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Everything posted by daijobu

  1. Is anyone else signing up for AP CS A this year with Edhesive?
  2. Richard always responds promptly and graciously when I think I've found a typo or error something wasn't quite clear to us. How many people would leave a lucrative career in investment banking to publish math textbooks? He's a hero, IMO.
  3. Here are some t shirts you can buy her to deflect the hard feelings: Nerd Nation Talk Nerdy to Me Come to the Nerd Side
  4. My dd relied on to supplement her AP chemistry. THey are entertaining and can give your dd a head start.
  5. I have unique info to bear on this conversation as we were also caught between studying the organ systems and a hard place, as described by OP. Our online bio class did not cover organ systems, but claimed it prepped students SAT subject test. So we signed up for that test in May. Then come to find out that organ systems are covered on the SAT subject test, so we signed up for another SAT subject test in June, after spending an extra month studying organ systems. May exam: 740. June exam 800. So yes, you can get by with a decent score without organ systems, but it helps boost your score. I happen to think learning human organ systems is handy to know just for... life. What do kidneys do? How do neurons work? But if you are planning to cover that stuff in another year, even better.
  6. This is way OT, but I think you bring up a really good point about girls in engineering. (I'm assuming you're a girl!) For me, it was wiring up a breadboard. I felt like I was the only one in my class who hadn't played with a radio shack electronics kit as a kid, like all the men in my class. I survived that electronics class, barely, but I made sure my own daughters know their way around resistors and jumper wires.
  7. I bought myself a copy of Art of Construction, but we never used it. It may be too elementary for your ds, but in looking at it, I wish I had made the time for it. See if your library has a copy or check out the "Look Inside" on the Amazon page.
  8. You convinced me too. Maybe there's some other time you can visit the reach school on a regular non-sleepover day.
  9. Be sure to counsel him appropriately on reach schools (use the word "lottery") so there are no unpleasant surprises. But if he gets in, doesn't that mean the school believes he is capable of the work?
  10. Sequential Spelling skips the explicit rules altogether. You learn groups of words that show the same spelling pattern instead.
  11. A subscription to EEME would be just right for this age.
  12. If you are referring to Math Kangaroo, the annual exam that takes place in March, just so you know, I've hosted the exam ostensibly for local homeschoolers, but I've had several students from local schools show up as well. So your ds may be able to take it outside of your local school if you or someone else hosts it. (We host it at the local library.)
  13. UCLA has a cool "Lecture Experience" where you can sit in on certain classes. I wonder if other colleges offer this?
  14. I'm reading E.O. Wilson's book about group selection in evolution and am learning that Dawkins opposes this model. I'm having a hard time understanding the theory and math of group selection. (I've read Selfish Gene and I feel like I have a good understanding of kin selection.) Wilson's book seems to make sense to me, particularly when I consider that early groups of humans are also genetically similar. And groups that survive at the expense of other groups of humans will also be able to pass on their genes. Can someone explain group selection to me? Is there a real controversy here, or are more biologists on the kin-selection side and EO Wilson is in the minority? (If so, I'm going to stop reading his book now.)
  15. Wow, I'm really impressed so many were taught this in school. I had a pretty decent math education in high school that included lots of competition test prep (AHSME), but was never formally taught different bases. Except on schoolhouse rock videos which I didn't really get because it went by so fast. In addition to the pp's reasons, learning base numbering systems is a good idea if you plan to participate in competition math like MathCounts and AMCs as there are a lot of problems that are easy to knock out if you have some familiarity with them.
  16. Agreed, I wrote too soon, as my dd only just finished freshman year, when she was taking more classes online. I expect that to be the case for her sophomore year as well when I'll only be teaching math. (In middle school I was teaching nearly all subjects.) So while I'm coasting now through homeschooling, you are correct to remind me that my workload will increase in another year or so. Until then I'm reading these boards avidly and already getting started on my counselor letter and school profile and whatever else I can finish in advance.
  17. Weirdly, for me homeschooling high school was actually less work. More of the teaching was outsourced when dd reached high school.
  18. Can you call the cc and ask what they expect? If not, I would choose the method that results in the higher GPA, lol.
  19. AoPS Algebra, chapter 19. You'll need a calculator to do the interest problems.
  20. Check out Home Science Tools.
  21. I teach from the AoPS textbook. I do not have my students self-study from the books, although if you have a very strong student who is also a strong and patient reader, you could use it that way.
  22. What is difference between the Primary Date for the PSAT (Oct. 19) and the Saturday and Alternate dates? Am I free to pick any date?
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