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Everything posted by KayT

  1. I do! I am glad they have done well. I'm feeling a little dated though! ----------------------- Mom to: 31 yr old dd 27 yr old dd 11 yr old dd 8 yr old dd 1 grandson 5 granddaughters
  2. I second this and if her bottle of meds was different from her sisters I would make sure it was mixed right. I poisoned my dd with drugs that weren't mixed right. We were giving her 10 doses every time we dosed her. She threw up every time. Hoping for a speedy recovery!
  3. I know this is trying and frightening time. My father went through this about 8 years ago, he had his kidney removed. He just had a check-up and all is well and he is doing fine. Praying for you and dh that all will be well.
  4. 5wolfcubs, so sorry this happened and about the response you received from the pastor. I am not a fan of youthgroups, we had very bad experiences with them with our older dd's. None of my other dd's will ever be attending youth group. Of course my experience is just that...mine...but I would get them out and never return.
  5. Thanks for Etsy link! The ladies clothes are very adorable and a nice price too!
  6. Ok, I have few pet peeves in life...wet socks being the biggest and paying my light bill! I cringe every month. Six years ago my bill ran $75 dollars in the summer and the summer of 07 it was in the $200 dollar range. So this summer I said no way. I decided to try a little experiment. I already had the energy conserving bulbs all over the house so that didn't change. I put everything except the stove, microwave, fridge, and washer and dryer on power strips so I could turn them off. Oh, and dh's alarm clock. Every night I would turn off everything. I became obsessive about the temp on the AC and kept it around 80 degrees. Yes dh complained and would turn it down when he came home and I would turn it off when I went to bed and put a fan on him! Now, for the month of July and August I did something really radical for me, because, well, I'm lazy. I actually did not use my clothes dryer for those months and hung my laundry on the line outside. I was actually embarrassed! LOL! I am glad I had a privacy fence. I should say I live in Texas and we had many days over or near the 100 mark in July and August, our house is well insulated and in the shade. My light bill for June was $132 and for July and August it was only $9 -$10 more each month and I also did some canning during those months on my electric stove. I felt like I had conquered the light company! UUGGHH, I need to get a life!! As silly as this may sound I felt a little sad taking my old friend the clothes line down last month. I almost miss hanging my clothes out...I really do need to get a life! LOL!! Well, just wanted to share my experiment. I did save money...not as much as the lady on Oprah, but it did work!
  7. Tell me about the traditions you keep in your family...whether for school or family. I am feeling tradition-less today and want to start some! :001_smile:
  8. LDS = Church of the Later Day Saints I read somewhere yesterday that the LDS canneries were out of wheat, it may have been only in that person location. The LDS close to us only sells to LDS people and not the public. So that leaves us out. I buy wheat at out local health food store and order my soft from Bobs Red Mill online. The have great service. I always have received my order fast!
  9. DD had what sounds like the same thing and it was yeast. Make sure the doc rules that out. I helped her a lot to go nekked!
  10. Thanks for posting, I am so glad to hear this. DD's LOVE the trailer for this movie and I had my doubts about it. Glad to know I can take my little treasures and enjoy the movie! We love our Chihuahua's around here!
  11. Yes I planted one and my plants are all about an inch or so tall. I planted Cilantro, collard greens, two kinds of kale, spinach, bok choy, several lettuce mixes, and 3 kinds of Chinese greens that I haven't tried before. I can't wait to start eating my little bok choy. I tried to grow them this spring but I guess I waited to long and they bolted and went straight to seed when they were only a couple of inches tall. I love my garden, it's what I do to relax!
  12. I second the "carp" from Sams. We bought the pillow top. I hate, hate, hate, it. Did I say I hate it? We have to turn it around every few weeks or I feel like my head is in a hole, you know my feet are higher than my head. I have actually dislocated my neck sleeping crooked on a pile of pillows. I told dh last night my back was starting to hurt, time to turn the bed. The pillow top is also hot. We have had it about 2 and half years and started the turning 6-8 months after we bought it. We even tried to turn it over but the bottom is really quite hard!
  13. I been buying beans and wheat from Bob's Red Mill http://www.bobsredmill.com/home.php I've had great service from them everytime. Some things are organic and some aren't. I have also ordered from honeyville grain listed above and had great service there too.
  14. I agree with your friend, I would wait it out too. I would wait for him to come to me, it's his turn if he is really interested. I mean he was suppose to get back to you about the date right?
  15. I hope it comes back soon! Edited to say it looks like this is an old thread from February
  16. Hallelujah chorus is going off in my head right now!!!!! Whoo Hooo!!!!! This is so exciting!!!!
  17. Well, let me add my "Thanks" as well because it has helped me be so much more organized and it has allowed the day to go a lot smoother!! We are on week 4 of school and I haven't wondered where one single thing is yet!!!! And a wonderful plus is the kids love showing Dad their notebook at the weeks end and for the first time Dad feels like he knows whats been going on around here! Thank you Karen for sharing your Great Ideas with us!!!
  18. Thanks everyone. You guys are great. Most of what everyone mentioned, especially Alzheimer's never even entered my mind. Everyone has "talked" about it, and decided there is a problem but no one ever does anything about it. That is what makes me nuts...doing nothing. This has been going on for at least a year...talking and not doing. Well, I guess the main thing is to get her to a doctor. DH is just going to have to step up and stop saying yeah I know, and get something rolling. Thanks again!
  19. My MIL is 80 yrs old and just retired from her and FIL's business 6 months ago. She is still very active and in fair shape..probably excellent shape for her age. About 5 yrs ago she started acting paranoid about other people. A car would drive by too slow or stop in front of the business or her house and well they were spying on her, it was the city, or someone to rob the place. About 3 years ago it got really bad with the neighbors, they were digging holes in her yard, cutting her trees down, digging under the foundation and thats why she had a leak in the bathroom, spying on her, jealous of her, stealing her husband etc. She hears noises at night she says it's the neighbor hitting the house, digging, etc.... Twice within the last year in the middle of the night she opened the back door and yelled telling them to go away and let her sleep. FIL bought another house in the country 3 months ago thinking moving away from people would help her get better, no neighbors, nothing, and it seemed to help although she continued to rant about her old neighbors. Well it has started again. FIL and sons say that MIL has a problem but no one is doing anything to try to get her some help. She is also not sleeping well at night, usually waking at 2 or 3 in the morning and then having to take a nap during the day. Once again she is paranoid about the car that stopped on the side of the road it's the city looking to take part of her property to widen the road, someone is throwing rocks at night ( only 2, I don't know why 2?), someone is putting water in her yard, someone is cutting the trees on the fence line...just crazy stuff. It's driving me crazy. When we go and visit, DH and FIl go outside and talk the entire time and leave me in the house to listen to her ranting...it is to the point that I won't go very often. I try to change the subject and that usually works for a little while. If I was going to play arm chair pyschologist I think this came from her being robbed at her business and then being in a bad accident that wasn't their fault about 6-7 years ago. It's just getting worse and worse. If you approach her about it she gets mad and says I know you think I'm crazy but I not! How do I get her some help...I mean it's not like she's unable to function and make decisions and run a house and all that, but this is a real problem that just seems to be getting worse. And to make matters worse, these people rarely go to the doc's to begin with. WHAT DO I DO??? ( Sorry so long!)
  20. We used the Explorers one when it first came out. The kids loved it and had a great time, I on the other hand did not like it, well, not it but all the copying I had to do. I had no idea there would be so much copying. I certainly would have paid for a book! Call me crazy if you wish, but I haven't purchased another one just for that very reason...but the kids loved it!
  21. Yeah MOM!!!!! Way to go!!! I know it was time comsuming and hard work to stay on top of things, and I so love to hear how your hard work is paying off. Keep up the good work! Fantastic!!!!
  22. Aww (((HUGS))) I hope all goes well for your little pup. It sounds like she's doing pretty good. Keep giving her the pedialyte with the syringe if she doesn't want to drink. I am trying to remember, but I think that parvo lives in the soil f-o-r-e-v-e-r. You might want to google that and check it out and have your yard treated if thats the case.
  23. Whoo hoo, so glad to hear it! The kids are starting in the fall and I have secretly been desiring to do the same! LOL! I think I will! Way to go, have fun!
  24. I hold my hand out and say " Give me the gameboy". Then she says " Sorry Mom" I'll do better and that's the end of it. Now, I have one whiner...dd 10 and last year she lost her gameboy for days at a time...that just wasn't working. So I took it away for 1 month along with her games. After the month she had to earn her games back by having good attitude. No, problems after that. She knew I meant business. Now that said I also realized that she is a child that "needs" to know what is expected of her and having a schedule with her day planned out has helped her tremendously...it seems to give her control...she likes checking off the list and going through her day without being told what to do. I hope you find something that works well for this because it sure is a pain in the butt when they act like this, and last year was pretty rough some days before we came to our little " understanding".
  25. I buy from Bobs Red Mill online and have had great service. Our nearest health food store is 40 miles away, I know how you feel! Bobs has all kinds of cerals, grains, beans, flour and gluten free products. Enjoy! https://www.bobsredmill.com/catalog/
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