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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Not a lady, but I will answer anyway. My blog isn't homeschooling focused, but I have posted about homeschooling. I focus on things I am interested in, and it tends to be focused on politics and theology most of the time.
  2. http://bigcountryhomepage.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=422357 Video in the link...baby is home now!
  3. I watch almost all the debates. I am not a Republican, though sometime I vote for Republicans. In a primary election, I try to choose the candidate who's views most closely match my own, regardless of "electability." I am pretty sure I have my candidate chosen, but also have a (distant) second possibility as well.
  4. I JUST downloaded the sample for my Kindle. A friend recommended that one to me. Great minds...
  5. I have Grudem's Systematic Theology, but it is at home, and I was hoping to get something for my Kindle while I am here on vacation. Also, was hoping to find something just focused on this stuff, and not an entire systematic theology. :) Good ideas, keep 'em coming!
  6. I am looking for a good book (preferably available for the Kindle) that explains the different schools of thought regarding eschatology. I would want one that covers premil, postmil, amil, preterist, covenant theology, new covenant theology, dispensationalism, etc. Any ideas?
  7. Check out Colorado Springs. Homeschool- From what I understand, the homeschool laws are very reasonable there. Gymnastics - The U.S. Olympic Team trains in Colorado Springs! Interracial family - there is a large military presence in CS, which in my experience, there are a lot of multi-racial marriages in the military. I and my wife are the same race, and I feel in the minority among the people I work with. The population is somewhere near 400,000, so to me that is an in-between size city. I have heard wonderful things regarding the traffic there, relative to VA traffic. There are 5 Targets in CS. Also, it is about an hours drive to Denver, if you needed something at a bigger city. Cost of living is very good, IMO. The median home price is about $180,000
  8. I entered, but I didn't see this thread until afterwards haha! Lots of great prizes, folks.
  9. Does anyone get this magazine? I just entered to win a free subscription (I am a magazine junkie anyway haha). Wondering what everyone's thoughts were.
  10. Keep in mind that one could be a General in the US Army US Air Force US Marine Corps You aren't limited to West Point. ;)
  11. Get a Boppy, get a Bumbo, and remember your kid is not made of porcelain. Idiots have successfully raised kids for centuries, you will do fine.
  12. I do currently, yes. I can be sent overseas at the whim of Uncle Sam though. I can name 10 terrorists, plus many more. And I know people who have died fighting these terrorist groups. That doesn't mean I am okay with this situation. And there are a lot of people who agree with me, including military members. Including people in Military Intelligence. Including people directly involved in these types of drone strikes.
  13. A. The President has the same authority to declare war that my couch has. That is, none at all. B. There wasn't enough evidence to indict him as a terrorist in the US.
  14. I too like the NASB, but would you agree the NIV is a little easier to read, the language flows a little better? It is kind of like that. Literal translation like the NASB, but sounds better to my ears like the NIV.
  15. As long as the Federal Reserve exists, I believe any economic recovery we experience will only be a mirage.
  16. It doesn't matter what he did or said, it only matters what our all-knowing, benevolent government claims he did or said. Of course, he was denied a trial, since it was believed that they wouldn't be able to convict due to a lack of evidence. That's okay, though, he has been tried in the court of public opinion, and by the Federal government. Nothing to worry about citizen, move along. War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength
  17. Not only do I find the lack of due process disturbing, the fact that most people don't seem to care sickens me. I have just about given up hope in Americans...I don't know what to do anymore. To execute a US citizen, without due process, outside a declared warzone, is a terrible precedent. I don't like the idea of one person being judge, jury, and executioner. If you want to throw out the Constitution, at least have the guts to say so. A CITIZEN SHALL NOT BE DENIED DUE PROCESS, even an alleged terrorist. I envision a day where Christians are considered enemies of the government, and we will be hunted down and killed without due process. Do you not see how the Constitution protects us? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. P.S. Don't even start to pull some "sit back and let the big boys do what they have to do" kind of BS with me.
  18. I prefer the ESV for it's accuracy and the fact it is more readable than the NASB.
  19. That sounds so fun! Not sure how I feel about Spielberg choosing to honor Lincoln by sending people to the theater, though. :tongue_smilie:
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