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Everything posted by YaelAldrich

  1. If people find it, would you like us to purchase it and send it to you?
  2. Also the water is super hard. Things don't get clean so well even in hot water. And since I guess you don't have a dryer, things don't get a second chance to let the germs burn off (at least at this time of year - in the summer your clothes will fade like mad!)
  3. Personal experience here. It's the deodorants. A friend of mine moved to Jerusalem recently and she literally just said the same thing to me. I'm bringing her deodorant. Want me to do the same? I'm serious. I'm coming for Chanukah and you can Amazon me the stuff you like. I bring my own deodorant to my foreign countries in which I have lived (mostly Japan and Israel). Somehow, even though I never stink in the US (and I don't have to use deodorant every day here), I stink there and only US deodorant works. Please let me know. I'm shlepping stuff - we're flying Turkish Air so we get two suitcases each.
  4. Silken tofu based chocolate mousse. It sounds gross but it is amazingly good! You can freeze it for an ice cream texture. Or pop it into a GF/DF pie crust. Don't use one of the overly healthy recipes. Use confectioner's sugar and vanilla and/of coffee, don't skimp on the chocolate.
  5. To go back to non-Christians using churches/Christianity in wedding ceremonies. In Japan, the modern tradition (!) is to do both a Japanese ceremony (with hood for the bride to hide her horns) and a Western church like ceremony complete with a minister to conduct the ceremony. Now less than 2% of Japanese are Christian. The church is fake and minister is some Western/Caucasian guy who looks appropriately ministerial (is that a word?). My Orthodox Jewish rabbi husband was told to take a minister job from a lapsed Catholic who did the job on the side. To me, a half Korean, half Black, converted to Orthodox Judaism from the Southern Baptist church, it smacks of cultural appropriation and not in a positive way. We Jews have a dress up holiday (Purim) and sadly, there are people who dress up in a way that is offensive (blackface, overdone Chinese/Japanese with done up eyes and chopsticks in hair, Mexican janitors, etc). Other Jews (both Jews of Color and lack thereof) try to educate and give alternate costume ideas.
  6. I store my 50lb flour from Costco in a plastic tote on the floor of my (too small) kitchen, along with a tote with my Jasmine rice (25lb) and Japanese/Californinan rice (25lb) inside it. I go through the flour in about 2-3 months, the rices 1.5-2 months. Family of six, many guests for two meals a week.
  7. I checked all throughout the summer. They were as high then, so don't feel bad you are buying them at these crazy prices. I bought some for me and some for my parents in July. It was $39/lb!!!!
  8. My in-laws don't have power in Chapel Hill although UNC-CH seems to. My parents outside of Winston-Salem have power (and never lost it) while friends in Greensboro and W-S have lost power and don't know when they will get it back.
  9. I agree with Happi Duck. Why bring in the adults when you can pull aside the tween and talk to them like you would anyone who has enough (lack of) sense to include or exclude people for trivial (or non-existent) reasons. I talk to children like people who have good sense and most of the time, it gets the result I think correct because I don't treat them like people who have no understanding.
  10. Use this silicone goop https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DMCFG34/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and this comb https://www.amazon.com/Nit-Free-Terminator-Professional-Stainless/dp/B000HIBPV8?crid=1ARTEKLY5O2V8&keywords=assy%2B2000%2Bcomb&qid=1537459407&sprefix=assy%2B2000%2Caps%2C190&sr=8-3&ref=sr_1_3&th=1 Trust me. Israelis know lice treatment - remember, we gave the Egyptians lice as one of the plagues. ? You have to really thorough in combing but it works.
  11. Congratulations! I'm coming with some of my kids in December - let's get together!
  12. I made a fig and tomato salad with slivers of red onion, coarsely chopped parsley, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and extra virgin olive oil. My husband was ecstatic! ETA: I did add glazed pecans but I think it would be good with plain roasted ones as well.
  13. I love mini-splits! I live in a very open three story condo and considered getting them in our place. We already have ductwork so I didn't in the end but we are considering it for our bedroom (3rd floor) that is either super hot in the summer or cold in the winter as the air flow isn't all that great up there. We use them in Japan and Israel and love them for the efficiency. Your hallways/bathrooms/anywhere you don't have one will not be cooled/heated though unless you open the doors to that area.
  14. Middle of Boston - we have turkeys. Lots of them. They are dumb and MEAN.
  15. I third Kim's Convenience. It rings most true to me because my mom is Korean and I get extra laughs from the accents and such but I think anyone will find it funny and thoroughly not American.
  16. At this point you can go only go on their plan if you are an Xfinity customer (TV/Internet/Security). My cost for three people (sometimes five) is much less than when we were on Tracfone and we have the luxury of making as many calls/texts as we like.
  17. I switched from Tracfone to Xfinity/Comcast Mobile. You can only get it if you are already a Xfinity customer. But if you are it's amazing for a "family" plan. You can get up to five phones on the plan. Either pay by the gig of data ($12 a gig for the entire set of phones or unlimited ($45). Calls and texts are free. You can even go overseas with the phones but it is a LOT more expensive but doable for short trips. You have to pick from phones they have - they have sales regularly though. We got our phones for $1 each. ETA: So for some months we are under a gig of data total and so pay $12 for all of us. Most months though it is $24 but for three phones (we have two more but only use them when travelling).
  18. Benedict Cumberbatch saves cyclist from a mugger in London. And here I thought y'all were crazy for him... ?
  19. You may cringe at this one but I love BabyMetal! They have a great song about Bullying called Ijime. To fully enjoy, watch the videos... ?
  20. It's funny that once I decided to run barefoot, I just did it. I'm not sure if my stride was so barefoot friendly or what but I just shucked off my New Balance running shoes with orthotics (the expensive custom kind) and got on a treadmill and started to run. I felt so light and unencumbered! I have run up to 6 miles a day but usually run 2-3 miles a day, usually on my treadmill but sometimes outside. My feet are tough enough that rocks and glass haven't bothered me. A thorn once got in my foot and it hurt but not enough to quit the run. I got most of it out and rest worked it way out later. I run on pavement, grass, dirt paths and the like. The only part that is bad is when you encounter a rock right on your heel or the ball of your foot. You get really aware of that though and can react very fast. My gait is short and shuffle-like. You cannot stride like you can in a regular shoe. My husband tried to run barefoot but he ended up hurting his sesmoid bone (?) and had to go back to shoed running.
  21. I switched to minimalist shoes and/or barefoot about seven years after many years of hip, knee, and back pain. Like homeschooling, barefoot life isn't for everybody. If you like being barefoot and you just want some protection from ouchy stuff, you can find so many choices for protecting your feet. I wear Five Fingers from Vibram that I buy from Leftlane Sports. They have occasional sales that make $100 shoes (!!) down to $35-40. I am searching for a minimalist pair of sandals that don't scream, "I am a granola-head!". I do wear heels and shoes with regular soles, especially in the winter in Boston, but try minimize the amount of time in them and require more adjustments at my chiropractor.
  22. Brown Cow is awesome but don't look at how much sugar goes into them. Have you tried Stonyfield plain full fat yogurt or Trader Joe's full fat yogurts? I find them not as sour tasting and like it with a little honey and walnuts.
  23. I'm so, so sorry to hear this terrible news. I can only hope that you and your families will find strength through your love for each other.
  24. I get you. For me I know that G-d loves me (but I am not entirely sure G-d likes me IYKWIM). My world fell apart in 2016 when my sister died. My husband ignored my pleas for his support, my oldest son started to act in a way that still boggles my mind, and a myriad of very large and very small things all combined to bring me to my knees. After a year of wondering if G-d did love me, my husband came around through therapy. My best friend walked away as well as my spiritual/religious guide at that time. My son still acts in a manner that hurts my soul. But I see that I am making it through and that G-d loves me enough to give me at least my husband and our marriage back. I think I feel it in the manner of the Jewish song from the Passover Seder, Dayenu, It would have been enough. Anything that I get now, I am grateful for and G-d love falls in that place.
  25. I have flown multiple times from BOS to Tel Aviv (12 hrs) and BOS to Tokyo (14 hrs) and will fly Tokyo to Melbourne (11 hrs) this summer. The longest consecutive flights were from Tokyo to Amsterdam (12hrs) connecting to Tel Aviv (5 hours) pregnant and with a 2 year old and no husband. The seats keep getting smaller and I can say if you can get at least Economy Plus it will be more tolerable. Flying these trips first/business class is a revelation! Sometimes it is worth having your husband fly all over the world and being away from the family...
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