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Everything posted by scholastica

  1. There’s a third group of homeless missing from your list. People who are able to find shelter with family and friends but who do not have an actual home of their own. They are usually working, but for a variety of reasons, have been unable to or lost housing of their own. Many people in this country are extremely close to that edge at any given time. There are also lots of colllege educated young people working full time jobs who are unable to afford living on their own at entry level salaries. They live with parents or other relatives or they would be homeless. Apartments just went in in my suburban community that are priced starting at $1500+/mo. for a one bedroom 750 sq ft. apartment. My college educated nieces and nephews who are working their first jobs out of school (career oriented positions) cannot afford to live on their own. Without relatives they would be in a precarious position.
  2. I don’t think anyone was saying that observing the fact that older Americans are staying in their homes is a problem. The headline of the article linked early literally said “Boomers Won’t Part with Their Homes…”. There is an implication in that construction that they should part with their homes because other people are entitled to them now that the Boomers kids are grown. The article itself wasn’t really strong on that point. It’s a terrible headline, though.
  3. I’m so sorry. Praying for your dd.
  4. Hysterectomy? I don’t know if they do fewer “drive-by” surgeries in the UK and actually care for patients until they can care for themselves. Here we send the patient home and let family members do what used to be done in hospitals. They even tell you that you need a person with you for X number of days post-op. I hope whatever it is, she gets the care she needs.
  5. A lot of those are 3 season housing or not in places with jobs out of season. My in-laws had a lake house that was usable from April-November. They or other family and friends used it consistently during that time.
  6. I saw this article and I’ve seen others like it. This notion in the headline that one generation is somehow obligated to vacate their property to accommodate the next is a novel one. Since assisted living and nursing home care is so outrageously expensive, it makes good financial sense for boomers to live in their paid off homes for as long as possible. They worked hard to pay off their homes, why shouldn’t they get to decide how long to hold onto them? I think the housing market is a mess right now, a lot of due to investors scooping up foreclosures in the 2008 crash. Those were turned into rentals and are not available for sale. Then the problem of no-one building affordable housing, as was mentioned. Add to that C grade apartments being renovated to B or even A grade and rents on those getting jacked up and the market is completely out of whack. We are currently short 4,000,000 units of affordable housing in this country. All that to say that that’s not the fault of those who bought their homes, stayed put, and paid them off and now want to enjoy that as long as possible.
  7. I didn’t have to write a college application essay. They just weren’t as common.
  8. Older dd and I both got boosted. Dd was able to get it in her college town this fall, but it was in short supply here for a long time. Then I got hurt and we were busy, so no-one else did, until I was scheduled for a surgery that requires a lot of PT. I didn’t want to get sick and have to reschedule surgery or miss PT so I got a booster. In the meantime, dh got Covid. He isolated really well from us and no-one else here at the time got it. Oldest ds, home from grad school, got it at Christmas, isolated and no-one else got it. Other people have gotten colds, but not tested positive. Still wanting to get the two dc who haven’t had Covid boosted. The rates are pretty high here right now.
  9. Can you still see them under the my transactions tab on your account?
  10. To an extent they can be not like this. As a relationship deepens and they become invested, they tend to show their true colors. The only time they don’t is if the other person is always as they wish them to be. Those tend to be more surface relationships. The better you get to know someone, the more you are likely to find something that you disagree over. I would be willing to bet IB’s mom has a long line of used to be friends who eventually figured it out. It’s so hard for kids to figure out since that’s all they’ve ever known and it’s a close relationship.
  11. I think most men who are 40+ who are actual grown-ups and want to be married or in a committed relationship are. That leaves just a few who may be still looking and a whole lot of immature men hiding them.
  12. Consider adding Florastor. Get tested for various bacterial infections.
  13. I’m concerned you’re not actually eating enough. When you don’t eat enough, your body will do everything it can to hold onto fat. Even in a restricting mode, you should be able to get enough protein and produce every day within the calorie allotment. If you are not, you are likely not eating enough.
  14. I got lucky. My mom was an early re-adopter of breastfeeding which led to her getting hooked up with LaLeche League. That led to her being more “crunchy” than many in her generation. We had a huge garden when I was a kid. We also did a lot of pick your own fruits. She canned so many things, so we always had so much produce around. We usually ate hot cereal for breakfast, had to take our lunch which would be PB&J or tuna or something like that and dinner was usually a meat, a starch and vegetables, all cooked at home. We rarely ate out. She eventually went back to work full time and introduced more ultra-processed foods into the house to save time.
  15. It depends on what you mean by “used to be”. It depends on what class in society people lived in. Ultra-processed food has caused health to deteriorate everywhere it has been introduced. Some people have always been malnourished due to poverty. Most people who have had the means ate NOVA-1 through NOVA-3 foods for most of human history. NOVA-4 foods aka ultra-processed foods, are a recent invention and are wreaking havoc. This book, Ultra-Processed People, does a good job explaining what ultra-processed food is and what it does on a personal level and a societal level.
  16. Praying for you and your kid.
  17. It doesn’t count all the time you’re standing towards your standing goal. It counts the number of hours in the day you stand for at least 1 minute.
  18. I don’t think YNAB can do this since you don’t actually have that money to allocate. It’s already gone and YNAB is tracking what you have available to spend.
  19. That is weird. Although, my dh’s sister and her dh lived with my in-laws for a time while they were building a house, and mail with their name continued to go there for the rest of the time my in-laws owned the house ~ 20 years. So, if either previous owner let someone live with them or receive mail there, that could be why. Alternatively, your sellers were committing identity theft.
  20. I got both together and had no downtime unlike my original Covid shots which laid me out for a day each. Hopefully you have the same outcome.
  21. Often, the registry will allow gifts to be shipped directly somewhere. If they know for sure which items they can’t take, they can have them shipped to your address and you won’t have to drive them home from the wedding.
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