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Everything posted by YaelAldrich

  1. It's Harry Potter. Some title (can you tell I haven't read it?) Jk Rowling. Let me Google the titles of the series and get the rest for you. Be back in a minute!
  2. I'm sorry you are having a tough time. I will keep you in my thoughts in hours that everyone's good wishes will buoy you (and the other down feeling people in the group).
  3. Golly Elizabeth! I go away for the entire Sabbath thinking I would see a baby announcement when I popped back on this evening! 🤪 Tell that baby to move it!
  4. Thank you everyone! I FINALLY got the crash report from a police officer who said, "I don't know why this is not on the public record yet?". I spoke to our insurance company and they have started the process of speaking to the other insurance company. I'm locating a lawyer this weekend; we have a legal coverage plan that I hope to find a good lawyer on locally. I'm calling the hospital, etc on Monday. I don't want anyone to think he isn't having trouble when he is. And he isn't getting answers fast enough, but Momma Bear Aldrich will!
  5. Mineral oil shots. Look it up. It worked for my two babies who didn't want to come when asked nicely.
  6. Since my oldest DS was hit by a car we're at trying to get follow up care and deal with whenever comes next. We haven't gotten the accident report yet (we will check again tomorrow). He can't be seen at the Orthopedic clinic until he gets that (!). They said something about getting an adjustor? We have a law plan from DH's work so I need to secure a personal injury lawyer right? What do I do next? His injuries aren't terrible but I want to know that things are paid for and ideally we get reimbursed for the extra stuff we are paying for and doing because he is injured. Thanks Hive Mind!
  7. Try acupuncture? It worked for my sunny side up baby. The needles went in the ankle area and WHOOP he flipped around. Took them out and WHOOP back again. Stuck them in and taped those suckers down!
  8. This is a good example of a not-good therapist. Sadly there are bunches of them out there. I hope she can have those conversations with her husband.
  9. Well, THAT'S not the end result you wanted? I hope that it is an easier ride than what you have been going through.
  10. Oh Laura! I am devastated for you and your father. May your mother's memory be for a blessing. I pray you and your loved ones have care and support.
  11. Praying for G-d's hand to guide the doctors and support staff to a most successful result. Peace to all the families.
  12. I'm so glad my MIL gave birth to my DH. Is that enough? 😛
  13. @Scarlett, I don't want to pick a fight with you but don't you also say that therapy isn't for you as well? The familial dysfunction can make it like (or actually be) an abusive relationship. I know the severe avoidance my DH learned from his FOO was abusive to me. He did learn (through therapy) what he was doing and how to try to stop that behavior. And commenting on your last paragraph; when there is (unresolved ) dysfunction in a intimate relationship it doesn't work that easily because the ingrained relationship reactions are messed up so a normal resolution can't happen.
  14. With my college aged kids (especially the oppositional one), I just listen and (gently) empathize. It's not my college career; it's theirs. I do ask if there is anything I can do to help. I might gently follow up with anything I'm asked to do.
  15. I have hesitated about 20 times in writing a comment because you refuse to look at a therapeutic relationship. My marriage almost shattered after my sister's death. The beginning of the chasm was directly because of my husband's FOO (and the generation before that). There was and is terrible familial dysfunction. And it took a year of intense marital therapy and personal therapy on both of our parts that continued afterward off and on (and I bet will continue for my DH because of his family). I love that therapy could save our marriage and make it so much better. There is ABSOLUTELY NO way we could have done it on our own. We're smart (really smart h ) and accomplished and I'm extremely good at listening to people. But when inside the chaos there was no way we could learn the techniques and skills to bring our feelings to ourselves and our marriage. Without my DH 's personal therapy he would have broken this marriage even after the marriage saving therapy. If you want me to delete this I will. But a lot of very smart women are saying the same thing. I truly wish y'all the best. ETA: I don't know if it will make it more palatable to hear there is some stuff I will NEVER bring to therapy. I know enough about myself that I cannot come to certain conclusions and so I won't go down that path. But I DID use therapy for stuff I know I can work with. And I'm so glad I did. The deep stuff I did with through was integral to staying in the marriage.
  16. I can tell you from the SIL side that those men really appreciate the love they get from their in-laws.
  17. Thank you everyone. I got most of the cooking done. Main dishes can be cooked quickly thank G-d (I have pescatarian, vegan, vegetarian, and meat eaters!). So asking my friends (who have offered) isn't all that much help! Lol My husband took our youngest to ski and they are on their way back now. I think we will tag team and I'll finish up and swing back here as my DD sends to want me here vs her father. Keep on praying and thinking quick thoughts!
  18. Now I'm waiting in the ER with my DD. She dropped a heavy metal pole on her finger late last night while working on the school's play set. Maybe broken, and a wound to boot. I called the peds nurse line and they said to patch her up and go to the doctor this morning. Did that and she sent us here. Prayers please for SPEEDY help. Shabbos (Jewish Sabbath) in less than 5 hours and I didn't finish cooking. ETA: x-ray shows no break. Just a big fat bruise. We're going home! 😲
  19. That is such sad news. I'm so sorry.
  20. Duke Blue. Gack! Can't believe a good Tar Heel like myself is suggesting this!
  21. I'm praying for them and y'all for health, peace, and the ability to tolerate the difficulties thrown at y'all.
  22. Or a shell under it so you can still see the detail. What a shell is!
  23. I'm praying for good judgement from the courts, peace for you and the kids (and for their father as well)
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