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Everything posted by scubamama

  1. I now own "real knives" after 15 years of the terrible ones that my dh had when we married. I went to the Farmer's Market with dfil and the knife sharpener guy mocked me and my knives! In front of dfil! :tongue_smilie: It was so humiliating....dfil commented a few times in front of dh about my lack of quality knife-i-ness. Result: Nice sharp knives! It must have hurt my dh's manly pride to get called out over his knives.
  2. I'll bump this for you. I've been taking 25mg a day with a big improvement, however, I did go to the Derm and her gave me oral meds. They have helped a ton. Good luck!
  3. The kids and dh voted Meatball subs & salad I voted use the leftovers....I think the parties weren't equally matched! :tongue_smilie:
  4. I know you love your sis, but it has to be no. I love my sis too, but we fell into the trap of enabling her....she had no where to live so she moved in with us...it's a long story. We've had other friends who were down on their luck stay with us short term - they got back on their feet and moved out and onward and upward... Not so for sis. She finally had to move out (DH) and didn't talk to us for a looong time. We're ok now, but I really learned to do a Nancy (Reagan) and "Just Say No!" Channel your inner Nancy!!
  5. I had a patient tell me that he took "them peanut butter balls" for his epilepsy one time...and another elderly lady trying to explain a mysterious illness called "Smile Almighty Jesus" (in heavy Southern accent) I was mystified for awhile. Later I realized she meant Spinal Meningitis! I still :lol: over those two!
  6. The two suggestions Imp made are very reasonable. I'd try those on my IL's. I don't get why folks want to visit when the person they probably want to see most (their own kid) won't be around much. Maybe I'm an oddball though! Michele
  7. The thing is, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like his nurse practitioner. She is so nice and helpful and compassionate. I'm trying to decide if I can put up with the @-hole for 5 years, if I can keep seeing her for many of the exams and can call her with questions. I can switch doctors, just don't know if it will be any better. This why he has the nurse practitioner...to be the "personality" of the practice. I'm a nurse and I've seen this before. It's always lame. Find someone else. People are entitled to respect. Michele
  8. I'm having a blast scrolling thru her site. It's been a real eye opener for me. Most of my clothes are in the "before" shots....I knew I wasn't making the best impression but I really didn't know what to do about it! Now I have visuals to help me out. I'm 5"0" and have short legs, so it will be a challenge. I actually started making a list of things I will need to get my wardrobe up to speed. My dh will flip. We're on a budget like everyone else and he really doesn't seem to care about what I look like - which is nice, but it has been bothering me to look this way. A friend of mine always looks chic and nice - she said her dh really wants her to maintain herself. Not in a "trophy wife" way, just that he likes to see her looking nice. I think an expedition to the mall will be happening soon. Sans kids...:tongue_smilie:
  9. Yes, elaborate for us,please. The Hive needs to know where to have a party!
  10. Ashfern is right - you CAN buy a cooler bag there. I'd go. We never lived by a TJ's before, but I swear I wouldn't want to live away from one now that I've been spoiled by TJ's! Drive, woman, drive! :auto:
  11. Hang in there, Jen. YOur kids will have all kinds of great stuff to tell you when they get home. :) Life has different seasons - I think you should still post here! HS moms have so much to offer whether you're in the midst of it or not. Michele
  12. I am with you! I'm trying to get a jump on Christmas this year. Last year I really let it go and it was stressful and sucked the joy out of it for me. I haven't gotten too far. Zulily has been helpful : Star Wars origami for my 10yob, Learning Calendar Gross Edition for various nephews and friend's boys, and I sewed 2 stockings out of scraps to put gift cards in. I have lots more to do! Michele
  13. :iagree: Your DH needs to be the one discussing, presenting, insisting, etc. For years I was the one doing this (dealing with the IL)and I was ready to leave and never come back. Dh felt like he'd dealt with the IL all his life and it was pointless to try(he's probably right) so it was my job...nothing worked. We moved far away. Still harassed, but those amber waves of grain and purple mountains' majesty really work well as a boundary! :tongue_smilie: I don't want to make light of your situation, but tell Dh he will suffer at your hands if he does't step up. Mine just couldn't....so moving was a good thing. Good luck.
  14. Ok, I need to know what this abbreviation stands for....I searched around but I couldn't find it! Can anyone help me out :bigear: Is there a place on this site with all the abbrev's? I thought there used to be...I need a map! :tongue_smilie: Michele
  15. all summer long! That's how I feel about HS this year. It'll be my 6th year. Summer did not recharge me at all this time. A friend I admire and respect is sending her kids to PS this year. It was like a kick when I am down! I am really weak right now and tempted to send my kids... DH wants them to stay home. I want to not be a wrung out, frantic, frazzled, frustrated woman. I'm not sure that I can do it. YOu'd think I'd be good at this since I've been doing it this long, but my kids and I are.....HUMAN! *gasp* I struggle with trying to keep up with the HSers I know in real life - they seem to be doing so much better than I am. Wow. Sorry to have all that pity party here! I guess I'm just agreeing with you - it is hard and you will be tired. Eat pizza. Have a drink. Go for a walk. Michele ds10 dd7.5 dd5
  16. That's hysterical! I'll use it to make myself be less serious and tough on myself this year....I feel my desire to keep going beginning to wane. Last year was tough. Get that picture :001_smile:
  17. I read your post and I just wanted to reply in the hope that someone will chime in with advice. I'm kind of in the same boat as you - oldest ds is entering 5th and it'll be our 4th year of CC. I really like how much he's grown with his writing due to the Essentials program in CC. Like you, I'm questioning if I want to follow the path all the way thru CC... My plan is to start watching these boards and glean from the Hive! In the meantime though.... :bigear: :bigear: :bigear: Any moms out there with words or wisdom or "Don't do this!" advice? Warmly, Michele
  18. Oh man! I'll have to add to this thread after we get back from Sequoia/Kings Canyon next week. I LOVE Acadia - it's just the most beautiful place ever! Keep the pics coming! Michele
  19. 7yo dd as we're watching Harry Potter...."Look! Hagrid gave him his pet owl, Earwig!" :lol: 4yo dd comes out of AWANA with a plastic bracelet on, "Look mom! I got a bracelet and it says 'Party' on it!" "No, hon. That says 'Purity'." "Oh...that different!" Looks crestfallen. :lol:
  20. Thanks! I was worried I needed to know a secret handshake or password to join the group :tongue_smilie: I'll be investigating it today....excited to learn more. Michele
  21. Hi Ladies - Our family is beginning to explore Orthodoxy.....we're standing at the start of a long journey. I am reading "Facing East" and dh is going to visit with the priest this week. He was raised Orthodox as a child, but due to family situations moved away and now feels called but "like he knows the music but forgot the words." I think there is a group here - can I join? :001_smile: I want to know what I don't know! :tongue_smilie: Michele
  22. Boy, this is a toughie. You certainly don't want the parents to feel like you're "targeting" their kids - but, if problems happen every week it's not fair to the other kids or you. You can't be everywhere! Some kiddos are just trickier. Hopefully you're documenting and making the parents aware of each incident, so it's not a "But we didn't know!" reaction later. Does your church have a policy? If a teen/adult helper isn't available or a solution, have the kid(s) go with their parents. There's a season to everything...this may not be their season to teach SS. I hope it all works out for everyone involved, Michele
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