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Everything posted by kristin0713

  1. Yeah they just last. We had no problems with ours ever and that’s what we’re putting in our new house.
  2. I'm coming back to say that I'm sorry I didn't answer your question. I think that writing a letter is a good place to start, but I'm not sure how much of a difference it will make. I don't have experience with navigating these things in the public school system. There is power in numbers so if you can get other parents on board, I think you have a higher chance of them addressing your concerns.
  3. I'm pretty shocked that this is still an issue today. I remember changing in a bathroom stall in middle school after gym class because I was too embarrassed and self-conscious to change in the locker room, and that was just changing clothes, not out of a bathing suit! I would have been MORTIFIED to change after swimming in front of my peers. If my child were in this situation today, I would either allow them to not take the class (and I would take it up the ranks with the school as high as necessary) or teach them how to change discreetly under a big towel. It's possible with practice. Wow, I'm really speechless that kids are still being put in this situation at school.
  4. Also in the Boston Public Garden - the Swan Boats, Trumpet of the Swan.
  5. I'm looking for a resource for teaching basic nutrition to teens. Not a curriculum, but a simple book or video series that promotes healthy eating and exercise, treats in moderation, and healthy body image. Something that will teach the basics of calories/fats/proteins/carbs and how the body works and that focuses on an overall healthy lifestyle. Any suggestions?
  6. What do you mean by *you* hate making the promposals?
  7. Moving finally after living with my parents for a year and a half. Our house is on track to be ready at the end of May.
  8. I love the pull down style. Our new house will have that and it will have a motion sensor which I'm super excited about! I don't like the look of the coil and I also think that would be a pain to clean.
  9. This one instance of the games and feeling like her dad doesn’t go to her kids’ things as much could just be insecurity, immaturity, and jealousy. Not necessarily narcissism. I’m not familiar with / don’t remember the details of the other situations though.
  10. Thanks 😊 Yeah, I'm looking for live online. The accountability factor makes a big difference here with follow through.
  11. This is terrible and I am so sorry! I never would have thought of this. I'm so glad you shared and that I am aware of this now before my kids start driving. Geez, anywhere else that they shouldn't disclose meds?? They always ask at the dentist and eye doctor. I know that some medications can affect your teeth and eyes but it still feels a little intrusive.
  12. My son did Exploration Education in 5th/6th grade and loved it. He learned a ton that year. This year he is doing Physical Science through CLRC in a live online class and it’s excellent. He loves the teacher (Shaffer) and I’m extremely pleased with everything about the class. It’s thorough and great preparation for high school science. He’s in 8th grade BTW.
  13. Smoothies lasagne or baked ziti
  14. I'm compiling a list of study skills classes that my kids could take over the summer. They are going into 9th and 11th grade and they both could benefit from this type of class. Not sure what our schedule will be like, so I'm just trying to figure out what our options are. So far I found: CLRC - study skills boot camp offered for one week, all five days, once in July and once in August WTMA - twice a week for the summer session, but this is targeted to grades 5-8 TPS - twice a week for the summer, grades 8-12 Anything else I'm missing?
  15. I didn't read all the replies. Your DD was defending her brother from physical harm after the school neglected to protect him. I would commend her, not make her write the letter, and go to bat for her with the school. Their negligence led to this point. That boy should have been removed from the bus before this had a chance to happen.
  16. So sorry you are going through this. He’s clearly beautiful and amazing and has had a wonderful life with your family. Thank you for sharing about him here. What a sweet guy.
  17. This is one area where I think my mom had a huge parenting win. She did.not.get.involved. with our friend/relationship issues. She gave us advice, but did not intervene with other people. In the long run, we (siblings and I) were better prepared to navigate relationships and deal with people and I think there was less drama overall because she stayed out of it. I have really, really tried to do the same with my kids. There has been a time or two when I called a friend to discuss something that I absolutely *knew* she would want to know so we could address it with the kids together. Other than that, no. I think you should support your son and stay out of it.
  18. This is my favorite for sleeping. I just absolutely love the smell. They have other sleep blends, but this one is my favorite. I use Edens Garden exclusively because they are high quality, not MLM, affordable, and have free shipping.
  19. DH’s very good friend is a SAHD. He met his wife when they were both in the military. She ended up going to med school and becoming a high ranking military doctor (lieutenant colonel I think) while he stayed home with the kids. So it’s flipped - she’s worked her whole life to get to this point and has a successful career. It would make no financial sense for them to switch roles right now. I think that’s just the way it is when one person works their way up the ladder, whether it is the mom or dad. Likewise, I could not support my family financially the way DH can. If he told me he was burned out and wanted to retire, well, we’d have to come up with another plan I suppose because I just couldn’t do it. And my professional background is teaching which I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole right now anyway.
  20. We stayed at the Marriott Long Warf and it was an excellent location. Walking distance to a lot of things and Starbucks in the lobby. Marriott Long Warf
  21. It's symbolic. It was a metaphor calling out the hypocrisy of the religious leaders who made great demands on the people and were not bearing fruit in their own lives.
  22. My 16yo DD started Zoloft over the summer. She actually started with Luvox but switched right away because the initial low dose significantly increased her anxiety/OCD. Zoloft, however, has been a game changer for her. She started at 12.5mg, increased in 12.5mg increments, and is currently at 100mg. I cannot even express how much it has helped her. Her distress level has been reduced drastically. She is now no longer crying herself to sleep at night saying "I don't think I'm going to live through the night, are there bugs in my bed, what if you die, what if someone breaks into the house, what if the dog dies" and every other fear under the sun. She goes places without me, she goes to sleep at night her own, she applied for a job on her own at a local store, she gets up on stage and performs monologues in front of an audience. She's happy and thriving. I would not have thought any of this was possible a year ago. Re: Xanax, I personally had a bad reaction to that. I asked for "something" to help me when I had LASIK a few years ago. They gave me xanax and I think it put me into a panic attack. I think that I really didn't need medicine at the time, i was just worried and wanted to prevent myself from freaking out. But since I was not in a panicked state, it had the opposite effect. I started shaking and crying during the surgery and I had a very out of control feeling. Not sure if any of that helps you. I have seen firsthand the difference that Zoloft has made in my daughter's life and my only regret is that I did not investigate it sooner for her. It took her being at the point of really suffering for me to say, we have to try this.
  23. YLE did a recent post on 4th doses and discussed "hybrid immunity." I was relieved to see the info. https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/fourth-dose-q-and-a?s=r
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