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Everything posted by QueenCat

  1. I usually have coffee available. And tell them that they are free to fill up their water bottles from the fridge. I also make sure they know where the bathroom is. That way they don't have to take long breaks to drive to the store to go.
  2. Dividing the master would make it very difficult for you to ever sell the house.
  3. A or D. Definitely NOT C. I wouldn't expect that many kids to share a room. 3 is already too much. How do they get any privacy?
  4. This will take way more than 20 minutes. And she will need to use the bathroom before bed. Plus any cleaning up of her more recent accidents. Saying NO helps push closer to moving her where she needs to be. And your DH needs to support you to his family in whatever you decide to do.
  5. Again, NO. You have other commitments. Doesn't matter what other people need to do. This is not an essential activity for mil to get to. Save doing extra for when it's essential.
  6. That would be a hard "NO" for me. Just have your dh say it doesn't fit with your schedule.
  7. I've never heard of drive time counting for getting to and from the activity. Driving during the activity, such as taking a group to various places during the activity's time period would count. Prep time at home would really vary depending upon the organization.
  8. They survive... my mom had a diet of raw potatoes when she was a young child and her mother had to steal food from farmers' fields during the night to feed her children. This was in war-torn Germany, when they were working on escaping the East to get to the West. As an adult, she had very poor teeth due to her diet as a child. Bottom line... the potato isn't going to do any longterm damage if eaten occasionally and with other nutritious foods.
  9. This is very similar to the group I'm in, although it's not nearing the end (it just started about two years ago). We wine and dine, support each other, and have already done a baby shower and bachelorette party in that short time period. Although, we are more multi-generational, with women from 28 years old to 60.
  10. I think that would make me crazy. I read too fast for that.
  11. I'm not brave enough to try it at home.
  12. A. I can't imagine a "read-aloud" unless it's just the sharing of a favorite quote while reading the book. I'm in two book clubs. One spends a good 1.5 hours discussing the book (and meets for about two hours). The other is more of a wine club in the guise of a book club and spends about 15 minutes on the book (and meets for a good 3 hours). The latter is my favorite because we have become a much closer group & do so much more together.
  13. Most agents work for a broker. Unless they are also a broker. The broker needs to know what's going on.
  14. 1-2 days. Sometimes, the same day as I order.
  15. We tip. It's usually two people. $10/each. It it's only one person, $20.
  16. In the two years I taught in a high school (about 4 years ago), we did not grade math homework. The teacher went over it in class and you self-graded to learn from it. She walked the room at the beginning of class to mark whether or not you had done it. It was part of your class participation grade. In study hall, I would help students with anything but geometry. The other sp. ed teacher helped with that as I was terrible at it.
  17. I'm betting that's one that most of us don't need to do!!!
  18. We don't have a pool... so no pool service. We have a lawn service, pest control, HVAC service plan, termite company, and roofer. I've settled on quarterly deep cleanings and maintaining myself in-between. Probably going back to monthly soon. We do our own gardening, but it's just one oversized raised garden (3 feet off of the ground).
  19. All these years, I thought you only had one child.
  20. UMC churches do not conduct searches for a pastor. Pastors are assigned by the district. The district also determines when it's time for a pastor to move to a new congregation. Usually, they stay for 3-5 years.
  21. As to the church question... If you believe that all should be welcome & accepted, it sounds like you need to change churches. And remember that tolerance is NOT acceptance.
  22. Having my tubes tied following ds2's birth, minutes later, ended baby-making for me.
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