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Everything posted by KayT

  1. I had my order in seven days. I just received my order last week...I also only ordered one book. I would just give them a call to make sure they received your order.
  2. So sorry your dd has this, hoping for a quick recovery. I had this when I was 10, I'm 40 something now. That was the sickest I have ever been. I was out of school for 3-4 weeks. It took me a long time to get my strength back. That was back in the 60's I'm sure they treat this differently now. Some of the older antibiotics could cause deafness, as could just having high fever so one of those factors might have caused dh friends deafness.
  3. Praying here, sorry to hear about her complications. I just heard on the news here that 3 children in Houston have died of the flu. So sad.
  4. I have the Nutrimill also and really like it. It beats the hand crank that I have ANY DAY!!! It is loud, sometimes I wear ear plugs, sometimes I just leave the room, and other times I just put up with it. It is suppose to be the quieter one, whatever that means! LOL!
  5. Yes, and I went to doc and had hormone levels checked . I had too much estrogen and not enough progesterone actually almost no progesterone. I am using a progesterone cream now and it has helped a lot! Go see a doc and get checked out, it's best not to guess and know for sure!
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