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Everything posted by 4everHis

  1. We put a few drops of tea tree oil in shampoo and for a week just washed everyone's hair with that vs. the chemical solutions. Sorry you are having to deal with this. Yes, it should be common courtesy to keep children with lice or sickness away from other people. :mad:
  2. I'm sure it means abosolutley nothing to you that I, a stranger, am totally proud of you for doing that. What integrity and character you two have!:)
  3. Huge difference IMHO when it's a major appliance that should last years. We're not talking a pair of jeans here. No appliance should die in a year. I would let them know I'm going to let all my friends on FB know about their lack of service. =)
  4. I worked for 2 professionals in the early 90's that had graduated in 1980. Neither had made a single payment towards their school loans as of 1995. When I say professional think attorney/doctor type professional. I can't imagine that mulitiplied out over the years. I agree that this bubble is getting ready to burst in our faces.:confused:
  5. Wow! Thank you both! I just wasn't sure how it might be classified. I'm off to research your suggestions.
  6. A friend was telling me that in some high schools there is a class on 'real life' that does things like *gives child a paycheck *shows child how much goes to government, bills, etc *what it does to your 'paycheck/life' if you are paying child support for your girlfriend/ex-girlfriends child that you concieved together. *That kind of curriculum Does anyone know what she was talking about or something like that?
  7. :iagree: Had a relative who didn't like to see a funeral hearse, it meant someone would die. Uh, Yeah! Apparently someone did!!!
  8. Funny, I grew up with people who paid attention to superstitions, black cat, walking under ladders, broken mirrors. I never held to them. Just last week I was at Goodwill and overheard a girl about my age (45ish) asking the clerk how big the umbrella span was on some umbrellas they were selling. The clerk told her she could open it and see. The lady responded, "Oh, I couldn't do that, I'd jinx myself." I told her to hand it to me, I'd open it for her. She was very concerned for me. Even after I closed it and handed it back she said, "I really hope you didn't jinx yourself." :001_smile: She obviously believed in the superstition.
  9. We've had both sides, a boy (11) who does his own laundry because it has to be just so and his hair? oh my. Don't touch it. Another boy (14) that has FINALLY taken a personal interest in his own appearance (and smell :001_smile:) It's nice to have handsome, non-smelly young men around! Congratulations!
  10. :lol: Sounds like mine. If he can't entertain himself with k'nex or outside and even 'looks' bored to me, he gets a job to do. Amazingly, he comes up with something to do!
  11. Thank God! That poor baby. Praying he continues to get better and I'm sure they'd still like a diagnosis. Praying for him in the Thumb of Michigan.
  12. Love Dee Henderson books and I second "The Firm" by John Grisham.
  13. Using it with 5 kids this year. Like the upper grades with DIVE cd. 1st and 2nd grade seem VERY slow to me. Fine for one child but I ended up skipping to next grade for 6 year old. There are pros and cons for every curriculum. Most people, looking back, will say they just wished they'd picked something and stayed with it vs. switching Math Curriculums every year.
  14. Until I saw this quote "People who don't have money don't understand the stress," I could almost see that, yes, they are having to change their lifestyle and that's hard on anyone, but seriously???? "People who don't have money don't understand?" Now they just appear crazy.:001_huh:
  15. apparently he failed anatomy. . . the man was following his pants.
  16. I agree with previous posts. She misses the deadline, now that you've given her ways to meet it, she is canceled. Maybe next time there could be the 'if you are late there will be a $? late fee.' If you let her off this time, she'll just do it again. Time for her to be responsible.
  17. I've been using coconut oil. It's been very helpful here.
  18. That would be terribly annoying. No help for today but maybe keep a spare in your purse? Hope you find the spares SOON!
  19. Sorry, would not, in a million years, spend that kind of $$ on skin care. You might want to take into consideration that if gas prices go up as they say they will, that kind of product would be one of the very first to leave the budget.
  20. :iagree: I have now attended family reunions, birthday parties, camp outs, etc all the way to a funeral! with 'the newest catalog' coming out. yuck! yuck! yuck!
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