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Everything posted by 4everHis

  1. I've never heard of Vivelle Dot. I'll start some research. Thanks again for your input.
  2. Thanks Casey. I did stop working out about 5 weeks ago due to knee issues and I've noticed the difference in my sleep. Didn't think about the difference it might make in hormone shifts too. I need to walk if nothing else, I'm sure.
  3. Well, I definitley appreciate an explaination that makes sense. Thank you. I will start looking into stuff.
  4. . . .my own. I'm 48 and I feel like I can 'feel' hormone shifts so much more than in previous years. Don't know how to explain it. The mood changes are so evident, even to me and it's like I can feel this 'surge.' I would think peri-meno is happening but what can I do to not have such extremes?
  5. But because the spouse is working you CAN get a credit card but some how, in some way, there would be the understanding that 'spouse' was paying the bill. Without my dh's income, there is no way I could pay a credit card bill. In theory, yes, his $$$ is mine, but from a business standpoint?
  6. I guess this was my first thought too. I wouldn't 'loan' money to someone who wasn't working. How could they pay it back? :confused:
  7. love your thoughts. . . .I believe this to be the correct answer :)
  8. We have two cats who are indoor/outdoor. They don't claw the furniture and they are great with the litter box too (in summer they 'go' outside, in winter frigid temps, they'll use the litter box) We never 'trained' them. It's just been their nature. You can probably count on some kind of cat fight at some point. If they are males it just seems to happen.
  9. The latest landlords I know who have tenants that sound exactly like yours. . . the tenants ARE lawyers. scarey!
  10. Walmart ususally carries a 'just bricks' box. Make sure it's not duplo and you should be ok.
  11. :lol: we're full of 'sin' too then! and we're 'regular' sinners too! I really thought I had heard it all. They seriously thought apples are sin? :confused:
  12. :iagree: and can't wait for it to come out so I can watch it again. AND, I'll probably read the book again. The did an excellent job.
  13. :iagree: relative (engineer for government making jet engines) so smart you can sometimes not have a 'normal' conversation with this person. . .went to the adjoining room in hotel to take shower, realized she/he'd forgotten his/her shampoo so was going to run next door and get it. Accidentally went out in the hallway of the VERY nice hotel, very NAKED!!! Of course the door locked behind her/him and their family was out so he/she had to flag down someone to help. :lol::lol:love to hear them tell this story! among many more just like it.
  14. unless they've changed since my oldest dd had an AG doll, the Joann clothes didn't seem to fit well. Do you have some of the recent ones?
  15. My dd8 isn't particular about having 'real' AG doll clothes. She'd rather have 'more' stuff than a few authentic things. Has anyone here found clothes that fit the dolls that are quality and really fit? I'm open to Etsy shops, handmade shops, etc.
  16. Do NOT think he gets this. I agree with you and I wonder what your dad says about that experience now?
  17. and if you don't drink it's probably because of the alcohol and the alchohol was cooked out. . . . so. . . no, I wouldn't be upset. In the end, isn't it a heart issue? You weren't truly 'drinking' and you're heart was definitely not in disobedience mode. I'm thinking God doesn't count it as sin towards you. mho
  18. I let one of the guys talking to him know that this was a legitimate concern. I
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