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Heather in the Kootenays

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Everything posted by Heather in the Kootenays

  1. I agree the WWs recommendation. I feel like the past 12 weeks have helped me relearn how to eat properly. I'm very encouraged by my experience.
  2. Ds was 4 as I recall. The other thing I recall was that trying to potty train before he was ready was a total waste of time and energy as well as being very frustrating.
  3. You might be able to get a lower interest loan. That way more of your payments would be going to the principle. And way to go. :party: Just think how good it will feel when you're done.
  4. I just went through this yesterday. We're transporting a young man whose family is much less well off than us. They offered gas money and I refused. While I would never take money from them for fuel, I appreciated the offer.
  5. There should be a best before date on the bottle. It's generally good for a couple of years but after a certain point, it becomes ineffective. I've been bad burns caused by expired sunscreen but it was more than a few years old.
  6. My sister was in a similar position except she has two special needs kids and an older daughter. She finally ended up divorcing him. The real issue was (I think) that he wouldn't (or couldn't) take responsibility for his own mental health and she couldn't possibly take care of everyone. She is also the only one who worked in the family. He's living with his parents and she (and the children) are doing MUCH better. Your sister needs to take care of herself or she can't possibly continue to care for her child. And if that means sending dh to live with his parents until he's well, I'd encourage it.
  7. I was just going to recommend flylady too. She points out that you didn't get in this state overnight and you won't get out of it over night. I find her approach very encouraging.
  8. I want from neutral to colourful and I love it. The walls were all white/bashe and now they're all shades of orange. I was quite anxious about it but as my friends kept saying, it just takes more paint to fix it.
  9. :grouphug: Don't you hate it when you do something like that. I once backed into my cousin's car after I had just finished talking to her while she was standing by that car. And dh has backed into our other vehicle on at least 3 occasions. We have a silent pact now. I don't berate him about the careless things he does and he returns the courtesy - as long as the offender realizes how foolish it was. I hope it goes well.
  10. My kids LOVED it. They were 16 and 13. Dd now pours over anatomy books and wants to be a doctor.
  11. In our community, our shelter would help her. Sadly, we have often helped protect elderly women from their abusive children. Help can go from actual housing to advocating for her with the police and social services.
  12. Fireworks are a lovely way to celebrate his life.:grouphug::grouphug:
  13. We had similar scares with ds years ago. Once he was asleep under a pile of pillows and another time he was sort of tucked behind the dresser in his room. I still remember what a horrible feeling that was.
  14. Yes, it changes. At our house, we get three times the barking because one is always setting the other off. I've heard others say that two dogs are way more likely to roam than one dog. In our case, having two is OK but adding a third really changes things. We've had different third dogs (babysitting other dogs) and although the exact details change, adding that third dog brings out all sorts of bad behavior.
  15. Dd is in a band program and the leaders send home a newsletter periodically reminding us of their very strict dress code and their ban on certain songs due to inappropriate lyrics. They also stress good academic performance and appropriate behavior. I appreciate them every time I get one of these letters.
  16. It's always nice to read good news. Thanks for posting this.
  17. Their dogs and kids run wild in my yard and in return, when my dead tree crashed into their yard (missing kids, dogs, and anything else of value, thank heavens) the dad just got out his chain saw, bucked it up, and asked where he should put my new firewood. This just happened yesterday and I still feel bad about ever muttering about his kids and dogs.
  18. Ds broke off one of his permanent teeth when he was about 10. The dentist replaced the broken part by building up the same type of material they use for white fillings. That was 5 years ago and it's just like a real tooth. We don't even think about it. It's never broken but might need to be made a bit larger because his other tooth has grown. Unless you look closely you'd never know. I was pretty freaked out about it when it happened but so far so good.
  19. :iagree: I had friends with children with eating disorders and who cut. They are much better now after periods in hospital. Neither would have gone willingly. Bulimia does kill. Please do whatever you can to get her help.
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