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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :iagree: I always have a running narration/commentary/monologue in my head and sometimes I wish I would just.shut.up. :tongue_smilie: :D
  2. That thin wire "explorer "thing that dentists use to tap and pick your teeth .It makes my teeth and spine ache. I have enough anxiety about getting dental work and that just makes it 10 times worse. Even with Valium and the Nos mask it still hurts and makes me wince. And I have to go in on Wednesday :glare: Other things include those stairs you can see through (the flat part is there but the riser is gone, I am convinced that it will collapse under me, ) wasps / bees / hornets, and bridges / heights.
  3. Awww :001_wub: :glare: About it being on the wall. I had to learn the hard way the very big difference between washable and not washable crayons. I don't care if they're more money, I buy only washable now.
  4. As far as I know it hooks up just like any other gaming console. You do not need a flat screen, ours is hooked up to an old tv. You do not need internet access, though there are additional things you can do with the internet connected. All you really need it the tv and a place to hang the sensor bar. For physical activities games we like Wii Resort and Wii Fit 2 (you need to buy the balance board for the second one.)
  5. I find the bolded to be very insulting. Because I don't wear make-up, I look unprofessional? I wore make up at my sister's wedding earlier this month. A "swipe of blush and a bit of mascara" because my sister was paying a lot of money for professional pictures and I didn't want to ruin them by looking washed out, which I know cameras tend to do to people. So I suppose that counts as "benefiting," but I did NOT look like me. It was "natural looking"-ish (aka no unnatural colors) but it didn't look like me. It did NOT make me "feel better" about my self. I felt foolish, conspicuous, and like a fraud. I could barely stand to let my husband see me. "There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something." Really?! What an ugly generalization and attitude to have.
  6. How nice of your neighbor to let you know instead of calling the cops on you!
  7. I don't own or wear make-up. (For many long reasons that you probably don't want to hear about, but it's not just because I'm a Christian.)
  8. :smilielol5::lol: :D I know a Gabriel! His birthday's in November. :D
  9. http://homeschoolclassifieds.com/planner_form.asp
  10. Yes, there is Bipolar 2, also known as manic-depressive. The manic swings are less obvious, and sometimes look just like a "good" period of energy and the ability/focus/drive to get a lot done. (Sometimes a focus on one thing to an obsessive point.) That period is also (usually, but not always) marked by not being able to sleep/not needing a lot of sleep. The depression part is more obvious, and is usually marked by a need for a lot more sleep. But a psychologist/psychiatrist is likely to only to diagnose you if these swings last for at least a week at a time. One of the "soft symptoms" of Bipolar 2 is that normal antidepressants don't work for you. This is a fairly "new" condition. When I was reading about it a few years ago there were some doctors who didn't think it was "real." So if you research this and really think it fits, make sure you talk to someone who knows about this/considers it possible. You can pm me when you get back if you would like.
  11. If ds#2 had been a girl I would have named her Naomi! But no one else liked the name :glare: I LOVE Julia, but dh doesn't like it because it reminds him of several actresses. And I love Lydia, but I can't because of Pride and Prejudice. I voted for Naomi, but any of the above three are good with me! :001_smile:
  12. The idea of Katniss breaking all the rules and refusing to play sounds great; except the government would have something horrible to her family if she was that obviously rebellious. Because she and Peeta played along with the "star-crossed-lovers" thing, they got away with it. It was small. Katniss would never have done something more obvious and dangerous to her family. Otherwise what was the point in volunteering for her sister? I think he should have addressed the fact that as a society we would never require other children to kill each other. Other adults I could see, but not children. There is too much built in us the need to protect children. Even criminals (barring pedophiles) feel this.
  13. :iagree: I would be highly offended if my child did something that made another parent uneasy, but didn't talk to me about it. (Even if I didn't agree with the parent, I would still want to know.)
  14. :lol: I have questions but I don't think others would appreciate them. This reminded me of the Poop Stories thread from last year. I think I need to go back and read it again....
  15. If you have ever fished the poop out of the bathtub you are Mom enough. :glare:
  16. I wasn't until after I graduated public high school that I found out how prevalent it was (art teacher making bongs, kids in the bathrooms smoking pot, "narcs" making the kids share when they caught them, etc.) I was very naive and didn't have a lot of friends. There was one bathroom that smelled weird, but I thought it was some girls' hairspray or something. (Nope, it wasn't.) I had a lot of trouble breathing, so I didn't use that one more than once or twice. In my (tiny) private Chirstian middle school a kid got in trouble for "pranking" another kid by selling him basil and telling him it was weed. I put "other."
  17. Um, my experience reading the accelerated boards is that parents of kids ahead panic, too. They're not all just fine (no offense to those parents.) I think any parent who's child does something unexpected/deviates from the norm is going to worry/question/search for answers (sometimes frantically.) You may not see it as much on here because the parents with accelerated kids are afraid of looking like they're bragging. I got a lot of flack for panicking and asking for prayers when one of my sons did something before most kids do. Sorry, but I think part of your premise is flawed. (Logic experts, is it premise or thesis that I am thinking of?)
  18. :smilielol5::smilielol5::lol: That tickled my funny bone :D
  19. I also have a early reader in diapers. :glare: I'll have to tell dh we're not alone! :party:
  20. Based on the bolded alone I would have cut off relations with the SIL. Especially if I had daughters; and would invite the BIL only. That being said, this is a 19 year old adult's recital. She should be the one making the decision. I would not advise her, but make her make the decision on her own. (I have not read any of the other replies.)
  21. I didn't relize until I said it for this that I was saying it diluDed. I "say" it right in my head! (From the west.)
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