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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I wasn't looking for a play structure, just something for ds to make his "contraptions" life-size. I thought it could also be a good way to teach geometry in time. He's a very hands-on learner. That is a good idea, thank you. I was thinking about having them cut at Home Depot, or do they only cut wood for you?
  2. Can you tell me what sizes you use, where you get them, and how you keep them connected? I first heard about giving your building loving kids pvc pipes cut at different lengths to build with on here. But no one said if they glue the pipes together with the joints or if you re-use them. If you reuse them, how do you get them to stay together? I asked my Papa and he suggested drilling a hole in the joints and pipes and ds could screw them together and then take them apart as needed. We're thinking of doing this for ds's 6th birthday. Any BTDT advice? TIA!
  3. Awww! :D I'll post pics when we start August 6th.
  4. That sounds like my church. We recently joined the Evangelical Covenant conference. (Did I say that right?) Hmm, I can't find a link on my church's website. Maybe you can Google it?
  5. Okay, I'm finally going to ask. What does STEM stand for? I get that it's S.cience and M.ath, but what are the T & E? T.echnology? E.aster Bunny? (Sorry, I couldn't think of an E...) :leaving:
  6. I'm a SAHM making no income. We have to be really thrifty, especially since dh's good insurance went away and now we're paying 1/3 of his income just on medical insurance (double premium for NO coverage until we pay $3000 out of pocket) and medical expenses. Things get tight, but we tithe and trust in God to help us and He is good to provide when we need it.
  7. You can make different shapes with cupcakes frosted together.
  8. Hasn't it been? I think the quality of education in America has gone down significantly! Yes there are other factors, but I think that it has been adversely affected. And kudos to everyone for keeping this thread from becoming vile and full of attacks. :hurray:
  9. Same here! Or maybe it's because I posted it so late at night.
  10. '"The sun never set on the British Empire because the British Empire is in the East and the sun sets in the West." :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: I think I must have burned at least 100 calories reading that!
  11. I could teach "How to Enjoy Making Schedules (That Your Children Will NEVER Follow.)" :tongue_smilie:
  12. :bigear: Ds5.5 does a similar thing. He says "his" and "he" for everyone, boy or girl. He knows who are girls and who are boys, but he said it wrong anyway. A year of saying "her. Girls are her's." and having him repeat the sentence correctly has not made a dent at all in it. :glare:
  13. Attacking things in 10 minute segments is a really great idea. I do it sometimes and set the timer. It's amazing how much I can get done in those 10 minutes. But I don't do that often enough. Thanks for the reminder. :001_smile:
  14. *internal sigh* <----- my immediate response I went through a phase when I believed women were better than men and make-up was an intentional plot by men to keep women insecure about themselves to keep them from reaching their full, powerful potential. And then I turned 12. I think that, like the civil rights movement, the feminist revolution righted some wrongs and lead to recognized and practiced equality. I think that now they stir up trouble where there isn't any more (in a significant amount) but that there is a lot of money in it and they don't want to give up their sense of power. I also think that if you don't agree with their view of an empowered woman then they see you as a threat to their "movement." And I think that in promoting "choice" over "life" they have ruined a lot of women's lives.
  15. For Christmas a few years ago my husband's 92 year old grandmother gave me her "lingerie"/ see-through-ish, puffy shoulders, granny lace at the neck something or other. :ack2: Her husband had just died and she said she never wore it much. I know I have a reputation in the family for being old fashioned, but she said she thought my husband (her grandson!) would like it! Umm, no.
  16. Dh hates it, so I don't. I always ask him first, and he usually does it, but he's not always happy about it.
  17. Soooo not going to Google it. :glare: I've learned enough from just the comments on here.
  18. :iagree: Dh, my high school sweetheart, still teases me about having this problem in high school. I could not for a long time hear/say the difference between irreverent and irrelevant.
  19. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=402732 The Beyonce (not the singer) knock-knock link is on post 7.
  20. Not mine, either! It's really annoying because I keep clicking on the wrong icon. :glare:
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