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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I'm 1/8 Spanish and my great grandfather instilled pride in that fact in me. (Yes, I got to know my great-grand parents very well as a kid.) He was very clear about Spanish NOT being "Hispanic." But I'm never sure if that's what to put on forms or not. I'm pretty sure at least one of my kid's birth certificate paperwork has "Hispanic" and at least one doesn't thanks to that confusion and postpartum indecisiveness. :tongue_smilie:
  2. My thoughts about my 4 year old who is reading on a 2nd/3rd grade level: unless he's writing I'm not going to worry about spelling. He's not writing yet. I am going to start AAS with my 2nd grader in a month or so. Ds4 will probably follow along because he loves anything to do with letters and words. AAS 1 is very simple and easy, so if you wanted to do it with your 4 year old who is already reading at a much higher level I see no problem with that. Just be flexible when it comes to writing, and maybe leave that part out.
  3. I thought the parents on this board would appreciate the blog hop I'm participating in today. The topic is Sleep and Other Parental Self-Care and is put on by the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum. http://giftedhomeschoolers.org/sleep-and-other-forms-of-parental-self-care/
  4. I have a similar situation; a 2nd grader and a 4 year old at the same level. I was worried it would become a problem, but so far it hasn't. They've been reading at the same level for a year now. My 4 year old is a more fluent, expressive, self-correcting reader. He can also read more words that he's memorized and is faster at it. You said so far it's not a problem, right? Don't act like it's a big deal and likely they won't either.
  5. Well, I don't know if I belong on the "best" list, but I blog about doing WTM; OPGTR, FLL1, SOTW. Sceleratus Classical Academy
  6. In my opinion and experience, if your kids still need naps that schedule is WAY more important than outside activities! Of COURSE there are seasons in our life when we shouldn't try to do it all and shame on your mother for comparing you to anyone else! :glare: :thumbdown:
  7. Having the material pop into your head at intimate times when you really don't want it to and killing the mood.
  8. We're getting speech therapy with the local school for free while homeschooling. If it's something you really want to do, ask them about it.
  9. I set up a board just to pin humor things to make Dh laugh. Some of them are inappropriate/R-rated jokes, so it's a secret board. But he really enjoys it, and I enjoy scanning through all the stuff to find the really good stuff. I love the ideas that I have found on there and done, from recipes to the marshmallow shooters and pregnancy announcement. I decorated my tree with coffee filter snowflakes (the snowflakes were the pinterest idea, decorating the tree with them was mine) and it was cheap, easy, and looked awesome! I'm going to be decorating my front yard with cheap but fun things for Halloween from ideas that I've pinned. There is some awesome information in the Science category, and lots of awesome Doctor Who/David Tennant pictures and quotes in the Geek section. Pinterest is what YOU make of it; it doesn't make you.
  10. Wow, for kindergarten they really should have told the parents ahead of time! Yikes!
  11. I've been very careful about what I let the kids see/read/learn about for these reasons. I've been accused of "over sheltering to the point of borderline abuse" by an in-law but I know my kids better than he does. :glare:
  12. I told my 6 and 4 year old boys about it for the first time today. We watched the Brian Pop video (which I thought was very well done and perfect for young children) and we made cards for our local firefighters. (I blogged about it.) We did the basic facts, not a lot of details and no pictures from the actual day yet. I was curious what other people did and used? Please include your children's ages.
  13. Other-Dh and I got married very young (I was 18, he was 20.) He was still living with his parents but was going into the army a few months after our wedding. We stayed with them and paid rent, food, utilities. He got hurt at basic and had to be discharged and our plans fell apart. We ended up living with them for 3 years, paying the whole time.
  14. I've only seen the MaxGraw-Hill books my friend's daughter brought home from 1st grade but I was NOT impressed at all with the skill level or their method. Just $0.02 from a Right Start fan.
  15. Bee sting therapy is very effective, though it is an on going thing and it can hurt. But I've seen many people greatly helped by it. Before they retired and started traveling too much my grandparents were bee keepers and helped people with arthritis, MS, and advanced diabetes where people lost feeling in their limbs.
  16. I suggest doing SOTW 1 and just picking the "major" civilizations.
  17. We are now 6 weeks past Lady Bug's birth. I got a nice stretch of sleep last night; I've had coffee for the first time in......a long time. I want to get something done! However, there is an adorable sleeping baby girl on my chest who cries every time I try to put her down. :(
  18. My oldest is a kinetic learner. What really helped him blending and learning new words was getting letter tiles and him being the one to move it all together. I am a terrible speller, I was never taught any rules. So I really want the rule based teaching of AAS. I looked at a copy of SWO at a thrift store and I was not impressed with it. Also, too much writing for my boy who is behind in that area. So it's going to be AAS for us this fall.
  19. My SIL actually did that to Dh when they were kids! (The can had just been emptied and she had his mom's permission. MIL said Dh deserved it.)
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