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Everything posted by cbollin

  1. Opinions and experiences vary. Since some other people are sharing positives with saxon, I wanted to do the same. My oldest used the mfw lesson plans for saxon, which means not every single problem every single time. lesson plans written by a career math teacher in group schools (not by a homeschool mommy doing evens/odds). Used 87, alg 1, (did a year of jacobs geometry because dh insisted on more proof based year), back to saxon alg 2, advanced. for her grade 12 calc year we did not use saxon. Oldest graduated university in 4 calendar years with 3 STEM degrees, one of which was math, summa cum laude. Middle gal: slow to average academic ability. not strong in math thinking. also did mfw lesson plans. 87, alg 1/2, alg 1, jacobs geometry year. alg 2, advanced. After saxon advanced she did clep prep study and passed clep pre calc exam to meet her college math requirement prior to enrollment. Other people try that same route and don't have the same outcome. mileage will vary. best wishes to original poster getting a tutor and doing what needs to be done with your child.
  2. hmmm, is this it? https://www.depts.ttu.edu/k12/programs/testing/cbe/
  3. You made me go take a look. I bought mfw kindy more than a decade ago. So, yeah that is some serious sticker shock going on. hmmm. wow. ok. I"m still in sticky shock. but thinking out loud now. with the mfw price with their kindy program, they've included a lot more from a decade ago until now. Used to be that users would go to the library to find whatever books on a topic in the kindy. But now, they produce their own "encyclopedia" ish kind of book for that year. They've added in reading books (again we just went to library), and a music cd (which used to be part of deluxe). Added in the cuisenaire rods to basic package. and back in our day of original purchase, they did not include the textured letters because they used to say that most people already had something like that. Now they don't. ok. Sounds to me it that specific year, it was consumer driven. People asked for all of that stuff in one box. But yeah, that's a lot of money. oh and the changes in the teacher's manual too. I can't speak to reasons for each year of sticker shock. but they seemed to have added a lot more in the box for kindy and I'm guessing it's because people asked for library books. oh my, I just saw price on ecc deluxe. yikes. I think I'm glad I beyond my time of buying new stuff. I only have one child at home and she is on special ed occupational path. wow. on that ecc deluxe price. is that for real? I have no observations to share to add insight on why that increased like that in the last decade. but no, you're not imagining things.
  4. I'll be the one who tells you our story and it wasn't like that. I don't know if location (different state) makes a difference. I don't think it does. Or if it was the case of public university vs private university in how it gets handled. But for the limited value it is worth, I did want to add in my experiences with my oldest and college classes and accommodations. She did not have an official IEP or even official diagnosis with in our homeschool years. When she was entering college as a freshman, she got the full educational eval done. With the results of that eval, she took it to college disabilities office. Accommodations were given based on that document from the evaluator. Not from what mommy did. From the college's point of view, it was never anything along the lines of why would she need them now. It really was not a hard process at all. Called the phd psychologist office. got appt within 6 weeks or less. had appt with testing. results back in 2 weeks. That phd listed very specific recommendations for college classes. the staff person at the university printed a form letter with my dd's name on it and with specific professors that semester. Daughter took letters to profs. got extra time and quiet room for testing. It was an easy process. The only time what my daughter did in high school for "accommodations" was asked was at the phd eval. I made a simple one page documented saying what we did and why. It was an informal as it could be. I guess in that sense we did have "documentation for high school". But it was more about showing a pattern of what her disabilities were to get proper diagnosis. It was not about what the college would or would not do. Then again, we didn't do dual enrollment. Oldest started college after grade 12 (meaning turned 19 while in first year of college). was homeschooled the whole way until then. She advocated for herself starting then. graduated on time with multiple degrees in stem. has a job. I don't know what classes your daughter should take or not I just wanted to get my experience in the college accommodation out there.
  5. With our state's online speech class, it says this: During the Public Speaking portion of the course, students will prepare an informative speech and a persuasive speech following the assignment criteria listed in Modules 3 and 4. The two speeches must be delivered in front of approved audiences, videotaped, and submitted to the instructor as an Unlisted video on YouTube. Both speeches must be completed in order to pass the course. If you happen to be interested in the rest of the syllabus, https://tnecampus.org/courses/2557/syllabus
  6. wanting to add more information on the language arts now vs. then. In grades 2 through 8th ish so it makes more sense what mona and I did compared to what is offered now. hope this long post helps see the unseen. just adding details of what and how things changed and stayed same. not arguing. just wasting time at keyboard. 🙂 Lang Lesson for Today grades 2 and 3 is basically a rewrite of Serl's Primary language lessons which is what mfw suggested for long time. things along lines of how to address envelope are updated in those books. color photos when possible. that style of language lesson was designed in mind for use 3 days a week in mfw using Serl. It just wasn't obvious with scheduling and number of lessons. So they did add lessons to make it easier to do that in LLfT vs the old reprints of Serl. Lang lessons for today grade 4: that was strongly influenced from Serl's Intermediate Language book. grades 5 and 6 some influence from Serl's book but also another one. So it's very similar from then to now. but basically LLfT is PLL and ILL as far as grades 2-4 go. Spelling: still same from back in my day (2003-2017). Rod and Staff (spelling by sound and structured) in grade 2, spelling power after that. Writing: back then it was called Writing Strands. The mfw "writing skills for today A, B and C levels" are Writing Strands level 3, 4 and 5. Writing Strands went out of print from original publisher. The mfw book is same content just new name and look. I really thought mfw had done a new writing program, but I got those books when they were released and realized oh wow. this is writing strands down to almost all of the same corny humor jokes. LOL. with that said the change from then to now is that "writing strands books" (Writing Skills for Today) stop at level 5, and then go to WWS in middle school. So that part is different. But you can use any writing program, or any spelling program, etc. that you want. It's recommended to make it all fit and work out. But if you use something else, it's ok. just like Mona said. she used other stuff. and there's room to in plans to modify as you want. Grammar: back in my day, 7th grade did All in One English (Garlic Press publishers) then Applications of Grammar in 8th. Now, All is One was dropped because the grade 6 LLFT has a lot of grammar/parts of speech (well, ok it starts back in grade 4, but last sections of grade 6 were intentionally designed to get ready to do Applications of Grammar in grade 7. grade 8 now is Easy grammar ultimate. that was new from my time. also new: recommendation and selling of of specific supplements such as dictionary and thesaurus. addition of world mag and world kids. maybe new ish? I remember it being around in the catalogs when oldest was grade 7. but adding younger. hmm.. I don't remember. maybe? New: cursive handwriting workbooks come and go at MFW. not new is using 2 progeny press guides each year in grade 7 and 8. but that doesnt' matter if original poster is talking grade 2 or 3 student. I agree with all Mona said above. Those younger supplements in EX1850 and 1850MOD made it easy to "do equivalent of doing Adventures" with a younger sibling who had older sib in those programs. So in those years it really worked to start in whichever year family was in. and if student goes from mfw first and joins in RTR with older sibling, there is continuing on time line as well (from end of NT to jump to RTR). that stuff tends to work itself out. I just had some time to kill and thought I'd ramble more on it.
  7. I'm going on memories for this post. My oldest used mfw from her second grade year until 12th grade. Middle used from pre k until grade 12 (however the pre k back then was not the program they have now). youngest tagged along for a while, but with significant intellectual disabilities she used other things past age 8 or so. oldest did well in college and has a job and a life of her own. so mfw didn't ruin her. middle gal is in community college working to the best of her ability. mfw didn't ruin her either. random thoughts from more than a decade of successful use: I didn't worry about the everyone gets 3 cycles of history thing. I was able to fill in just enough info for middle gal that all was well no matter what year she was younger sib. so, yeah, as you said, that's what it is like with second, third, etc. Mom has taught the info. younger kids have seen the timelines, maps and may have even helped with a craft or art project along the way. Even someone like me who needed to teach each child at a separate time in history but from the same books, still did fine. It was just impossible to try to teach middle (who has lots of disabilities and challenges) at the same time with oldest (who was talkative and impatient and super genius). But with the same lesson plans and books, I knew I could start history with oldest and learn everything I needed to summarize and teach middle from the book. In a way, that was good thing because middle enjoys learning history even now, and I think being chilled about it with her helped with that. I liked that mfw offered "do this, do that today" and left plenty of room in the afternoon to find those individual learning times on what they wanted to learn (either related to history, science, or not). stuff got done. book basket was helpful. most projects were doable and I'm type who doesn't worry if it doesn't look blog worthy. I also don't get too uptight if things didn't go well because part of creative development (and therefore critical thinking) is learning from doing and trying again. I really liked the style of lesson planner they used. I stopped caring that some people said it was too light when I could look back a decade and knew our results. I never thought it was light to begin with. But I was in the homeschool mindset that in kindy through about 6th grade ish, school was morning, and "independent projects" in afternoon. You asked about language arts. My answer is yes, no, sorta kinda. Spelling Power: I tried, but oldest has one of those "dys" learning problems that means something for that disorder would have worked in spelling with her, but spelling power did not. aye aye aye. I don't blame spelling power for her issues. sorry, got to move on here. Writing Strands (which is what mfw currently is using, just with a new look and name but with almost no content change). used it. definitely love/hate relationship with it. tried. didn't like. stopped using it. tried again. I like the style of assignments. Oldest also struggles with organizing thoughts (she's an electrical engineer/comp sci person with adhd and autism.) So, writing was torture until she went to college. We even tried IEW with her. I was sure my oldest would get Cs in english comp in college, but something clicked when she was 19 and she got As. Maybe it was tutoring and visits to office hours. Maybe it was hearing peer ideas. I don't know. But if you don't like writing strands, that is what MFW offers just in a new fancy look and title!. MFW wasn't recommending writing with skills until after my middle was in high school which means I didn't use it. Middle gal has language disabilities but curriculum did not cause or solve it. The other language arts at the time was Serl's PLL and ILL. MFW has rewritten those. My youngest was in the beta test group for those grades 2-6 versions of those. (technically, mfw's 5th and 6th grade language arts books are not fully based on Serl's ILL). We clicked with that style of general language arts as well as the built in language arts from unit study. I really like the current MFW version of those books. Found it easy to use. not overwhelming. not workbook. Grammar: I don't know what mfw recommends currently without opening a tab to check. We did what they did when they sold it. Oldest and middle did fine on ACT with English and Reading. (and oldest did fine in science and math too especially given her college degrees in those fields) It's weird realizing how many years the same curriculum publisher worked for us. There is no perfect for all. plenty of people try and don't like mfw and it doesn't work. I think the best thing was just having someone do the work of "do this today. do that tomorrow. check out some or all of these library books and enjoy them as you wish. here's one or two projects. try this for science." not every book was perfect for us. you get the idea that my school bookshelves looked like a mfw sales floor. doesn't mean everything was perfect or that we agreed with each book. it was good enough. glad I used it even in high school. I wish I had something like mfw that is put together for me to do with my youngest (who has autism with intellectual disability). mfw is too hard for her past adventures. I think if I had something like their plans, I'd feel like we did a better job with youngest. but maybe I"m just in a pity party mood or something. there's my summary story at the end of my homeschool teaching career. yeah mfw.
  8. Q1. with middle gal, there was no need to use the mfw plans. It's possible that they have actually updated by now. But when we did it, it was "check this box that you read this verse". and check a line when you read a chapter in each of the other books. It was not the mfw standard of "read this assignment today from these pages". and when oldest did it, the mfw plans did not have any help for processing the info in the alcorn book. yeah, I was disappointed too. anyway. I think the plans were overpriced at $5 new. You should ask their offices directly if you can see a sample, or if any significant updates were made in the last 5 years to them. I hope my information is outdated, but I doubt it is. Q2: (if you do just the burkett book that's ok too. some people like to add a philosophy type of book so consider the alcorn. no I didn't do alcorn with middle gal. it was too abstract and way too in the future for her. She's not the brightest bulb in the lamp. Oldest was ok with it. and for some essay she wrote in college she found a quote to use as secondary resource) Q3: do I think Money skill was really necessary? some homeschoolers will do the burkett book and say "all is good, and let the rest come from real life". in that sense, not it was not necessary. Some will say "money skill was enough for full semester credit, why did you add anything"? I added not because it was necessary to make a credit worthy course, but because my child needed a different way to hear the information again and money skill was adding a practical side with questions and answers to help with learning. It was added because it was interactive and my child needed more than read about a topic. Q3: semester credit because that's all we needed. and as I said above, money skill is "enough" for semester credit on its own. More than likely, burkett on its own is enough for regular high school level semester course (but I still would have added in real life like helping with taxes and fafsa). I imagine that some people would think burkett workbook was not enough for their standards of rigor for a course. But I wasn't looking for advanced materials. hope that helps.
  9. Here's what I did with some reviews and personal opinions/experiences. your mileage will vary. My oldest did the mfw course listed above. We were big users of all of their stuff. likes about it: the Larry Burkett Workbook was a very practical workbook to use together to discuss personal finance (some of the numbers crunched were old, but still that's ok). dislike: the "bible reading plan" and the lesson plans itself. although I'm big fan of mfw, I thought the Bible reading plan was just a tag on to this course. It was nothing more than someone did a word search in a concordance on money and limited it to the gospels. read the verses out of context. check the box, you're done. Not at all up to their standard of lesson plans. (and I'm a huge fan of theirs). I say that in case others who like their stuff don't get as shell shocked as I did. Neutral position on the other book in the course written by Randy Alcorn. It was almost like it was too far in the future for a teen/high schooler. We did a lot of discussion together in it. Hard to talk with teen about estate planning. And even this week when oldest was doing forms with her job for 401k and the like, nothing from that book was helpful. very theoretical in nature and I think geared more toward mid life or older in application. good for discussion. She even used it in a research paper in English comp 2 in college for a money topic. (ps. she's college grad these days) middle: did the larry burkett workbook again from mfw. added in a free online resource called money skill from this group http://afsaef.org/MoneySKILL/About. likes about that online course: self paced, listen to or read along, answer questions. think about stuff. very practical point of view in my opinion. youngest: special ed track. Steck Vaughn Financial Math book 2. (only dislike was that some forms were outdated on taxes, but that's to be expected). added in kitchen math and grocery budget self taught materials. Using units from Susan Traugh's Daily Living Bundle over at teachers pay teachers. rest was from hands on as needed (taking her to bank on chores, and paying groceries, etc). I'm not sure she's quite at the level of budget planning due to ability. only mentioned this in case someone reading the thread might need special ed resources. good luck finding best fit of materials.
  10. I can share what I did a few years ago with edX. We were not seeking certificate level or anything like so I just did the sign up under my email and name at the time due to their ages and stages of learning (and it was new to me at the time). I used the materials as a resource for building our course so I didn't get too worried about not fully participating in all things and not necessarily doing all of it. With coursera, they've changed just enough from when we used it, I'm not sure my experience is the way things work now. back then, we could still "audit" a class and have access to most of it. I'm not sure it still works like that with them b/c I haven't done a course there in about 5 years. Oldest used it under her name and email as grade 12. hope you get some more recent experiences but wanted to bump your post for you.
  11. ah. I see you changed mind on excel. Take a look on Teachers Pay Teachers. prices vary, but some are just a dollar or two for the template. you can preview to see what it has. But yes, agreeing with the others that you want to find out what the tech program is looking for in a "report card". Do they need to see attendance reports? daily grades? tests grades to understand how the semester and final grades were calculated? I noticed those were things on various reports for middle and high school ranges on TPT. But I have no idea what they want to see from a homeschooled student with report card that isn't transcript. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:report card template
  12. TPR = total physical response. A method of teaching language or vocabulary concepts by using physical movement to react to verbal input. I first heard about it with some videos to learn Spanish. educacion espanol (excuse my spellings please). video teacher would tell the classroom teachers in the notes about the TPR activities. I didn't have a clue and had to learn it too. But on the video the students were playing a game similar to Simon Says. Teacher would call out the new vocab word such as standing, and the students had to stand. then "turn around", "jump". etc. here's a quick link for basics http://www.theteachertoolkit.com/index.php/tool/total-physical-response-tpr
  13. Where Home LIfe's main office is located (in the state of Tennessee), it means a few little things practically that weren't already mentioned. In TN, if a homeschooler uses a cover school that is not accredited then there is a different box to check to receive state paid college scholarships to state schools, and maybe something with high school sports teams (I'm still not sure how that works and the laws changed recently), and of course the transfer during high school years and placement tests which was already mentioned. It's not been an issue for TN people to get jobs, and admitted to colleges etc. At college level of course is where accreditation is the biggest concern, but that's not the topic. If it would help to understand HLA better, I wanted to share a link to HomeLife's section about why they do not seek accreditation http://homelifeacademy.com/accreditation/ also, homelife has an international dept as well. From their site, look for the "enroll now" button and open up the info box on international. Home Life does have some online class options for various needs. I'm not sure about all of those. But look under Archway info buttons on website.
  14. for some context and variety: Where I live 150 hours of documented physical activity is a 1 credit PE (1 credit = 1 year) and you don't have to do reports for that credit either. So 180 hours plus stuff still says more than 1 credit. If you really feel that for some reason health is too lite (I don't), then add in something doable like bystander CPR and let the rest be from skills learned in life along the way (such as dental health, etc). credit by assessment instead of by coursework.
  15. In the high school where we are zoned, there is a course of study option where Physical Education is the elective focus. They list PE 1 and 2 of course. But then also Fitness and Conditioning 1 and 2 as the grade 11 and 12 classes for those in that elective field. One university catalog that I'm looking at online has a course for student athletes called " Athletic Training Education". Maybe that title would fit since you said she is a pretty serious athlete. I don't think I did that much school work to earn my group fitness instructor certificate. (just being silly with you). now off to read the replies that came in while I was typing. edit to add: agreeing with Lori that if it were me in my decisions, the clock hours would be PE for year. The academic stuff you listed would be Health for semester. Where I live that's what we break it down like. But if you want fancier titles, I gave my opinion.
  16. My oldest declined honors program at her college. She was electrical engineering, comp sci (and math too). She graduated summa cum laude by the way and still had plenty of opportunities. Her reasons for not going in the honors program was all about having to do a few extra liberal arts classes in topics that did not interest her. It was a small enough college and engineering program that registration early was not an issue for anyone. The housing should have been incentive and one year she was on the honors floor due to other reasons (she was supposed to be on the STEM floor, but there wasn't space at freshman year assignments. Then she wanted a single in the older yuckier dorm all to herself with no suitemates. (weird, I know. I know). All of the engineering students had research opportunities and could attend the professional conferences. Many of them got published in journals. They had all senior seminar to do. The "honors" students just had to do an extra paper or something. No extra scholarship money in it. She had a social life and access to events. With that said, if she had gone to the state university instead of the private, she might have had to do honors to be with others engaged in learning. It just wasn't needed at the smaller place. I don't think she has regretted her decision. It was individual needs and what the program involved and did and did not offer Her name was still featured a lot in the graduation ceremonies and special awards without it. I think she once told me that many start that program, but most drop out of it.
  17. sharing my oldest dd's experience on that. She was electrical engineering (and comp sci and math). probably the biggest collaboration things involved getting to the annual professional meetings and getting entries in the student competitions.
  18. We didn't "need" that for college admissions. No one asked on that. And even though we did just labs and such at home, my daughter was the one in college classes who was ready for group work. She had the expectation that you were supposed to do your share of the work by golly gum drop. And it seemed that some of the lab partners missed that while in brick and mortar schools. Thinking back though? Oldest was involved in youth group at church and volunteered for committees and group service projects. Maybe that was enough to get her ready. (ps. she graduated last year and did very well in college. ) and for jobs? Well, that's what the college's role is in the big picture. and guess what? my oldest never did any AP or dual enrollment. no co-op classes for academics. and yet was admitted to first choice college with scholarships based on ACT scores. She was triple STEM major. No, it wasn't MIT. But yes, it was proper accredited and her top choice. and when she was going into grade 9, none of that was in our top thoughts. I was too scared about teaching composition. She got it figured out by college on that. I never did. warm friendly thoughts and wishes for whichever paths you end up taking.
  19. If it makes you feel any better, I've graduated two from homeschool high school and that motherload is too much for me to follow. My oldest has graduated college. When she was about grade 7 ish, this version of the forum wasn't around. I used a simpler resource and learned stuff as I went along. If I tried to do that thread, I'd feel overwhelmed. and that's from someone who has finished with 2 and only has a year left with youngest who is special ed track.
  20. My youngest was part of the beta test group with levels 2-6. She was older than the suggested age but working at those levels due to special education needs. Books 2 and 3 are based heavily on Emma Serl's Primary Language Lessons. Book 4 was based heavily on Serl's Intermediate Lang. Lessons. books 5 and 6 were based on different public domain book that I don't remember right now. 4, 5,6 of mfw books begin gentle intro into parts of speech. I noticed that was something different from when my older girls used Serl's Intermediate language (which began definitions of parts of speech in the 6th grade section.) I liked how mfw encourage student to make flash cards with parts of speech and maybe some rules of commas along the way. I thought the mfw books were good CM approach. lessons were intentionally short (ala CM) for each day. included memory work, art appreciation, etc. not workbooks. not sure what else you'd like to know. It's been a few years since we did those. But if you're familiar with the style of Serl books (with modern updates for how we address letters, and little thing like that), then you have a good handle on mfw books 2, 3,4. And 5 and 6 weren't all that different in approach.
  21. wanted to share some experiences if it would help encourage. Not disagreeing with others about credits. Just stating some of this in a slightly different way with some personal stories. Yes, MFW offers 4 years of high school. Plenty of credits that are distributed with college entrance in mind. But if you don't do all of their material, life turns out fine in the end as long as you are getting the credits you want from somewhere. You plan to have mix and match approach with DE and trade schools, etc. That's totally ok. In fact, I've known people who worked for MFW who did not do all 4 years of mfw high school. In some cases not all 4 years had been written yet. So they had to get high school courses from other places. But that was years ago and those students are long out of college so getting credits in other ways was not an issue. Other people I've known who worked there after the program was finished still did dual enrollment, co-ops, and not all mfw to get their personal plans for high school graduation done. so if it worked for them, you're good too. I've known some customers who only did grades 9 and 10 and then do full time dual enrollment to get associates degree while getting high school done. just agreeing with ThisistheDay that if you do outside courses that counts on high school too. There are many correct paths to homeschooling. just remember: when you make your 4 year plan, use pencil because it will change. Then, there's mfw customers like me. I'm the oddball who did all 4 years of mfw high school with two children. Oldest did great in college (3 STEM degrees in 4 years.) That means whatever materials that are perceived as weak or incomplete didn't matter in the long run. all that stressing was for nothing. My kid that struggled in writing got to college and got As in composition. She was very well prepared for sciences and math. and the colleges we applied to did not care about the rosetta stone thing at all. maybe colleges in your state do. in which case, use something else for foreign language to be safe. I hear lots of bad stories that it matters even though I did not experience it personally. Even in the mfw 4 year plan they still recommend college class for some of the foreign language credit. We personally stopped after 2 years in foreign languages. meh. it's all good. Middle gal is doing her best as well even though it looks different (college degree through Clep exams and a few online classes).She's not her sister. and of course youngest is special ed and MFW doesn't offer that. I sometimes feel like the very oddball homeschooler who did use only 1 curriculum provider to get 'er done for two of my children. very little we did that wasn't mfw. very oddball case in homeschool is my family. not the norm at all. And that's my point for chiming in. Be encouraged that you don't have to do all 4 years of any one specific provider. But if you for some reason end up like me, using one provider for my super genius daughter and average daughter, just know it can work out ok too. since you were looking at mfw high school stuff, I wanted to make sure you see this part of their website with a planning guide for some little things to do along the way of homeschool high school. I found it helpful over the years to see some of that. https://www.mfwbooks.com/wps/portal/c/HSPlanningGuide
  22. here's the link to that part of khan site if it helps the student before doing the SAT math prep https://www.khanacademy.org/math
  23. My oldest is the oddball again. Graduated a few months ago. The transcript lists 3 BS degrees separately. BS in electrical engineering, BS in Mathematics. BS in computer science. (2 from school of engineering and 1 from school of sciences at her alma mater). Then in another part of transcript her program from engineering school was listed as a combined major, and the program from school of sciences was listed as single major with a concentration. I don't know if it the proper classification was "triple major", combine majors with concentration, or some other designation. but there are 3 distinct BS on the transcript.
  24. Oh, yes, I’m blushing that I didn’t understand it was about meeting pre req for high school. Thanks. In that case, to make it as painless as possible, I’d just ask the ap course teacher what is needed to best prove pre req when mom was teacher of record in the pre req course. It’s ok to ask a year or so before needed (and yes, the teacher might change.) It could be as easy as keeping tests and lab book for teacher to look at or doing the final exam at the right timing when taking the equivalent of pre req course. I’m not sure of other people’s opinions on this. I think doing something like CLEP for chemistry and then AP chemistry seems wrong path to approach the pre req for Chem. just to make sure you know I'm probably not a good source for AP. My oldest was a triple STEM major in university (and graduated top of class) but never did AP classes. So I know nothing about how to get into an AP course in high school.
  25. @DaisyCD in many areas, there are private employment networks (not just VR) who participate in apprenticeship programs via Ticket to Work. You might glean some info from the Ticket to work website and listen to some archived webinars to find connections and ideas about stuff. (I'm doing that currently. learning what they offer and don't. it may not be what we use, but it's useful information to me and wanted to share it with you. In my daughter's case (which is very different from your son's case), we're doing private sector route on work options and not bothering right now with the wait lists either with ssi, PASS or Ticket2work, etc. Besides, I've heard mixed reviews from my friends on the caseworkers and job coaches. oh my. one of my friends plans to move to another state to get better services. Another one put her adult child on plane to another state to be in job corps (which your son is too old for, I know.. not the point). One of my friends is the advocate for her son and some other people to get the good job coaches. I say all of that in hopes of encouraging you that lots of us are doing the best we can with the system and outside the system and yes it's frustrating. My prayers for you echos what you said up the thread in that you see God stepping in soon and letting you know the next step for employment and all of that.
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