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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Congrats! I am avoiding the dentist cause I think I have cavities (which doesn't help I know). My kids have already had extensive work done. Sigh.
  2. Thanks for all of the replies. My big worry is that I cannot afford to deal with an infestation. We will not be coming directly home (staying at my brother's who is going with us) and he is not concerned at all. I think I will just take the barest minimum we need, garbage bags and no luggage but pack it into a reusable bag. I will be inspecting everything also. Thanks to everyone- I know I will still be nervous but I can't ruin it for everyone else.
  3. Thanks for the responses. One was for two months ago. Unfortunately it is a resort place so you have to be onsite to access everything so another hotel is not possible.
  4. have had bedbugs? We are going to a resort hotel in a couple of weekends and when DH looked it up online there were two reports of bedbugs on a trip advisor website. I am the only one concerned but I don't want to miss this trip. I looked up online how to protect yourself and I am going to follow those steps. I still have nagging doubts though but everyone else in the group are not concerned. So what would you do?
  5. Morning person. I get the most done between 6 and 8 am. Both of my kids seem to be early morning people also, although the youngest seems like he might be of a night owl as he gets older.
  6. I put lemon juice in my water. Also I have frozen the juice from canned fruit in ice cube trays. As the ice cubes melt they flavour the water.
  7. That is hilarious! I am not sure if hubby would appreciate the link though. He would probably just sigh.
  8. I know that when students are given and educational assessment by a school psychologist the parents are asked about the pregnancy and birth. I always thought it was part of the child's background and a piece of the puzzle.
  9. I have always pronounced it as "ch". In fact I remember listening to the book on tape and it was pronounced as "ch".
  10. We lived in a place that had mold. It smelled "earthy" to me. My DS was sick alot and was diagnosed with asthma. Since we moved several years ago he has not been sick like that and his asthma is gone. Can you request that your landlord check out the "fishy" smell?
  11. I am facing this now and it is hard since there is no middle ground. For my DH it is better for me to afterschool and let my oldest go to public school. We have put him in a language immersion program so that he becomes bilingual which I know I could not provide. If things do not go well he will be much more willing to embrace homeschooling. Also, at the moment, we are lucky I am working since I am the sole breadwinner due to DH being unemployed. I agree you do need to discuss with him what happens on summer holidays, sick days, etc.- he probably has not thought of that. Also you will probably want to get a housekeeper so that you can enjoy your toys- that costs money. In my DH's case while he does want to maintain a certain lifestyle he finally admitted that deep down he does not want our sons to grow up in poverty like he did because his mom stayed at home. I cannot discount his experiences either. So I am now content to work on God's timing for this and I keep praying.
  12. My youngest son just had his teeth done today. We asked the dentist why he got the decay and he said it was probably genetics/soft teeth. The reason he believes it is genetics and not poor hygiene, nursing, etc is that the decay was not even. Some teeth were more decayed than others. Also the pattern of decay on the teeth was not uniform.
  13. I agree it was not an epic fail. You are giving your children greater responsibility and if they had passed then it would have been great. For now you realize that they are unable to handle that big of a responsibility so you will reign it back in. I also would let my 8 and 9 years do that but I am also the parent that let my 5 year old ride his bike on the path that runs behind our house to the park and back and thus could not see him for a whole minute.
  14. I had mono when I was at university. It actually lasted only about 3 weeks really for me and within 7 days I was able to go out and do things. One thing to watch is that she can't get hit in the abdomen area or her spleen could rupture. Even if she doesn't feel up to it lounging in the sun is good.
  15. Prayers and :grouphug:. I had an mri last year on my left knee and need to have knee surgery. I am seeing my dr tomorrow for my right knee which I have pain so I can't bend it. Hopefully it is easily fixed.
  16. I understand the frustration of parents being disengaged from their child's is- I am a teacher and have been frustrated in trying to contact parents. I just don't think legislating parents to come to a conference is going to make a difference though. I have parents who I have finally spoken to and nothing really changes. I don't think this is going to have the desired effect- you can't legislate a parent's interest in their child.
  17. I know here that you can buy an epipen without a prescription your insurance just won't reimburse you the money.
  18. I use Currclick. It is an American site but you can see the prices in Canadian dollars. I like that I immediately download the books in pdf files and they are stored on my computer- it takes up waaaaay less room this way and then I print off only the sheets that I want. I also like Scholars Choice for some things.
  19. I love my Billy bookcases. I need more of them though!
  20. Sitting in our basement, A/C on, ceiling fans going, all blinds closed and not cooking. The kids are getting lots of quick foods. The kids also play in their little kiddie pool early in the morning. It is the humidity that kills me. When I lived in the Middle East it was easier since it was a dry heat.
  21. I have- I had one healthy pregnancy and then had two miscarriages in a row. It was followed by a healthy pregnancy. I took progesterone for my last healthy pregnancy.
  22. Big time! I am the furnace as is DS1. To solve the problem we each sleep with our own blankets. DH hates to have his feet covered and I need to be completely cocooned. The own blanket thing has solved the problem for us.
  23. We have a Friday night make pizza and movie night. We also have dinner together almost every night. Plus we do stuff together as a family on the weekend.
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