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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Crap is the one most frequently used. Jiminy Crispies comes next. I'm trying to get out of the habit of saying, "Stupid whore." :glare: Pigby thinks "stupid" is the bad part of that phrase and I'd hate to hear him repeat the other part. True story: (Pigby and I driving down the road, cut off by some idiot Utah driver) Me: Watch the road, you stupid whore (may have been a man)!! Pigby: Mommy, we don't say stupid in this family. Me: :blushing:
  2. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I am so sorry people have been mean to you. It makes me sick. What a terrible thing to tell someone who's pregnant. As long as you and your husband and your other children love this baby and each other, that's all you need. We'll be praying for you. Congrats on having a girl.
  3. Oh my holy heck! I must put that in my signature: "We only use dead twaddle around here." My husband has taught the boys some annoying behaviors :glare: The new rule is: If he's going to teach them how to be annoying, he can be the one to stay home with them everyday. Punk!
  4. I have no idea how recent it is, but I hate the term "living books." Yes I know it gets used a lot here (and no one needs to stop on my account) but I see it and want to scream, "They're not alive! This is not 'Night of the Living Books'!":rant:
  5. I posted about my organization method here (I apologize if you've already seen it, I'm sure some people are sick of it by now:lol:) Basically, I have my Desk Apprentice organized with everything we need each day (worksheets, teacher manuals, colored pencils, pencils, erasers, dry erase crayons and board, AAS cards, MUS DVD, SOTW, etc). I have all the work divided into five manila folders. Each day, we do the work in the folder. When it's completed, I put it in a "Completed Work to Be Filed" folder. On Sunday, I take the work from that file and file it in a large 3 ring binder with all the subjects sorted out. I take new sheets from his curriculum binders and organize it into the five folders for the next weeks. His MUS blocks are in a big Tupperware kept out of his reach. He likes to play with the 10 blocks (and lose them) so I only give him two to play with and he can't get anymore. I just got some filing cabinets that can lock. I have all the art supplies in one drawer (that's probably the wrong label for it, but it's all the chalk, dry erase crayons that aren't being used [they only get 2 at a time in their DA so they can't lose too many or make a big mess at one time], colored pencils, etc etc. The next drawer has all of Pigby's tot school stuff....ish. It has pom poms and glass beads and tongs and sensory bin type stuff. It also has Pigby's Learning Wrap Up, so it's more of a hands-on-learning type of drawer. The bottom drawer has craft supplies, like popsicle sticks and paper bags and pipe cleaners. The other cabinet is empty right now, but I want to make a bunch of file folder games. Those will be kept in a locked drawer so they can't pull out all the pieces at one time. As far as keeping it organized, well it's just a matter of keeping up with it everyday. It's a habit that has to be learned. I don't know the ages of your children, but if you have littles, keep things locked up and out of their reach. Kids tend to follow entropy, if you're not on top of it, everything will turn to chaos. I think it's good for them to learn to only get one or two things out a time and get in a habit of putting it away in order to get more.
  6. Oh the Microderm Abrasion, I had forgotten about that. That is definitely a must buy!
  7. They complain that kids won't actually eat the healthy stuff, they'll just throw it away. They'd rather have kids eat garbage than eat nothing. :glare: I'm sure they'd hear so many parent complaints. I'm of the "let them go hungry for a day and they'll learn to eat" camp. But that's not the path of least resistance.
  8. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/03/70-percent-of-ground-beef-at-supermarkets-contains-pink-slime/ A friend's mom said she saw a report that Costco does not use pink slime in its ground beef. I'm going to email them later to check and see if this is true. Then for the first time in over a year, I'll buy some ground beef.
  9. seems like she made it. I took a 1 1/2 hour nap before dh came home bearing DQ. now its time for me to go back to sleep befor# chuck wakes up. she's been asleep since 630. % hope she doesnt wake at 4am and want to party:glare:
  10. Do you have a baby monitor you could leave next to him? That reason is exactly why'd I'd go to sleep myself. The possibility of it lasting 12 hours is just too great to risk moving him. I've also slept sitting up on couches (sit sideways, leaning one side against the back). I'm a firm believer in the "Don't wake a sleeping baby" camp:lol: I'm one to talk though. Baby girl is sleeping and I ought to be too. But the lure of the boards is just too great!
  11. Oh geez, what room DOESN'T need to be done is the better question!:tongue_smilie: DH has got it into his head that it would be worth it to build bunk beds instead of buying some. The ones at Walmart are to flimsy for him to stand and those are the cheapest we can find anywhere. :nopity: He's cute, but he takes way too long to build stuff. He's promised it will be done tomorrow, so I'll need to get the boys room cleaned out. Then baby girl will hopefully be able to transfer into the crib and we can go back to sleeping on our bed :cheers2: The living room is a disaster zone! We bought some filing cabinets and in order to move them into position, I had to push things all over the place to make room (did I mention that DH bought a twin size mattress to sleep on because the couch was hurting his back too much? do you know how hard it is to try and live an organized life with a mattress on your floor?) and there's stuff everywhere. I am very proud that I'm caught up on dishes. DH came home early from work and I kicked him out the door with the boys and sent them to the dollar theater. I spent the time washing dishes and listening to an audio book. Dishes are so much more enjoyable with audiobooks. But the rest of my kitchen is a disaster. My table needs a really good cleaning. My floor needs to have the life scrubbed out of it, as done the fridge. I am honestly tempted to go through and throw half of my stuff away. Too messy. But I have been getting better at picking up after myself. Instead of leaving clothes on the bathroom floor, I'll pick them up and put them in the hamper. :hurray: Go me!
  12. I would nap on the couch until he wakes up.
  13. Their skincare is the ONLY thing that has ever helped my skin. And I've tried so many things. I wish I still got it half off, it's amazing. The things I love: ~Their liquid foundation. So light, it doesn't feel like you're wearing foundation. It's also transfer resistant, so it doesn't smear all over your husband's shirt when you give him a hug. ~Mineral powder foundation. ~Ultimate Mascara. You can swipe the brush on the side of the tube to remove as much product as possible. Using thin layers, you can dramatically lengthen your lashes as it's buildable. I tried Cover Girl Lash Blast. Yeah, so not as good. ~Satin Hands ~Eye Primer ~Bella Belara perfume (I am so not a perfume type of girl, but this stuff is heavenly. ~Even Complexion Essence. I have really terrible acne. While I was using the ECE, it really made a difference with all my scarring. ~Travel Roll Up Bag ~Eyeliner That's all I can think of now.:lol:
  14. Thanks, I think so too:D I am meggie84...I think. That should work.
  15. I've had the Mirena for 1 year. I like that TeA is spontaneous. I like that I don't have to take a pill everyday (I wouldn't have remembered). I like that it's not permanent and gave me some time to rest. I don't plan on having any more babies, but can't say that with 100% certainty. I don't have to make a decision about it now. At first, it made things uncomfortably dry, iykwim. That could have been due to nursing too. Over the year it got better and less painful. Coconut oil was my friend.
  16. I hope you both have fun on your breaks! :auto: Drive carefully!
  17. Good morning! What's the best meal you're going to have this weekend? Food? Food is for people who don't have to clean :D and I need to clean in a bad way. What are you doing this weekend? DH will be making the boys a bunkbed. I will be purging stuff and organizing. I really want my house to look like Pretty in Pink's. Or at least more on that end of the spectrum. If you do your own lesson plans, WHEN do you do them during the week? Sunday, details on my blog. There's not much to plan yet, but I'm hoping to add geography and science in next week so I need to plan that out.
  18. A few weeks ago, I promised to do a blog post about my Desk Apprentice system. Here is the first post. Here is another post with more detail. (I promised some friends a post with a lot of information about getting started on homeschooling. It's rather long, the pictures on how I organize my DA are in the middle). Hopefully there are some useful tips in there.
  19. :hurray::hurray: Good job! We just bought some file cabinets and my living room is about to get a makeover. Finally, I will have a place where I can lock stuff out of Digby's reach! :auto:
  20. I've been known to say, "Well then I guess it's a good thing it's not your problem to worry about, isn't it?"
  21. A friend of a friend is interested in homeschooling. She lives in California. I know that you can somehow set yourself up as a private school and not have to be a certified teacher. My question is...How do you go about declaring yourself to be a private school? Is there some kind of paper work? Do you just send in an affidavit to the school district saying you are a private school? TIA :bigear:
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