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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Wasn't trying to stir the pot, sorry! I like Calvary Chapels, we went to a couple when we first moved here. I love the verse -by-verse preaching. I disagree with some of the theology though.
  2. We budget $25 each every two weeks as blow money. Works well for us.
  3. Calvary Chapel is a denomination ;). And he has been predicting the end of the world since like 1981... not sure how much stock I put into his interpretations.
  4. I just found out my grandfather was recently diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.
  5. Yeah I would be okay with that. I can't seem to stop eating all the time anyway.
  6. As best as I can tell, ADD is mostly genetic, but may be due to a deficiency of dopamine...
  7. As of right now, there is about an 85% chance I won't reenlist anyway, but I do want to be certain not to shut that door too early. I have no disciplinary actions against me either. I My clearance is a lot more valuable to me right now also. I will ask around and see what I can find out before I do anything. As far as caffeine, i consume a decent amount most days. It does seem to help a bit. Those of you who yourselves or spouses were diagnosed as adults, what signs should I look for? What made you go see a professional?
  8. Yeah, I my biggest fear is that it could affect my security clearance.
  9. I seriously think I may have it. I have most of the symptoms /indicators. I think I will try to schedule a mental health appointment soon.
  10. Embrace the fact that they are talking to you about this stuff. :-)
  11. Well, I as a Christian, i believe the only Way is through Jesus. So, it matters if they find Christ, but not so much which denomination.
  12. I would say if you can't pay cash for a TV, you can't afford one. Sorry.
  13. I thought the ad-supported version was $114, and the no-ad version was $139?
  14. Has anyone else read this book? I find it hilarious! "Nobody's perfect. Well, there was this one guy, but we killed him...." I would recommend not reading it if you are Christian and can't laugh at your faith. (see also: Kevin Smith's Dogma, or Saved)
  15. Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.
  16. http://nashville.about.com/library/blank/davesays/bldavesays13a.htm
  17. I just got it yesterday...username is realtonygoodwin Anyone is free to add me.
  18. In my job in the military, I feel like I contribute a lot (in ways I can't tell you about. ;)) I've been part of the creation and raising of 3 amazing daughters that may change the world some day. I am very politically active and try to help out the country (and thus, the world) that way.
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