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Everything posted by Negin

  1. when you're reading a thread and someone says that they PM'd the OP, and it wasn't even a private sort of thread, more of an informative, helpful nature, for example health-related or curriculum-related, etc.? I know that this sounds rather petty and silly, but I get mildly annoyed. I'm reading a thread and then I see that and I want to say, "Hey, I'd like to know what you have to offer, what you have to say! What am I? Chopped liver :lol:? What's the big secret anyway? Why not share for all of us to see?" I just don't get it ... :confused: Nothing big has happened recently (only one thread that I can think of). This has just been on my mind for the longest while and I've been meaning to post about this. Guess, I'm just being too silly and petty this early in the morning. :leaving:
  2. Love this thread and all the links. Dh and I are crazy about period classics. :D
  3. Jean, thank you for starting this thread. It's comforting, reassuring, and most of all informative and extremely helpful for me. Thank you all for the very helpful responses. Copied, pasted, printed out to read later. :)
  4. Sounds great. Thank you :D. Also sharing it with my fashionista dd. She's going to love it.
  5. Really do appreciate this thread and am taking notes. I wonder if I need the book and/or DVD, or if I should just be cheap and search for all the info online. Everyone's doing so well. This is very encouraging. :D Great job! :)
  6. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: Love this book. I'm sorry you're going through this now. :grouphug: I need to re-read that book. My goal is to re-read it every year or so.
  7. A good probiotic and eating lots of plain yogurt helps also. Bad breath is so often related to digestive issues.
  8. Some things that may help. Horse Chestnut Extract - that contains 50-90 mg of aescin, 2-3 times a day. Avoid if pregnant, or suffering from liver/kidney disease. Horse Chestnut Extract prevents and treats varicose veins. Aescin tones floppy vessels. 500 mg once a day Eat a diet rich in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids (found in the white pith of citrus fruits). Or take 1000 mg 3 times daily, to strengthen blood vessels and capillaries. Purplish-blue fruits, such as blueberries and plums are especially rich in natural antioxidants. Can also supplement with grapeseed extract, citrus bioflavonoids, or vitamin C. Elevate your legs above your heart regularly throughout the day. If you experience any pain or tenderness in the veins, see your doctor to rule out the possibility of vein thrombosis (blood clot), which could break loose and block blood flow to vital organs like the lungs, heart, or brain. Legs-up-the-Wall Pose Foods rich in Vitamin K – dark leafy greens – spider veins can signal a vitamin K deficiency Dry body brushing helps with circulation, regular massage and rebouding should help also. CAUSES: Prolonged standing Too much sun exposure Pregnancy Menopause Heredity
  9. Lori is amazing. I LOVE her lists. :D I used to think that I was The Queen of Lists (my dh's name for me ;)) until I met Lori. :grouphug: Lori, do you have a blog or one central place with all your fabulously helpful lists? I wish I knew you IRL. :)
  10. Yum ... stop with these tempting images! :D BTW, love your avatar and siggy picture. :)
  11. This totally blows :crying:. I also switched to Book Depository since amazon charges so much to ship to Grenada. This will be terrible. Time to get a Kindle for dd as well, I guess ... not that she likes them. Many years ago, amazon used to offer surface shipping. Then they stopped. But at least other companies - Rainbow Resource, etc. - still offered surface shipping and some homeschooling companies even had M-Bags which were super, super cheap. Then both surface and M-Bags stopped thanks to some ebay scammers and the U.S. Postal Service - there is no longer any more surface mail. The whole thing stinks. I did just place an order at Book Depository last week. I wasn't charged for shipping. When do the changes go into effect? Never. I hope. Wishful thinking ... And Grenada has stopped importing ALL magazines. Dd misses her Archie Digests and I miss getting my monthly magazine fix. We've gone back to the dark ages here. :confused:
  12. Praying for you right now. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. I could not stand these either :thumbdown:. Stacia, so far, so good. Not sure if you will like it. I haven't read Red Tent. Some love it and some seem to not like it at all. So I can't tell if this is written in the same style, etc. or not. The only thing I have a hard time with, as of late, are books that have more than 3 or so main characters. I don't know if I have ADHD or something. I just have a very hard time focusing lately on books with too many characters. I think I'm just too distracted and unfocused these days. Too many things on my mind ... All in all, I love the recent historical aspect of this book. It's quite accurate, and again, all about a place that's very dear to me. Escape has interested me for some time. The Moonstone looks good also. I was very sad also. I miss that series very much. Too bad he died so early. He was in the middle of the 4th one and he planned, apparently, to write 10 in the series.
  14. I totally agree. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these boards :thumbup:. The moderators are so gracious and kind. I had a thread that was deleted a while back, so I have first-hand experience. This, to me, is the most "level-headed", mature, and open-minded board that I have seen. There is no bias. I have seen people say if they don't like WWE or have a problem with some part of SOTW. No way would that be allowed in other places. I am so incredibly appreciative of this place, particularly since we are isolated homeschoolers. This is the first place I visit every single morning. Jana, I think I know what you're talking about, then again, I may be wrong. :confused: I'm often very slow on the uptake when it comes to online stuff. ;) Always the last to know and figure something out ... :rolleyes: I'm sorry that you were banned. That hurts a lot.
  15. In the middle of Day After Night, which I bought in Haifa, Israel. Liking it very much so far, particularly since it's about that area. My favorite part of the world. :)
  16. I don't budget. I just buy something when I really, really love it and/or if I need it. I'm beginning to think that I need to make a list of how many tops I need, how many shorts, how many pants, etc. Problem is: I don't know where to start. Guess I just have to go by common sense. If I could and if I could convince dh, I would fly to the U.K. once every two years and do all my and dd's shopping there. I much, much prefer clothes shopping in the U.K. This would be my dream come true. :D I used to love Coldwater Creek and still like them a lot, but, to me, they're not as good as they used to be. I love their customer service, however. I get overwhelmed in most U.S. clothing stores. :iagree: This is me. Agree. This is me also. I'm big on size and quality. Both are everything to me. I'm a petite and so I can't just buy any pair of jeans, for example. Yes, if you can afford it, if you need it, and if it makes you feel good and happy - there should be no guilt. :) Me too. I'm almost embarrassed to say that here. Same. I used to. Not anymore. My dc are okay with their clothes. I never wear jeans much to my dd's chagrin. But to me, $75 is a great price. Maybe I'm odd ... Okay, I'm quoting others far too much here. Time to stop. Agreeing too much with everyone. Interesting thread. I wish I knew how to figure out how many tops I need, skirts, etc. Is there a site that gives this sort of info?
  17. If anyone can PM me and is not sick and tired of PM-ing, would greatly appreciate it. Just want to make sure that this is what I think it is ... ;)
  18. These are my thoughts exactly. I had seriously considered this product and was about to purchase it within the next month or so. No more. :glare:
  19. I'm taking a break from it for a few months, but I do love this diet since it's been the only thing that has worked for me, really worked for me, in a very, very long time. Not every diet or eating plan will work for all. But this is what worked for me. :)
  20. Thank you all so much. Have copied and pasted all your suggestions to help make my decision before our next trip to the U.S. :)
  21. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  22. I'm considering making homemade ice cream once again. I used do this back in the '80s. I'm thinking of getting a good electric ice cream maker this time around. Back then it was manual, and, although I made yummy ice cream, quite a pain at times. Anyone able to recommend a good one? One that you love or even one that you regret purchasing and that I should avoid? I'm tired of ice cream with questionable ingredients. I'm looking on amazon but haven't yet had time to read all the reviews. Besides, I trust you all more. :) Finally, do all ice cream makers need rock salt? I can't get that easily here, if at all ... If if needs rock salt, I probably won't be purchasing it.
  23. Me too. Love NPR. Also like Huffington Post (rather entertaining ;)), BBC online, CNN - sometimes, but I don't always have the time. I love listening to NPR while making breakfast.
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