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Everything posted by 4everHis

  1. 30 minutes on the stairmaster. Treadmill has gone caput so I'm gutting it out on the stairmaster. :ack2:
  2. :iagree: We 'went away' for Thanksgiving one year and oh my! What a relief. No family issues, no wondering what everyone else was doing cause 'we were gone!' You're Aunt will be fine. Maybe her kids don't invite her because they know you will.
  3. The Walmart close to my hometown is not hiring seasonal help this year. Is that typical or a sign of the times?
  4. I'm finding youtube a scarey place too. I researched today and turned on all the safety stuff and for 'kicks' went back in and searched for 'words' to see what would happen. It blocked videos about s*x, b**bs, etc (though it showed the thumbnail pics :confused:) but I put in the word gay and the ONLY thing that came up was gay sex videos and all of them were accessible:eek: Can you filter out specific words in 'search'? btw. I would have felt the same :eek: had it been heterosexual, animal or cartoon sex. maybe this should be it's own thread. sorry, I didn't mean to hijack but this thread had me researching protection.
  5. Sounds like this is the kid who is going to earn enough $$ to pay someone to take care of his laundry ;) I know that doesn't help you now. . .
  6. Agreeing with the Couch to 5K. Excellent program for any level of walker/runner who wants to build endurance. I also found that by following that program in the beginning I never had injuries like when I just jumped in started running to far to fast. Have fun! Remember, you can make a C25K week last more than one week if you need to.
  7. I have one and my dh has a chuck that fits his electric drill (heavy duty not battery operated) and I just hold the chuck in place, pull the trigger and bam! Much easier than hand cranking. The hand cranking is doable but it is VERY time consuming if you are doing more than 4 cups of wheat berries.
  8. That might explain it. Just surprised it affects us since there is a sugar plant about 60 miles from here and tons of sugar beet farms. I guess if Kroger doesn't by 'locally' it could definitely be a response to this problem though. I heard the same thing about peanuts and bought a few extra last week.
  9. unbelievable when it was $6.59 for 5#'s at Kroger :confused:
  10. Just to ease some of your mama guilt, I've found that when ANY one of my kids is gone it's more peaceful. Doesn't matter if it's the most laid back one or the 'challenging' one. Although when it's the more challegening one even the kids notice :001_smile:
  11. I am obviously living in the wrong part of the U.S. I really thought our prices were pretty good. Second guessing that now. We live less than an hour from a sugar production plant. You'd think that would be one thing we could get at a decent price. The milk 'plant' in the next town also puts out the highest priced milk at any of our supermarkets. I don't get it!
  12. I'm sorry but that made me :smilielol5:I'm still not sure what all the 'good' parts are about hanging out with the ps crowd!
  13. great find! I'll need to go coupon searching again. I rarely see coupons for things like sugar, flour and butter though.
  14. It looks like we'll all need to be on the lookout for good deals. I noticed last holidays I didn't think the deals on butter, flour and sugar were as plentiful as in past years. I noticed the price of nuts too. Mostly pecans! Oh MY!:glare:
  15. Kroger has been the cheapest place to get milk for almost a year now at $2.49. I'm sure they're hoping you'll also have to buy their $7 sugar and $3 white bread!! But I will run in for milk :D
  16. I bought the 'less than' store brand, $2.39 for 4lbs. but couldn't believe the nearly $7 for Kroger brand and Dominos.I don't get to WalMart often(distance) but for a while will be close to an Aldi's once a week. Guess I'll be stocking up!
  17. When did Kroger 5lb bags of sugar start selling for $6.59? and that was the sell price! What did I miss? how can this be?
  18. from the stance of 'in case of rape' argument: http://www.rebeccakiessling.com/blog.html
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