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Everything posted by KayT

  1. I am so sorry. Praying for your family :grouphug:
  2. I have been having the same problems this morning, but it seems to have fixed itself for now.
  3. What type of Vit D are you taking Vit D2 or Vit D3? My doc say D3 is the best one to use. I had a vit d level of 35 and took 5000 IU a day of D3 for almost 6 weeks and got my levels up to 74. If you are taking D2 I would switch to D3 and get my levels rechecked in a few weeks. 10,000 is a lot to be taking for so long, I would also explore if you have an absorption issue. I have heart palpitations when I get below 50. This was the only thing they could find wrong with me when I started having them and getting my numbers up is what stopped them. :grouphug:
  4. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Praying for your son and family.
  5. I am very sorry. Praying for you, Steven and your family. :grouphug:
  6. I thought for sure you must trying to follow some version of Dr. Terry Wahls Protocol diet for autoimmune disease. It calls for 9 cups of veggies a day broken down into 3 cps of leafy greens, 3 cps of colored vegetables and fruit, and 3 cps of sulfur vegetables. If she got better from MS this way I doubt it will hurt you any especially since you are cooking your greens and not eating them raw.
  7. We are eating pizza for lunch with this recipe right now and it is so good! I used Bob's Red Mill GF All Purpose Baking Flour and it came out just fine! This is soooo much better than that califlower pizza crust I tried before. I also refuse to think about how many carbs might be in the crust....I Don't Care! :laugh:
  8. Thanks for posting this Indian Summer, I just made some and it turned our great! Looking forward to making pizza, burgers and a ham and cheese sandwich! :hurray:
  9. I've never had any explode, thank goodness! I hope my vote can stay never as I purchased a vintage set of 1970's Spring Blossom Cinderella mixing bowls, refrigerator bowls and 2 casserole bowls at a flea market this weekend. I am glad to hear most of the exploding has been in newer ones as I certainly intend to put them to good use. Op I would keep the pyrex!
  10. Hopefully so, it is $15.80 to Texas! We have science covered till the end of the year so I think I'll wait a little.
  11. They may have come from the MCM sale in Madison. It was a few weeks ago I believe. If they have an x on their bottom they are for sure from the sale.
  12. So sorry Chuckie, I hope it turns out that it is a fluke and the next test comes out fine. Prayers for you. :grouphug:
  13. How about Obesogens : An Enviromental Link to Obesity? I wonder how big of a role this really plays?
  14. Oh my this really brings back memories! You are not the first and you won't be the last I'm sure to make these suggestions. I was that parent back in the 80's when my dd came home from school and was afraid after watching the Disney movie Pinocchio. They told her she could sit in the hallway if she didn't want to watch, so once a week she did! I see nothing has changed. I'm sure they are all tired and just want to wrap the school year up on a relaxed note.
  15. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Praying for you
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