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Heather in the Kootenays

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Everything posted by Heather in the Kootenays

  1. It looks so good that I've printed it off. Be sure to come back and tell me how it tasted.
  2. I was 39 when ds was born - the pregnancy was just fine.
  3. I absolutely loved it and would go back in a minute. Do a crash course in Russian history and art before you go. There's so much to see there.
  4. I was in severe pain for about 6 months. During the acute phase, I went to physio and massage weekly as well as spent lots of time stretching. That was about 8 years ago and I still stretch, make sure my core strength is good and generally pay lots of attention to the health of my back. I swear by my physiotherapist and info from a New Zealand phsyio called Robin McKenzie. I researched the surgery option and learned that several years after surgery, people who had surgery and people who didn't were pretty much equally healthy.
  5. [quote=duckens;1538224.. . Then tell him that even IF he is equal or superior to others: 1) He needs to be respectful and polite of others and their learning environment Mature individuals are polite and respectful of others. 2) A certain amount of school is "hoop-jumping." Mature individuals can see the big picture. :iagree: This is the tact we use - you always need to respectful and do what needs to be done. It's not about equality - it's about why he's there and who has been put in charge of that particular situation.
  6. I agree with Impish. We decided about a year ago that my mom couldn't live alone any longer and she wasn't near that confused. It was things like eating spoiled food and walking away from things on the stove that we were concerned about. A friend's mom wandered away from her home in bitterly cold weather and got lost. They were lucky she didn't die out there. She might be OK with daily homecare or meals on wheels but I would take it seriously.
  7. Wow, I was going to say that if a mom cried in my kids' karate class, I'd ban her (politely of course). That's the last thing I'd want to have my students see.
  8. :grouphug::grouphug: Ds's good friend just went through this and we're approaching it too with my 14 yo dog. It isn't easy. :grouphug:
  9. I'm a landlord. In our jurisdiction, you'd be expected to give her at least 60 days notice. There are some circumstances under which she'd get the last month rent free too. If it was me, I'd give her the time rent free just to recognize a long time relationship and the inconvenience of the sale and repairs.
  10. I have heard that a study was done on arthritis patients and acupuncture eased the pain but that it sometimes led to much joint use. How about asking an acupuncturist? I sometimes go to one who was a nurse prior to getting the training and she's a wonderful source of info.
  11. No answers. My dh does that too. I remember shrieking in frustration that just once I'd like to be sick on my own. And that was before kids.
  12. I forgot - Warren Hardy has a school in Mexico that caters to adult learners. He sells resources and I really like his flash cards. Just search for it online.
  13. I'm the student - not the teacher but ... We use Schaum's Spanish Grammer and Vocabulary Books along with practise sites on the internet. She also find articles in Spanish newspapers that we read together and discuss.
  14. Yes, that's what friends are for and you can't give if no one will receive. However, phone MSP to see if you can get your premiums waived due to hardship. Even if your income last year was too high, there's a provision for immediate hardship that you might qualify for.
  15. Ds had a heart murmer at birth which was checked out then and several years later. It's never been a problem and he is now a very active, tall, healthy teenager.
  16. My dd also had this problem. It wasn't obvious that it was constipation until we really paid attention.
  17. I have a plug in heater for the trough but if this is a one time event, I'd haul hot water a couple of times a day.
  18. So do I. And my bff has a xh like that too. Where do these guys come from? :grouphug::grouphug:
  19. I would TRY to do it for a day. My one dog would happily spend a day in the car - waiting for someone to take him for a drive. That difficulty would be that I have one neurotic dog who would scratch down the door if she was seperated from the family. I'm not sure what I'd do with her that didn't feel abusive. In the summer, I'd willingly leave her outside but to put her in severe distress would feel wrong. So you see, it isn't that easy. In theory I'd do it. That reality is that I wouldn't enjoy the visit. I'd have a ruined door and a hysterical pet who looks to me for protection. I'd probably want to meet in a neutral spot.
  20. I think it's a great idea and I'd love to be invited. We do this sort of potluck all the time. I'd ask everyone to bring a dish.
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