't want to. And I was so sick of trying to make him, I offered some additional incentive. Kid was knocking 20 lessons out a day in order to get that Nerf Gun. We offered to buy him a plastic bowling ball set when he finished MUS Primer, but when he did finish, they were all gone and haven't been back since. I think we'll take him to the dollar theater instead; getting to see a movie in the theater is a real treat.
  9. Oh there's another one! Yay (I like talking about myself, in case anyone hadn't noticed :D) What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I haven't eaten yet. And I have no idea what the other two are going to be. I'm thinking if DH goes to Costco on his way home, we'll do beef stroganoff, but with ground turkey instead of beef. What's on your plan for today? To not die, not cry, and not yell at any children. Another sleepless night with kiddos who think crying is fun :glare:. Will try and get Pigby to do some school. We haven't done much since Christmas. How do you address PE for your kiddos? Ha! Well we don't really. I'd say letting them play outside would be it, but the yard for our complex is at the end of the building and I'm not about to let them play outside by themselves since I can't watch from the back door or anything. So playing outside involves dressing everyone in their coats and hats and shoes, finding some toys to take outside, carrying a heavy baby girl and trying to hold on to a maniac toddler, going in the yard and sitting on the bench and trying to keep baby girl happy in my lap and telling the boys I can't play with them but to go run around. *sigh* they run so much in the house and yet when I take them outside and tell them to have at it, they don't. Little turtles.
  10. I'm so sorry about your dog :grouphug::grouphug: What's for breakfast/lunch today? The boys had cereal. I haven't had any yet because there wasn't that much left and I wanted to make sure they ate their fill. And now I'm just too lazy to go and get some. What's on your schedule for today? I'm in survival mode here too. I don't need to get into the boring particulars, but suffice it to say that I had another sleepless night with children waking up and I'm about at the end of my limit. Do any of you scrapbook? I used to, when Pigby was a baby. It makes too much of a mess now, so it's all in a box waiting for me when they kids are grown enough to know not to touch.
  11. LOL, yeah I did miss that one. I don't often hang out on the K-8 board because it makes me question all my curricula choices :lol: and the General Board just moves a lot faster. Plus some of the threads on there are so hilarious. But I do remember when I first joined (after months and months of lurking) that I was very scared to post anything for fear of being attacked or thought an idiot. So for a long time my only posts were in the Teacher's Lounge thread and even then I worried it was a special club and they'd get mad at me for intruding :lol:. (They don't, just in case anyone was wondering)
  12. You guys are hilarious. I haven't laughed so hard in ages. I was going to come and tell you that whoever killed this thread would be the ultimate thread killer and then envisioned it going on for ages as none of you could bear to let someone else kill the thread... And then I realized that by posting here, I just gave you all the ultimate out. :auto:
  13. Oh wait, that'll take you to first new post. If you click on the title and open the thread, underneath the "Post Reply" button, there's the arrow and it says "view first unread" or something like that. That will take you to where you stopped reading, not just the new posts.
  14. If you were signed in when you were reading, when you come back you can click on the arrow that's pointing down. It's located to the left of the thread title. It will take you to the first unread post of that thread.
  15. It wasn't even that bad. Someone just wanted c-rods that were one color instead of multicolored ones. Someone else tried to convince the first someone that the multicolored rods were necessary. It was the first thread I had ever seen on the K-8 board that went on for so long. But yeah, it was kinda funny.
  16. With Pigby, he got extremely constipated. Because of that, he would occasionally have blood in his stool. He also complained of tummy aches all the time. I was never positive it was the cow's milk, but when we cut it out of his diet, he did a lot better. They have goat's milk in the stores here, but it is pasteurized. To get raw milk, is way out of our price range. I need to wean because all the sleepless nights are triggering my depression. I've tried as hard as I could to keep sane with self-talk and going to bed early. But it's not enough anymore. When I was pregnant with baby girl, my midwife recommended a supplement called rhodiola. I took it for a few weeks after she was born to stay sane, but stopped when I felt like I could handle it on my own. Since it's not FDA approved, I don't want it going through my milk to her. I'm willing to risk side effects for myself, but not her. I need to wean her so I can take it again and keep the depression at bay.
  17. I would go based on the fact he doesn't sound like a very good doctor. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong, but it sounds like he's missing several key facts!
  18. I know you mean no offense, but I'm not weaning just because she's turning 1. She is my last and I had hoped to nurse her as long as she wanted. It's breaking my heart, but I think I need to for other reasons.
  19. I'm going to have to be weaning baby girl soon. She is almost a year old :eek:. With Pigby, I moved him to cow's milk, but he had so many tummy issues from that, it was a long time before we could let him drink it. So with Digby, I put him on formula made for toddlers. Yes, I know it's still made from cow's milk, but I was thinking it at least have more vitamins/minerals than cow's milk. Now I'm wondering if I should try something else for baby girl. She has eczema and is often itchy; I'm contemplating keeping her off dairy to see if that will clear it up at all. But what should I do to make sure she has enough calcium and fluids? And thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  20. I must have missed that particular thread :confused:. The most "controversial" curricula thread I ever saw was the one colored cuisinaire rod thread. On the general board, sure lots of threads get out of hand. But if you're being polite and someone starts attacking you, the rest of the reasonable people will come to your defense. However, if you're the one doing the attacking...:lol: Good luck to you, whatever you choose. FWIW, I've been here over a year and have never been attacked.
  21. For example, WTM recommended the Treasure Chests. We have the Medieval and the Ancient Egyptian ones, but I think they aren't making them anymore as the China one is $50. As many as you know of would be really appreciated. We need some fun things as we start history. :bigear:
  22. No, I'm getting scared now and it's broad daylight! The haunted house episode of Castle...I watched at night after all the kids were asleep and when DH was gone. Never again! I now watch Castle the next day during all the kids naptimes. And you don't even want to hear what I did after I saw Signs in the movie theater. I'm a big baby.
  23. :iagree: I am so sorry you have to be going through this. :grouphug: and prayers sent your way.
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