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Everything posted by 4everHis

  1. Don't know your dh but I'm thinking he must be off the charts wonderful!
  2. Had an abnormal pap, panicked for a weekend waiting to get back in to see doctor. She apologized for her staff but the test wasn't 'abnormal' they didn't get enough cells to DO the test!!! Would have saved me from lots of unneccessary stress had her staff told me THAT during the phone call. I agree with others, so many variables, I'd get the pap redone before I had more extensive testing done.
  3. I see that as potentially very damaging to the USPS. Instead of driving 25 miles won't people find other services?
  4. OK. . . then how in the world can the gov force them to pre-pay pensions and what role does the gov play in their 'business' dealings. I plead total ignorance since I've thought United States Postal Service meant the gov somehow supported/funded the USPS. I also agree with the thought that maybe they should deliver only 5 days a week. Would that somehow 'hurt' their income?
  5. If you're ignorant then so am I. I think this is a good question. Anyone know the answer?
  6. have you searched Donna Youngs website? lots of choices there.
  7. Welcome Mamajo, nice to see you here!
  8. :iagree: I realize God's grace is sufficient but that sure wouldn't make your situation easy. Venting would definitely have it's place.
  9. Would the PRA be specific about what would be required?
  10. If they search the private road easement should that then pull up a private road agreement/deed restrictions attached to that road? Sorry for not being more clear. . . all this is like a new language.:confused:
  11. On my friends actual deed there is a legal description of the land and road easement. The title company said they start with the address, pull the legal description then check everything again by tax i.d. number. Would this include a search of the legal description of the road easement too since it is part of the legal description on the deed?
  12. Would a title search pull up the same thing as a land tract search? trying to get all this lingo in order :001_huh:
  13. neither realtor disclosed this or even brought up the possibilty and friend never considered it because the house is almost 100 years old.
  14. my friend is being told that the house is part of a subdivision and has bylaws, master deeds etc.(that were never filed with the county or township) the declaration of road maint. agreement was on file at the reg. of deeds but not attached to the 90 yr old house deed.
  15. Try being surprised 16 months after closing. . .
  16. easement part of the land description comes up but in the title search there is no indication that this house is part of anything. When the private rd. agreement came up "oh, that means you'll have to chip in to get the road plowed." buyer's agent was present and didn't clarify or add to that. as to bolded would 'private road agreement' not signal something in a realtors knowledge that this could mean subdivision restrictions/HoA's, etc.?
  17. If a buyers agent realtor sees a 'Private Road Agreement' at closing what would/should he say to his buyer that this does/could/usually means?
  18. This. If you are in MI you already have access to non-core classes, it looks like they are just finding a way to benefit in the 'count' somehow. One of our Very large high schools had a homeschooler as the drum major so apparently in MI you aren't exempt from that stuff either. I'd do more checking with your school.
  19. I've now seen 'catalogs' pulled out at Christmas, Easter, Family Reunion and yes, even a funeral. They get that I'm not buying or getting involved but it's still there. Sorry you get to deal with this too.
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