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Everything posted by 4everHis

  1. Has anyone here actually ever participated? Used the scanner, dealt with the points, rewards, etc.? Is it worth the time?
  2. my latest FB status? there is great wisdom in learning to keep your mouth shut.
  3. on the flip side. My 2nd child rarely talked, though he was obviously able, was the slowest to read but when he decided he wanted to read the HP books he's never stopped. He's now a couple of weeks from 14 and we still call him our 'man of few words.' He's just not a talker, never has been. He's intelligent and a whiz at math and loves to read, just not in to talking.:) peace of mind for you is huge. So take him in if you want. I just wanted you to know that it can be normal too.
  4. Just wanted to say that we started this and my 1st and 3rd grader are loving the challenge and not even realizing that they are cementing their math facts. Thanks to whomever posted this in the past and maybe it will help some other mom who isn't good at sitting down with flashcards ;) https://www.xtramath.org/home
  5. Is it just me or does it seem like the contestants used to lose a lot more weight per week? Not last year maybe, but in previous years? I know, so totally unimportant in the scheme of things. :001_smile:
  6. I needed to be able to choose two options. My dad could do cars, houses, woodworking, plumbing, electrical. We always called what he did jerry-rigging because he wasn't real particular about how it looked, but it always worked. His woodworking? He was a perfectionist. I married someone just like him (except he's a perfectionist in ALL things) and we always laugh because people like my dad and dh NEED people like your husband around. That's who makes our living possible =)
  7. If you don't mind my asking, when were you in highschool?
  8. :svengo:That is one of the scariest/stupidest things I've ever heard of.
  9. Funny that it never occurred to me that the spelling would be 'Pharm.' That is exactly what it is. Kids with a bowl full of prescription drugs. I had never heard of it until this weekend when someone I actually know attended one. I think it scared the 'carp' out of this kid, they weren't expecting it. Thankfully, they left. I had just never heard of anyone risking their lives like that. . . that's crazy!!!
  10. Do you need just the student book? If so, I have one I'll sell you. It's got about 20 pages done in pencil and most of those are just the 'letter' tracing. Otherwise, new condition.Let me know.
  11. :eek: I have never said wth. . . . but that was my first thought! How, on God's green earth, can this be??? I paid cash for last ds 6 years ago. Between the doctor and the hospital it was only about $5,000 and that was WITH an epidural, no vaccines.
  12. I did PL in 2011. Photo a day for about 3 months then got behind. I ended up having some 2 page spreads that covered a couple of weeks and some 4 page spreads that covered a week (family reunion/open house/out of state visitors all in one week) and it still turned out very well. Even my dh thought it was a great idea. There are some weeks where all I captured were the kinds of things I wish I could see from my own growing up. What we did on 'regular' days. What our town looks like. Then there were some big moments. I think it's an WONDERFUL idea just give yourself some flexibilty for missing the 'photo a day.'
  13. HEY! That's mine. . . and I'm not starting til the 1st either :001_smile:
  14. Family of 7 here and this would allow us only one sandwich each per week and maybe a couple of people could then have a slice of toast one morning. That's if everyone really ONLY wanted one sandwich at a meal. I have boys who can eat more than one.:glare:
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