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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Curses! Joann beat me (I only found a copy on post 109 of the thread I linked). I thought it was near the end, so I was going backward and laughing at the hilarious stories of TeA room carpet removal. :lol: Oh that thread was hilarious!
  2. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267497&highlight=carpet+removal I know it's in this thread somewhere. I'll be right back. Again:D
  3. Well, the only reason I send Pigby one day a week at the charter school is for socialization. Does your son enjoy it? Does he want to go back? Does your daughter want to go or does she like what she's doing now? Do they have other socialization opportunities without it? Does that even matter to you or them? Every week we drive my husband 15 minutes north and drop him off at work then drive 35 minutes south and drop Pigby off and then we have to go pick them up. The $$ we get from the school probably does not even cover the gas we are spending for it. But it's the best opportunity I can give him right now for playing with other kids. I would go ahead and keep your options open. You can always pull them if you want, but it would be hard to put them back in if there's no room.
  4. I call my husband on his way home from work (usually in tears and hiding in the bathroom) that he's in charge of dinner and if it means picking something up, then so be it. And I usually suggest he pick up some chocolate if he can.
  5. If you can remember any of the posters and anything they said, you can do an advanced search on the forum. That's usually how I manage. I don't remember the thread you were talking about so I'm no help actually finding it. Good luck.
  6. Which is why it's best to withhold judgement until you see a pattern of questionable behavior. One post doesn't = a pattern in my opinion. To the OP, I'm sorry. I know it's hard. :grouphug:
  7. He doesn't have a nightstand, but next to his bed is the Runaway Ralph book. The catalog he is obsessed with is the Lakeshore Learning catalog. He's gone through it about 500 times since we got it in the mail. I have a feeling that if the RR catalog was as colorful, he'd go through that too.
  8. Thanks, at this point I might as well give it a try. I'd been considering it anyway since the younger two have eczema. It couldn't hurt anything.
  9. Ok, my plan (that I haven't actually started yet): I took the pages linked in this thread and printed them out. Then I put them in a huge 3 ring binder with the corresponding AG pages with them. So with each chapter, we'll read the section, I'll ask some questions, do the narration, have him draw/color a picture, color other pictures/map, do an activity, take a picture, etc. I won't do all of those for each chapter, but whatever I can come up with. Again, just the plan, but those pages sure are nice.
  10. Yep! Go celebrate that you were both right. (when I was a Mary Kay consultant and we were doing makeovers, I'd always have to ask if it was brown/green hazel or blue/green hazel. That's the extent of my "knowledge" :lol:)
  11. :iagree: What she said. As far as I know (which may not be much :tongue_smilie:) there is more than one type of hazel.
  12. (This is a really shallow vent, so please feel free to ignore) I woke up this morning with my face completely broken out. I look like a 14 year old with an acne problem. It's awful and painful. I don't want to go anywhere or let anyone see me. I just want to cry. I've been dealing with this since middle school. I'm a grown up now, shouldn't it be gone by now :cursing: My face always looks so awful and I'm always so self conscious of it. It's so embarrassing. The only things that help are being pregnant (not gonna happen) and the Mary Kay facewash. Which is only $18/tube :scared: Oh and to make me even more grumpy, on a FB post, someone replied with a "You know (blah blah blah), right?" which drives me crazy. I had to train DH to stop asking questions that way because it always sounds so rude to me. It's like they're assuming if you don't know something, it's because you're stupid. ok :rant: vent over.
  13. Happy Valentine's Day!!! What are you up to today? We were going to go on a walk, but Pigby started a barking cough, so I'll probably keep them all inside. I guess we'll just do our usual routine. Doing anything special for Heart Day today? We celebrated yesterday. DH got dinner from our favorite restaurants on his way home from work last night. :001_wub: He also stopped by Walmart and I told him to get me some chocolates; the bigger the box, the more he loves me :lol:. He also picked up some white ferrero rochers that was my gift to him :D. And the best surprise of all: He got me a 10" BH&G stainless steel skillet!!!! I've been missing a skillet ever since our Teflon pan lost its nonstick qualities and have vowed to stay away Teflon forever and only get ones that will last forever! I was so happy; it's honestly the best present he's ever given me.:001_wub: If you could do ANYthing you wanted today, what would you do? Rearrange furniture and COMPLETELY clean and organize the house. Wait, supervise while someone else does that. We need more bookshelves, but have no where to put them. I just want everything to have a place, but am not very good at getting there on my own. I really wish I had a professional organizer come and help me.
  14. :crying: :grouphug:Praying. How very, very heartbreaking.
  15. :grouphug::grouphug: Praying for your family.
  16. GAH! I hate that the writers had Robert do that. Completely out of character and completely disgusting. Am I the only one who lost all respect for him? I don't like Branson either. Self-absorbed.
  17. I can't ever remember how old I am and I'm only 27. I feel like I ought to be 23 at the oldest. I can't remember anything, for that matter. The incident with the green beans and butter proves that. I will join you all on the dementia bench and be glad I'm not alone (bc I was seriously concerned that I was in fact losing my mind)
  18. How wonderful you got to be there! Congratulations.
  19. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=343963&highlight=lesson+48 This one?
  20. Oh you sneaky lady! :tongue_smilie: You're not going to tempt me! Ok, so the deal with Math Mammoth: About a year ago, I started hearing how wonderful it was and thought about switching. So I looked at the website and saw that it only went to 6th grade math. I emailed Marie and asked if she planned on doing the secondary grades. She said no, she recommends using textbooks for those years. :svengo: I remember very clearly my high school and college math textbooks; I could never understand them or use them to teach me the math. I need to SEE someone showing me how to do it in order to understand it. And so I thought, "Pfft, not going with that." And I recommitted myself to MUS because it can go all the way through high school. And if for some reason it doesn't work for us in the upper grades, I plan on switching to TT. So these other ones that I'm researching now aren't to replace MUS, they're to supplement it :D (yeah, I know it's not gonna happen but I can't help thinking that I ought to) I've recently started hearing about the RightStart math games, but a search of RR didn't turn up much useful information. And Beast Academy....I've been trying to ignore. Isn't it like a comic book? *sigh* I know Pigby would LOVE that, but I haven't even Googled it yet. Gosh darn it, ok now I'm off to Google it!
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