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Everything posted by YaelAldrich

  1. Scarlett, I hope you get better soon. Please rest at much as you can and it will help you recover.
  2. Lived in and visit Israel and Jewish synagogues and such all the time. You better believe I look for stuff like that! Having someone get cranky for my asking if the bag belongs to anyone would make me even more grumpy and let them know they are being a 💩. I'll do it politely but I will get a security person on the scene ASAP. There are to many "theys" who wish to do people like me (Black, Asian, Jewish, woman) harm so I'll go with wary every day. It doesn't affect where I go or do but it makes me a lot more aware.
  3. Oh Katie! This is so tough for all of y'all. I'm praying that the doctors easily find what's wrong and are able to fix it so your mother can continue her recovery.
  4. Been doing Caroline Girvan workouts 6/7 days a week in addition to my 20-30 minutes cardio (elliptical or running). Sometimes as short as 12 minutes (deadbugs) and as long as 30 minutes. I see definite changes in my body that are encouraging. My arms don't seem to be becoming guns though. Lost weight as well. I was supposed to start one of the new weight loss drugs but I haven't heard anything from them. I guess this is what I needed to start losing weight and gaining muscle.
  5. My DH also found a therapist just for his FOO issues that caused marital strife. Our marriage therapist praised him for the decision. My separate personal therapy was based on what was happening to me from my loved ones after my sister's death.
  6. I think you are trying hard to be a support for everyone at every time. That is admirable. But also extremely hard. You should give yourself grace and kindness; at least as much as you give to those around you. Knowing all too much about therapy... If you want me to delete this let me know and I will.
  7. Can you afford to buy out both cars and flip one? You'll make money?
  8. A Jewish phrase that is similar is, "Use it in good health!" I never thought of it as a bad thing, but now that it brought up I could see how it could be used in a not kind manner... Hmmm.
  9. You should do this and be prepared to be in your car in traffic for a very very long time. Hit the bathrooms! You could buy the Uber might cancel that evening knowing all the traffic is going to be stuck in (and therefore losing much money in the process).
  10. Mazel tov! Great story, great mama (and papa and grandma)!
  11. Shnitzel. It's known as the thing that I bring to families who have babies and such.
  12. So happy for y'all! Can't wait for pictures of "our" baby! 😘
  13. And me. If the baby would be kind enough to safely emerge before the Sabbath begins at 5pm EST so I don't have to wait until tomorrow night to get an update I would appreciate it! 🤪
  14. Did they check you for pneumonia? Your new description sounds like that to me.
  15. I mean the things you mentioned he buying which have to do with 2nd Amendment rights. Is he buying more of them from the hospital bed or is you DD and their friends worried about what he already has (and sound like will be moved out of reach)?
  16. Some people have delusions and mental illness like symptoms after anesthesia. I can't say I would let everything go because of what you are saying (because it is so scary and serious sounding) but this might be temporary.
  17. How is he buying that stuff from a hospital bed? I mean, it's America, so why not, but REALLY?
  18. My husband is coming in at the end of the month to Adelaide. He's on a Fulbright to Flinders. If you want him to bring you anything from the US please let me know ASAP. We will travel all over the country in the next couple of weeks and months so delivery is possible if you live in or near a major city. We're also looking for the links to online classifieds that sell used stuff. We will want weights and and other stuff. Of course local to Adelaide please. We won't have access to a car all the time. The younger kids and I will join him at the end of March so I will be posting our itinerary and I hope we can meet up when we are near you!
  19. https://gefenpublishing.com/product.asp?productid=119
  20. The title is on the author line and the author is on the book title line.
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