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Everything posted by JessieC

  1. I've got another one. When I take the kids to a doctor's appointment and the doctor calls me "Mom." Take three seconds to look at the chart and learn my name. It feels rude to me, and like I'm just another interchangeable "mom."
  2. Where to start? Misuse of the word "literally." i.e., He was literally driving me up a wall. Any sign, decoration, or social media post in command form that is supposed to be inspirational, like "Smile," "Laugh," "Go outside," "Hug your kids," "Vote," etc. Going to the doctor and having to answer a bunch of questions about my personal habits and history. Someone calling me on the phone. So many more :)
  3. While I'm sure there is some small minority of vegetarians (and yes, probably around 20yo because that is the age of self-righteous indignation) who would say things like this, I believe most of this stereotype comes from what some meat eaters think the vegetarians are thinking, and not what they are saying. And I think they are incorrect about what the vegetarians are thinking--I have been a vegetarian for over 20 years and don't even notice or care what other people eat. If I chose to get offended or shocked about people eating meat, I would be in a constant state of irritation, or else have to become a hermit. There is a weird backlash against vegetarians, I think because they make people feel reflective or defensive about their own food choices.
  4. For me, more money in a cold climate would be a win-win. You could not pay me enough to live in a hot climate. But I get that I am in the minority on this. Sadly, climate change is making its impact, and the northern winters are not quite as harsh anymore.
  5. This post made me laugh. I'm glad I'm not the only cranky one. Actually, most of the stuff on social media in "command" form--Show up for your life! Get outside today! Take some time for YOU today! Hug your kids! and even Vote! annoy me. Why are you telling me what to do? The only commands I don't mind are things that are actually required--like stop signs,
  6. I am a reader. It's pretty much my only hobby. I would rather read than do anything and have always been like this. My parents are both readers, though they never read much to me--probably because I was reading independently pretty early. My children are readers as well--older dd especially. I have never met a child who reads as much and as fast as she does. My ds loves to read graphic novels, comic books like Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes, etc., but not as many chapter books. I don't push or reward reading at all in my house and never have--I think it is just natural to them because learning to read came easily so it was never "work" and we have a constant stream of interesting books from the library. Maybe a little laziness there too--they are not kids with a lot of physical energy or desire to be outside unless friends are over or something.
  7. I have a kindle, download ebooks fairly often, and have an amazon prime account, but do not see any email or anything in my account. Anyone know why?
  8. I believe plant-based is the healthiest diet. We have fresh fruits and veggies at the center of every meal, and our diet also includes eggs (from our own chickens, who are treated like queens), whole grains, and dairy such as yogurt and cottage cheese. My husband and son eat meat on rare occasion--the rest of us not at all. Daily coffee as well as wine and beer in moderation are also part of our diet, because happiness is important for health too :)
  9. Build Your Library might be worth a look! Secular, affordable, daily plan...
  10. Your descriptions are so funny (and familiar). I've picked up some good strategies from the book "How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen, and Listen So Your Kids Will Talk." I recommend it--I think it will help in some of these situations! I totally get it--I'm an introver too and being around my family and having to converse all day can be maddening. What about the beauty of silence, people??
  11. I find the exclusive use of "he" much more distracting than alternating or working around it by making the subject plural. When speaking generically about people, we should not exclude half of the human race.
  12. I've only used 7-9, but I can say it does take a while. I'd say if you did all the activities, it would be 3 hours per day, depending on how fast your kid works (this would be science or social studies and LA). But you probably won't do everything--there's a lot! Love MBTP!
  13. Here are our biggest misses: Life of Fred (couldn't get past Apples) Phonics Pathways Intellego units
  14. Moving Beyond the Page (through 8th at least, though not into high school at this point).
  15. I work from home a few different freelance jobs and teach online classes. Is there a public virtual school for K-12 in your state that hires teachers? Also, start sending out different resumes to educational publishers or any other at-home work you may be qualified for. genuinejobs.com is one good place to look. You have some time, so start sending out your resume for the work now and you may find you have a few things lined up by the end of summer.
  16. In Anne of Green Gables, Anne has red hair and is jealous of her friend Diana's beautiful dark hair. But this is not quite what you are looking for. Interesting question--I'm going to keep thinking.
  17. Moving Beyond the Page may work well for your son. It is literature- and project-based, not rote at all, very hands on.
  18. JessieC


    That would bother me too. My kids' pediatricians always call me "Mom" and I don't like it. I realize they do this because otherwise they would have to make an effort to look at and remember my name, but it would be so much nicer to be called "Ms. _____". When they call me "Mom," I feel like a generic Mom figure, not an individual. I think Honey and Sweetie is worse, because it's kind of condescending. I would definitely ask him to call you your name in that situation.
  19. I wouldn't use a spelling curriculum for a child like this, unless she wants one. If she did, maybe Logic of English?
  20. My great-grandmother died in the 1920s or 30s when cheap dye from her hat got into a pimple on her forehead and poisoned her bloodstream, or so the story goes.
  21. I'm going to have to go with Gone with the Wind. Such a whitewashed and romanticized portrayal of life in the South, yet such a good story.
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