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Everything posted by Perry

  1. :iagree: We enjoyed noticing all the details in the room. Wiki has a good list.
  2. My cat had all sorts of urinary/kidney issues. I changed him to canned Innova and we haven't had any medical problems since. Canned food is so much healthier for cats. I'd try that first.
  3. A couple others: What are mothers' rights during childbirth? Is a Woman in Labor a "Person"? New Assaults on Pregnant Women's Civil Rights in a NJ Case ACLU's position
  4. My dd was the same way. She was colicky, sleep deprived, and very high maintenance. She was much better as a toddler, but when she had a meltdown it was a doozy. But.... the key is "to just finish fast & leave." It didn't happen too often, but if one of my kids was out of control, we left. Sitting through an entire meal or a wedding or a movie or a concert with an out of control kid is just completely unacceptable to me. I've seen all those, and I know those kids weren't autistic. I'm talking about kids whose parents just didn't make any attempt to address the problem.
  5. Crying babies don't bother me. Toddlers having temper tantrums don't bother me. Parents who ignore their screaming children really annoy me.
  6. :iagree: I was at a wedding recently where a young couple allowed their baby to scream through almost the entire wedding. It was awful. No one could hear the minister and the bride was in tears. Of course it was being videotaped. My babies were power cryers. I would never have taken them to a wedding in the first place, but if I had, we'd be out the door at the first peep.
  7. Sure, she can and should quit at this point. If your niece is refusing to follow her recommendations the MW has no responsibility to continue to care for her. She's going to be in worse trouble if she tries to deliver this baby at home and runs in to trouble. This girl should be in the hospital. MW should call her an ambulance and document like crazy.
  8. I was a very rebellious teen, but I don't consider myself rebellious now. Unconventional and nonconformist, definitely.
  9. Are you sure they are gnats, and not fruit flies? I've never had a gnat problem, and I haven't heard of gnat infestations in the home. If they really are gnats, the vinegar might not work. gnats fruit flies
  10. This is what I do. I use these ziploc vacuum freezer bags. Put the skinless tomatoes in the bags, then stick them in the freezer for a couple hours before trying to suck the air out. Otherwise, you'll be sucking out a lot of liquid and it gets messy.
  11. I'd give the vinegar longer than that. Sometimes it takes them awhile. If there is another food source around (fruit) they won't go for the vinegar. Just put it in a small bowl or cup, stick it on the counter out of sight somewhere, and forget about it. Check it in a few days.
  12. Try a shallow dish or small wide mouthed bottle, like a baby food jar.
  13. Some brands are also selling wine in 4 packs of small bottles. That's what I buy for cooking, so I don't waste as much.
  14. My dd was the same way. Even after we emptied her room out, she could manage to turn it into a disaster area. She's better now, but it's still an issue. What has really helped is that I've told her I won't come to her rescue if she can't find something important. If she can't find her pom costume or dance shoes, too bad. She'll just have to miss a performance, and be the one to deal with the wrath of the coach.
  15. They're getting rid of it. :hurray: 'D+' removed from Drake site, but stays on student materials
  16. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that my dh and in-laws KNOW it's incorrect, they just use it as if it's slang or a colloquialism or something. Not sure if that makes it worse, or better. :glare: I wonder if my in-laws just want to blend in, as they live in a rural area where everyone speaks that way.
  17. My inlaws say this. They were teachers. :eek: My dh, who knows better, often says "(ds) and me are going for a bike ride". I think he thinks it sounds folksy. To me, it sounds uneducated. I've pointed it out before, and he still does it, so I just keep my mouth shut. But it really irritates me.
  18. The standards have changed a great deal, and are actually quite impressive. I don't know how it works out in reality, but on paper they look great. Standards Edexcellence has an analysis, and gives California excellent marks.
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