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Everything posted by Mom2GirlsTX

  1. I placed my order today also! I bought the first edition about 7 years ago, never bought the second edition. I am looking forward to getting this edition.:001_smile:
  2. King Arthur flour rocks! I have found the absolute best way to increase the moistness factor is to use applesauce instead of oil...it really increases the moistness and yet you do not taste the applesauce.
  3. You could easily use Easy Grammar 5/6 with both of them and they could share a book, but you would have to photocopy the page. If that is not a big deal, then one book would do it, if not, just buy two books. And again, 5/6 could easily be taught to a 7th or 8th grader, or a 4th grader... It introduces prepositions first and then explains one concept at a time. Easy Grammar is easily implemented by children who have not had any exposure to Grammar in school. At least here where I'm at, most public schools don't teach grammar till 7th grade. R&S is an excellent program, but my children found it much to dry....
  4. You can call them and give them a credit card, info at bottom of their page. I cut and pasted it Here is there contact info Phone 480.502.9454 | Fax 480.991.5635 | 1.800.641.6015 | Email: Jenny@easygrammar.com :001_smile: Or call them and see if they take checks/paypal...I'm not sure.
  5. I love that book! Next to WTMind it is my favorite homeschool book. Enjoy!
  6. Jen, see the links below that will take you to previous threads about this. But to answer your question, I would do Easy Grammar 5/6 with the younger and EAsy Grammar Plus with the 7th grader if you can buy the older editions that are on sale here http://www.easygrammar.com/sale.html The great thing about the older editions, the Teachers Editions is that you can use them for your kids to write in, but the answers are on the left side and the right side is the same but without the answers so the child can work the right hand workpage and then you just check the answers. If they are out of those (super deal at $8.00 a piece) then I would just buy the appropriate grade level that your kids are in, 5th grade and 7th grade. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95523&highlight=easy+grammar http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95656&highlight=easy+grammar
  7. Easy Grammar would work. It is not remedial, but it is easy as it suggest, just one page basically a day. Do searches here about EG or Easy Grammar and you will find more information. You can also go to Easy Grammar web site and read more about the program, I think your children would not be put off by it, nor intimidated, yet it will teach them what they need to know.
  8. I always feel that feeling, and then I get over it :D and take it straight to the Women's Shelter if they are taking items for resale or I take to Goodwill. I feel good that I can help someone else and feel really good I don't have to look at the stuff anymore.
  9. Seconding LOF (Life of Fred), it is fun and the teaching instruction is excellent. It would take them the summer months to finish it if you pace it out. It would give them a good foundation and review and given it is so different from other math programs, your kids will look forward to it. I would think they are at the perfect age/stage for the two books recommended above. As a big plus, the price of LOF is very reasonable and they can absolutely share a book. Here is the authors web site http://www.stanleyschmidt.com/FredGauss/index2.html
  10. I also like Artistic Pursuits, but I would also suggest something both my children LOVE. It is Mark Kistlers online drawing lessons, it is a Homeschool Buyers Co-op buy for $39.95 for 3 full years of lessons (normally $99.95) https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_epp_offer&Itemid=803 If anything, it would be an add in program to whatever art program you choose.
  11. is FLVS Florida Virtual School? I'm thinking if he would be doing competitions and travelling , the DVD might be easier as far as transporting and doing the work than carrying a laptop when travelling to connect online. I think either program would be good, but I have no experience with either, only reading things here. I know people do like the convience factor of the DVD's.
  12. Congratulations, what a beautiful young lady, her sweetness shines through!
  13. Is he talking doing full care? Or partial care? Will you be feeding them, cleaning the stalls, turning out to pasture, etc? Just basic care around DFW Texas (no where near your cost of living of California) starts at $200 a month and that was about 2 years ago when I checked. I heard basic care (they provide food ) was up over $250 but there are no facilities that have the amenities you are offering. Sounds lovely! By the way, it could be a nightmare if you don't know what you are doing. I would bend Remudamoms ear if I were you, you would want to protect yourself and your property from the destructive humans that come along with the horses ;)
  14. Chloe, I'm sorry I did not answer your question earlier today. I went to the bookshelf and pulled out Easy Grammar 4 & 5 (grey book), Easy Grammar 5 & 6 (the purple book) and Easy Grammar Plus. I have gone through the books and the biggest difference appears to be between EG 4&5 and EG 5&6 and then the only difference is that 4,5 has you learn 40 prepositions and 5&6 has you memorize 50. EG Plus is very big on mastery, but appears to be very similar to 5 & 6, though 5 & 6 is definitely less difficult than EG Plus. So my answer is going to be based on the fact of IF can get the Easy Grammar Plus from them for $8.00 plus shipping, I would say you would be fine to do so. My oldest is your daughters age and she is doing 5/6 and will go to Easy Grammar Plus next year. She started out in 4/5, and then I switched her to 5/6 and gave the 4/5 book to her little sister. Each of these books is a review of the other, they are to teach your child mastery of the concepts. Only you know your daughter, if she truly has it all fairly well mastered in 4/5, then you should be able to to EG Plus and should be fine. I hope that helps some.
  15. But the poster is in Italy, I have no idea what the pay is like in Italy. Here in DFW that would cost about $12 to $15 an hour IF I could find someone willing to sit that many kids at once.
  16. Hi there, I love, love, love Easy Grammar but we use the older books, the ones that were 2 levels, before they went to single levels. I have from grade 2 up to the end and you would be fine putting your daughter in either Grade 4 or 5. They are very similar and the biggest difference is the amount of problems daily. First, the easiest and cheapest way to do this is to go straight to Easy Grammar website and buy one of their brand new but older editions they are clearing out, they are $8 plus shipping, in most homeschool stores these are $35 or so. Go here http://www.easygrammar.com/sale.html and you could buy either 4/5 or 5/6 and she would be fine. It has the answers on one side and the problems on other, so you just fold the answer side down and work the one page, check her answers and your done. Day 2 you do the next page. Easy and effective! If you have any other questions, let me know.
  17. We do what TejasMamacita does, just connect a cable (which I don't know the name of either :D) to the computer to back of TV. I will ask dh the name and it isn't expensive. The one thing that I can recommend is using some computer speakers to adjust volume, maybe it is just my laptop, but I have not been able to get the volume right on the tv when watching Netflix instaview so I just plugged in the cheapo speakers for a computer and did the sound off them, worked perfect. So now you have two people who don't know the name of the cord...lol...trying to help you. Hopefully we can give you more info later.
  18. I am not positive, as I have not used BJU before but have followed the threads. From what I can gather, the DVD option has been around longer, the hard drive option maybe a year or two. The DVD option allows you to customize a couple of the courses up or down a grade level (say your 4th grader could do 5th grade math, but 3rd grade spelling, etc). Also the DVD option could be played easily on a TV versus the hard drive playing on a computer. The hard drive does not have the flexibility of going up or down on certain classes, everything would be on one grade level. I am guessing that the flexibility and the fact the DVD's have been available much longer than the hard drive option are major reasons many refer to the dvd's.
  19. Teresa, you can put an offer in on the other home with a contigency to sale your home. The seller may or may not accept an offer with a sale contigency, but they might given the economy. I'm sure they would put something in that if they get another offer, you would have about 30 days to close, meaning at that point if you have not sold your home, you have to make the decision to move forward and close on new house or let the new contract go forward with a different person buying your dream home. The way this typically works is that you place an offer, they accept, then you try and sale your place. Now remember, if they get another offer, you might have to move quickly to go ahead and get a lone or just let it go. I'm thinking that if it is your dream home, I would go for it, it sounds DREAMY to me from what you have written. The worst scenario is that you place an offer and they won't accept a contigency, but you can at least try, and if you don't try, won't you always wonder, "what if?" Best regards from a fellow Texan.
  20. I have never heard of this. Please let us know how it goes, it could be a real help for some who want to get some assistance for a subject. Keep us posted!:001_smile::001_smile:
  21. My youngest has a traumatic brain injury and has been on seizure medications since she was 3 years old. Her seizures are fairly under control, but the medicine definitely affects her, she also has trouble with processing information. Her biggest problem is that by appearances, she looks perfectly normal and is able to hide her disability that even the public school teachers assumed she was learning in a normal way. She was not and it took so much time dealing with ARD, etc that I pulled her to homeschool her even though the Occupatioal therapy she received was wonderful. I have found that homeschooling has worked wonders for her. When I was at her Neurologist last month he was absolutely THRILLED that I was homeschooling her. He feels that has been one reason that so many aspects of her life are showing marked improvement. School physically/mentally wore her out, and now we can do things for short periods of time and she really does so much better. The things that she does like and seem to work well for her (she is age 9) are She enjoys Math U See, but she likes Teaching Textbooks better. She enjoys doing the math sheets from Calculadders (we do half sheets, with the print enlarged) and she just loves seeing her scores increase daily. She LOVEs EASY Grammar and Daily Grams, she said that making correct sentences is finally making sense. Handwriting is Handwriting Without Tears, but we started that at age 5 in Occupational Therapy. She did not like a Childs History of the World but is enjoying Story of the World accompanied by reading from the Bible Story book also has been very enjoyable. On the advice of her Neurologist, Neuro Psych and her Occupational Therapist we do school in chunks. we do about 45 minutes then let her relax, stretch, draw and then go back to school for 45 minutes. She gets about 3 1/2 hours a day of solid work and she is progressing so well. Art has always been hard for her, but she is absolutely loving the online Mark Kissler art lessons as she can watch them and follow along. I'm amazed that she is improving so dramatically. I think your friend will be happy to find that her daughter will do much better at home. She can PM if she wants.
  22. We are sure going to miss you. I'm glad your life is moving forward in a way that brings you happiness. :001_smile:
  23. :lurk5: I can relate all to well, life is the same here with mine.:001_huh:
  24. Yea, tons of info has been covered on this. Honestly, it is almost like waving a red flag in front of a bull for some people to bring these two programs up for comparison :D The basic summary appears to be that CD is much more advanced, that it takes two years of TT algebra to cover what CD does in one year. Given everything, I'm still using TT with my kids for awhile (our main program is Singapore though) and we supplement with TT. I might switch to CD at a later date. In my very humble opinion, the best program is the one that works best for your kid :001_smile:
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