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Everything posted by Starr

  1. We didn't get our cable connected when we moved 9 years ago and we have rarely missed it.
  2. I'm wondering about this too. Help! I need ds up and doing schoolwork early so we can take dd to her Spanish class at the university. It's not going well.
  3. Does one ever quit missing them? That's one reason I brought mine home in second grade. I am being brave now that she is a teen and taking college classes but it's hard.
  4. I'm sorry you are having a tough time. I think I would hang on for the sake of maturity.
  5. Keep an eye on older editions of text books. They work fine for most subjects. I also see some older college text books very cheap that would work for high school. It sounds like you are having a nice problem; finding curriculum so you can educate your kids. :)
  6. Engaged after Easter and married on St. John the Baptist Day. That's about 3 months. 20 years...
  7. I think it is very fun(ny). I found tea that we drink regularly and it is expensive in our little town. It is now delivered to my door. :D
  8. Most daycare and pre schools won't keep biters. This sounds difficult, especially since it is not your child.
  9. Let's hope you've got your share of the germs and the winter will be healthy!
  10. We are kitchen table people as well. Okay, the whole house is our school room. Books line the hallways, kids have desks in their rooms (covered in stuff), computer in the living room, guitars, music stands and piano in the living room and dh has taken over a corner of the living room...
  11. We do not find it to conflict with Christian Faith. My dc really enjoyed these books and the activity books. We started in first grade.
  12. You could find the info on a shelter that she can go to when she is ready. They would also have the experience to help her through this. So Sorry.
  13. I believe Gordon College north of Boston is non denominational and has good reviews for it's academics.
  14. Didn't someone here on the boards post about the quick test for H1N1 having false negatives?
  15. I read somewhere that Connors even thought it was over the top!
  16. The young ones are together and I know of adult males that attend adult classes that are co-ed. I'm sure someone knows more specifically than I.
  17. Around 13 if they show an interest is a good time to teach how to wear make up properly. I've noticed some of those girly girls whose parents say no run round our co-op sneaking make up and looking quite over done!
  18. And I do have very good friends that live in NYC in a one room condo with a tiny kitchen and an alcove for the bunk beds. Their boys are getting bigger and they are still there. I think it would work well since you can be outside so much. Have fun!
  19. You are right you wouldn't know how cliquey (that word just doesn't look correct) it would be until you tried it. And that might be too late. Go with what feels best to you.
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