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Everything posted by KayT

  1. Thanks for all the advice everyone. I was hoping it could be recorded at the county courthouse or something, I guess not since I can't find anything about that any where online. Good to know about the safety deposit box, and I will give a copy of the will to my brother as he is who we have named to care for our kiddos.
  2. We have had to rewrite ours as the people we had chosen to care for kids if we both died have become unacceptable to us at this time. Here in Texas we just have to have the will witnessed and notorized but where do you keep it? I have looked online this morning but haven't come up with anything. We kept our previous one in our safe, but was wondering if there was something else we should be doing.
  3. We have a homeschool house too! We do school at the kitchen table and have our read aloud all piled on the bed. I have 4 large bookshelves in the living room, one in the kitchen and one in the hall and each one is full of books. I have 4 towers with 7 drawers each in a corner in my dining area one for each kiddos subject, one for me, and one for art supplies. I also have 4 rubbermaid tubs on my patio filled with more arts and craft stuff. The world map is on the dining room wall and one wall of my hall is a time line from the floor to the ceiling while the other side is an animal classification wall. Is anyone feeling as claustrophobic as I am!!! I would give my big toe for a school room....anybody need a big toe?
  4. Well 12 years ago when the first two graduated I started on the path to become an RN and after a year I got dd #3 and 4 years later dd #4. So, when these treasures are graduated I will be 59 years old. UGGGH. Sooo, I guess I will find "whatever" job a 59 year old who has spent more time without a job than with one can get to help put dd's through college. FUN! NOT! Hmmm...guess I should spend a little more time thinking about this...I really just want to travel and have purple hair!!
  5. DD had this with her first child...toxemia. Take this very seriously and get checked out TODAY!!!
  6. LindaOz thanks for your post. I ALWAYS focus on what I CAN"T have and rarely last more than a few days on a healthy path . I am going to give making a list of what I can have a try and see if I can change my way of thinking ! OP I could have written your post. I really had no idea I had so much company until reading this thread.
  7. I recently sold my year 1 print and I have year 2 DE and years 3&4 classic. I am no longer using TOG so I can't decide whether to sell my classics or not. For the record I really hate digital curriculum, but would use it any way if TOG was what I wanted to stay with.
  8. We are using BJU Math, Spelling, English, Reading, and using MFW Adventures for History, Art, Science.
  9. I am in the same boat as you, this perimenopause thing is the pitts. I find drinking REAL raspberry tea, not the Lipton stuff from the store, all day helps me. I make a full kettle in the morning and drink away. Hope you find some relief!
  10. We just started using MFW and I wanted to comment on what we are doing with the book basket. We do not have a library that can serve us with more than one book per subject per FAMILY each time we go in, therefore we don't use the library at all! I have purchased and scheduled in all our "extras", without much trouble at all. So it is possible to do the book basket different and I do think MFW is worth it!
  11. I just went through this a few weeks ago. You need to go to the bank and close the accounts and open new ones. The bank manager "Should" help you, but if you get a flake like I did go to another branch and get with the Regional Manger. File a police report...ASAP! You will need the police report to extend the fraud alerts at the credit reporting agency where you should, right now, go and active them...it's free. It's good for 90 days and with the police report it will be there for 7 years. This would help you if there is any identity theft further on down the road that you have to prove. Do you know how your DH info was obtained? Did he lose his card? So sorry, this happened to you. It took us a few days to get our money back. Someone created a bogus check that the teller was stupid enough to cash...the bank thinks they are in on it and are investigating. Everyone should be checking their accounts on a regular basis. I spent everyday but one that week at the bank and there was only one day that someone else was not dealing with a forged check or a bogus check of some kind. I asked them how often does this happen and they said it was probably weekly before the economy went south, but now it is a daily occurrence. I felt so sorry for the older lady who had deposited and spent what she thought was a check from the treasury department for $400 dollars. She was asking the bank if she could make payments, and they said yes, but that everyday it was not paid back she would be charged a hot check fee!!!! Outrageous!!!
  12. I always mail at the post office and electric company did get the check because they cashed it 3 weeks ago.
  13. They said their attorney would be contacting me. In order to get my money back I had to sign a paper saying I would participate if needed in the court case. I too wondered about a police report...I will be asking this tomorrow as I am suppose to call and the check the staus...whatever that means.
  14. I mail everything at the post office and the electric bill check had been paid by the bank 3 weeks ago so I know they received it. I just wonder what happened to it since then? I'm not sure how using a credit card to pay my bills would work...I hadn't thought of that.
  15. Yesterday before going out I decided to check our bank account and found it to be a lot lower than I expected. So I checked the automated system for what transactions had been made lately. Well the first thing listed was a check for $4,500 dollars. I called the bank told them that I had not written that check and they said it was a two-party check and there was nothing I could do but WAIT UNTIL THEY PAID IT AND THEN FILE A DISPUTE. 3 different people refused to even try to put a stop on it. I about had a fit on the phone so they transferred me to the bank that apparently had just cashed the check at which point I was disconnected. Called back disconnected again. Called back and was extremely unhappy and was finally connected to the bank. Too late because they had already cashed the check, so some @$%#@ woman is walking around with $4,500 of my dollars. I call dh and he goes to nearest branch and then ends up having to drive to the branch that cashed the check. For starters it doesn't even look like a personal check. I am livid that the teller even cashed it. It looks like part money order part certified check, part check. The number on the check is the same number on a check that I paid to our electric company a month ago , actually all the info right down to copied signature looks like what came from my electric company check....you know the check they are suppose to destroy! Our entire Saturday, from 9:00 AM to 7:20PM, missed the event we had planned to attend, spent no less than 5 1/2 hours driving the road between branches and home, was one total headache ...but the bank is suppose to refund our money next week. We have new accounts now and a password in order to even cash a check. I never write a check for anything but bills that are mailed, Dh doesn't even carry a check book , so I really don't know how this info was attained other than someone has one of our checks from one of the companies I sent a check to or someone in the bank is stealing info. I don't want to send a check to anyone now, not knowing how this happened. I wanted to take all the monies out and use cash...dh says no. And to top all this off...3 months ago we had to get new debit cards because of the info that was stolen from Heartland that handles restaurant and small business debit transactions, and DH company is paying to have our stuff watched because some goober managed to get his laptop stolen with everyones social security info on it.(That's another thread :glare:) So for the what to do part... Online banking so I don't have to send a check out anymore. MO so I don't have to send a check out any more. Become obsessive compulsive about checking my stinking account everyday. Or like the lady at the bank said DON"T WORRY, if something gets stolen the bank will replace it. I don't like this option!!!! I'm tired, didn't sleep well and I am sure this if full of all kinds of grammar errors!!! SORRY! So what would you do? I almost feel hostage to the system! I need to :chillpill::chillpill: !!!
  16. So sorry he is sick! Praying he feels better soon!
  17. Watching Hero ( Jet Li movie) in Mandarin. I don't speak Mandarin, but I find the whole thing soothing! Sitting outside watching the clouds, birds or my dogs play.
  18. This is Dr. Chen's statement that I watched on CNN: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2009/h1n1_20090429/en/index.html Statement by WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan 29 April 2009 Swine influenza Ladies and gentlemen, Based on assessment of all available information, and following several expert consultations, I have decided to raise the current level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 4 to phase 5. Influenza pandemics must be taken seriously precisely because of their capacity to spread rapidly to every country in the world. On the positive side, the world is better prepared for an influenza pandemic than at any time in history. Preparedness measures undertaken because of the threat from H5N1 avian influenza were an investment, and we are now benefitting from this investment. For the first time in history, we can track the evolution of a pandemic in real-time. I thank countries who are making the results of their investigations publicly available. This helps us understand the disease. I am impressed by the work being done by affected countries as they deal with the current outbreaks. I also want to thank the governments of the USA and Canada for their support to WHO, and to Mexico. Let me remind you. New diseases are, by definition, poorly understood. Influenza viruses are notorious for their rapid mutation and unpredictable behaviour. WHO and health authorities in affected countries will not have all the answers immediately, but we will get them. WHO will be tracking the pandemic at the epidemiological, clinical, and virological levels. The results of these ongoing assessments will be issued as public health advice, and made publicly available. All countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans. Countries should remain on high alert for unusual outbreaks of influenza-like illness and severe pneumonia. At this stage, effective and essential measures include heightened surveillance, early detection and treatment of cases, and infection control in all health facilities. This change to a higher phase of alert is a signal to governments, to ministries of health and other ministries, to the pharmaceutical industry and the business community that certain actions should now be undertaken with increased urgency, and at an accelerated pace. I have reached out to donor countries, to UNITAID, to the GAVI Alliance, the World Bank and others to mobilize resources. I have reached out to companies manufacturing antiviral drugs to assess capacity and all options for ramping up production. I have also reached out to influenza vaccine manufacturers that can contribute to the production of a pandemic vaccine. The biggest question, right now, is this: how severe will the pandemic be, especially now at the start? It is possible that the full clinical spectrum of this disease goes from mild illness to severe disease. We need to continue to monitor the evolution of the situation to get the specific information and data we need to answer this question. From past experience, we also know that influenza may cause mild disease in affluent countries, but more severe disease, with higher mortality, in developing countries. No matter what the situation is, the international community should treat this as a window of opportunity to ramp up preparedness and response. Above all, this is an opportunity for global solidarity as we look for responses and solutions that benefit all countries, all of humanity. After all, it really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic. As I have said, we do not have all the answers right now, but we will get them. Thank you.
  19. WHO just raised the alert level to a 5, there are 6 levels. This level means that they feel a pandemic is imminent. The increase to Phase 5 means there is enough evidence that the virus is spreading from human to human in at least two countries. On a side note I went to Walmart and Sams to get some alcohol hand cleaner for dh and they said they were sold out. Sams said a man had come in and bought the entire pallet.
  20. Praying for your little guy! Glad you are heading out to the doctor!
  21. I would call and talk to them in person today. It will get you the best response and hopefully get things on the move!
  22. Watching the news this AM and Dallas has breaking news that the swine flue has killed a 23 month old child. So sad for this family. Now this makes me more nervous. I should say that they are not saying the death was in Dallas, but in Texas.
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