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Everything posted by Ann

  1. With more of the history I can see why it bugged you. I would be mildly miffed at the organizing but then figure that it had to be done anyways. The Christmas stuff probably at first but then I would realize that the kids were able to make memories with their grandparents. Finally the kids being off routine would not bother me at all. This is special circumstances so I expect it- once again the memories with grandparents.
  2. The caramels look awesome- now I have added to my to do list for Christmas. This is my first "crafty" Christmas. My youngest loves to help me in the kitchen and is crafty so I am increasing my craftiness. I have sewn the four gingerbread houses that he is going to decorate for gifts. I have to create my Advent calendar (have everything I think just haven't done it). I am creating my baking list. I am also trying to create some bath salts and/or bombs for Christmas gifts also.
  3. My DS 8 started last May. He has not taken piano lessons. My husband plays guitar and said to wait until around 8 so I would say 7 is fine.
  4. Sounds like he has a "lagging skill". Kids do better when they can so you need to back it up and find out where the lacking skill is. This can take awhile and many tries to figure out. This model is based on collaborative problem solving and I have used it with kids. The stripped room is not working because it is not teaching him the missing skill. Ask him for his side of what happened- let him tell you what he thinks and don't say anything- he needs to be heard. Next you can let him know what your concerns are about his actions. Then you come up with a plan together. Have him brainstorm ideas (all ideas don't reject any at first). When the list is done you can discuss why some of them won't work. Try for a few days and check back in to see how it is going. Repeat process as necessary.
  5. Terra Nova- it is only one season but it has 13 episodes.
  6. The singing daughters of George Clooney in Oh Brother.
  7. Bean- I agree that a good vegan diet will not be a problem and that almost all vegans will not have a problem. I was more concerned by the fact that she is already deficient in B12 before being vegan and it sounds like she would not make sure that she was getting enough B12 by making sure it is in her diet.
  8. A concern I have with your mom eating vegan is that long term vegans run the risk of being B12 deficient if they are not careful. I am not sure how to make sure they get B12 but she might have to supplement (vegans can tell me if I am wrong). That might not be good if she is already B12 deficient and the prayer leader doesn't know how to supplement for it.
  9. Maybe it is just me but I just read it that she was giving you a heads up if her kid decided to say something about it being her party too. I didn't get the feeling she wanted to share your dd's birthday. I could see a little kid thinking it was their party since it is actually on her birthday. I say relax and enjoy, wish the child a happy birthday at some point and just be prepared that the kid might need reminders that it is not her birthday party.
  10. I am for it I currently eat things cold at my desk since I have too much to do.
  11. I imagine this is for grades 3+, especially middle school and high school. I know that here there is a big push for kids to use technology. Also many kids are being assigned laptops to help overcome learning disabilities. Students that are waiting to be assigned one need to show that they are using technology already. It could help with that aspect of technology.
  12. I was reading in a book on getting kids outdoors that the author hitched one of those one wheel trailers and then attached the bike trailer. It was very long and not great on tight corners but they said it worked.
  13. A perfect example of the differences in UHC and the American system was brought home to me while pregnant with my second. I am Canadian but got pregnant with my second while living in a country with UHC which I could not access because I was not a citizen. We relied on my DH's health insurance which was from an American company. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I called them to find out what my coverage was like. I was told I was only going to be allowed 3 ultrasounds and a 4th one maybe if the dr wrote a note explaining why I needed it. I was shocked that the insurance company dictated that. Also the dr wanted a thousand dollars worth of tests which we could not get since we didn't have the money free. We had to decide if the tests were worth the money or not- I don't have to do that in Canada. I had a c-section and we did not know how we were going to pay thousands for it. I returned to Canada midway through the pregnancy. I had the blood tests done, several ultrasounds and my c-section. Total cost in Canada- 200 for a private room in the hospital. Amazing the difference and no decisions were made due to lack of money. My husband had amazing insurance for the US and we still had to make decisions based on money and not what was best for me and the baby.
  14. We are having the first annual rib cook-off at my parents tonight. I have puttered in my garden and taken the dog and boys on a hike already. My DH might take our oldest for the fireworks downtown but the problem is that getting out is horrendous at the end. I tend not to go downtown now (have done it before when younger). There is usually impromptu fireworks around though.
  15. I would put it on before he goes in the morning and then send it and remind him to put it on at lunch. My oldest is that way and I know that I worry less when I have at least put sunscreen on him in the morning.
  16. I was at work in a mall. I was newly pregnant with DS1 so he is considered in the blackout baby statistic.:blushing: We were in an apartment without electricity for 3 days. My parents were only affected for a few hours.
  17. I am reading The Nature Principle by Richard Louv. It is the sequel to Last Child in the Woods.
  18. We have the time capsule. I don't pay any attention to it-it just does it thing. I don't find it to bad to get stuff off of. DH bought and set it up so I don't know of any others but I like it.
  19. My oldest at 3 under several cavities filled under anaesthetic. My youngest went under at 2 for cavities. Both did great and there have been no problems with visiting the dentist either. I think the first time it was harder on me than my son. Just be aware that they can be really upset as they come out of it.
  20. There is no Sentinel available at all in Canada. We have had to switch to the liquid which goes on the back of his neck-Revolution. You are lucky to get some.
  21. I am curious about his comprehension of what he is reading. Does he comprehend what he has read at level 2.9? What about the next level? To me at his stage I would want decoding and comprehension.
  22. I would. There are still a number of days before you leave and forecasts change in that time. Also 30% is not a high risk along with it being isolated. If you are in a tent you can get some gunk to put on the seams so they are waterproof.
  23. It does happen here. It is usually the next door girls and my guys. It wouldn't bother me. I try to limit it in the morning though until after 9 since many people sleep in even if we don't.
  24. I have a rice and veggie steamer. It is plastic and about 12 years old so I am sure that it is not BPA free. I do love it though and haven't found one I like to replace it.
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