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Everything posted by Negin

  1. While the dc were doing their work this morning, I spent most of my time browsing these books. Thank you all again so much. Some of them, she's already read. :) Stacia, yes, that's why I asked. :lol: I remember you telling me some of this. Thank you for this. I'll see if dd is up to it. I couldn't stand the Lemony Snicket books, for example. Dd loved them. We'll see. I doubt if she'll like them ... :glare: If you or anyone else has any more suggestions, please keep sharing. Thank you all. :grouphug:
  2. I thought of you and was wondering when exactly you were going. :grouphug:
  3. I love, love, love breakfast :D, but I despise lunch :glare:, unless someone else is making it or getting it ;).
  4. Yes. I've often read (and it's basic common sense) that get any large group of idle/unemployed/misguided youth (but usually males) and this sort of thing is more likely. They're frustrated. They're angry. So many benefits are being cut. Sad, but true. Doesn't make it right. But this is what it is ...
  5. I think that this was insightful and accurate. Lara Oyedele of Odu-Dua housing association, who lives in Tottenham, looks at the motivation of the rioters. "The looting doesn't surprise me: it's entertainment, something to keep young people busy. It's not right, but those are the facts. Simply, if they had to go to work this morning they wouldn't have been rioting last night. They're disaffected, unhappy and upset, and they are looking at the likes of me, saying: you need to give me something, I need a job, I need you to help me." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/blog/2011/aug/09/london-riots-violence-looting-live
  6. Yes, I hear you. You could encourage her to go first thing in the morning/least crowded times and remind her that she may never see some of the people at the mall, unless you're in a small town, possibly. Grenada has zero anonymity, so that wouldn't be very appealing. At least in the U.S. you have more anonymity. :)
  7. I am so sorry :grouphug:. That's just awful. :confused: Maybe vitamin E capsules or aloe would help? Maybe see a dermatologist? Forearms - not super-painful. Underarms are much more painful. Here are my waxing tips for you or anyone else who may be interested: * If you can, avoid waxing right before that time of the month. * Don't let your hairs grow too long. When they're too long, it hurts more. In other words, wax more frequently. I have my underarms waxed every 3 weeks. * Try to avoid caffeine a few hours before. * 1 or 2 Advils a half hour or so before helps A LOT! But I seldom need this anymore. * Exfoliating the area up to a few days before waxing and also exfoliating again a few days after and every few days thereafter.
  8. Silk underwear really, really helps, and layers, lots and lots of layers.
  9. I think you'd like it. Nice for a date night. :)
  10. Me too ... :glare: ... I don't watch much TV at all. Barely any, in fact. These days, I can't seem to focus on books with more than 3 or so main characters. Very frustrating. :glare:
  11. I'm very picky about who waxes my eyebrows. I had THE best person do them for me every month when I lived in NY. Mind you, I had better eyebrows then. My eyebrows are slowly thinning. Aging. :glare: They're still uncontrollable and bushy. For years, because I couldn't find anyone good to do them, my dh also would trim them for me. Once every 4-6 weeks, I go for waxing - brows, underarms, fingers, toes, and every 3 or so months - my forearms.
  12. Great movie I highly recommend it. Lovely for a date night - sweet, funny, and just nice overall. Loved it. Thanks to Stacia for recommending it to me. :group: I liked it even more since we've just visited many of the spots. Hadn't seen a Woody Allen movie in years and this one was really good. I'm crazy about the poster. Kept seeing it in the Paris Metro and London Underground. Anyone else seen this?
  13. Thank you all so very much. :) I'm copying and pasting all your suggestions. Yes, she does want to start on these soon. :) Not sure if we'll be doing these as read-alouds OR if she wants to read them herself. She's read some of these, I'm pretty sure. She's read these and loved them. I'm very unsure about this. I almost read it myself, but decided against it. What I have read about it doesn't appeal to me. I think. I'm not sure about it. But if most here think it's very good, I'm more than willing to let her try it out. Is there anyone here who does not recommend the Hunger Games, and if so, I would love to hear why. My knowledge of these books is very limited. :confused: She read and hated both of these. I could not stand the Inkheart books either. I just found them annoying. She's so desperate that she's thinking of starting some of my books - Flavia de Luce, etc. Thank you all. Do please keep more wonderful suggestions coming if you think of them.
  14. Very well said and I fully agree. I have never ever heard any of my Catholic friends say that they're not Christian. :lol: Of course, they are.
  15. We were in some of these very same locations just a few weeks ago. Here are some links: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14450248 http://www.guardian.co.uk/
  16. :grouphug: Do you have Skype? If you do, we can call each other for free. Even if you don't, since I have it, calling you is not expensive at all. Cyndi and I have only talked once, I think ... but for some reason, it seems like more. :) Stacia, I would love to hear your voice. We saw "Midnight in Paris" yesterday and loved it, loved it, loved it. :D
  17. Stacia, this is how I felt when we were in Paris, particularly in the Louvre. I wanted an illustrated version of The Da Vinci Code. :D I just started Cold Sassy Tree.
  18. She's rather picky and selective. These are some of the books she's loved in the past: The Harry Potter Series Girlwood The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner The Host Elsewhere The Twilight Saga Hold Still The Edge Chronicles The Year we Disappeared Rapunzel's Revenge Calamity Jack The Unfinished Angel Princess Academy The Unfortunate Events Series Thank you so much. :)
  19. Coffee, but coffee has to be WITH something - a pastry, toast, whatever. Tea has to be with milk OR herbal ... :)
  20. Welcome. :) I never introduced myself when I joined here. I just dove right in ... :tongue_smilie:
  21. :iagree: I've had them twice, really bad. Duct tape is fabulous.
  22. :iagree: Someone with way too much time on their hands and a bit of a sick mind. :glare: :lol: :smilielol5: I am not laughing at you. I'm laughing at the situation and I totally empathize because it does sound like something I would ask also :grouphug:.
  23. Me too. Back in '02 or so, when I first started homeschooling, I got some back issues or maybe it was current issues of, I think, Home Education magazine. It had an interview with a bi-racial Christian homeschooling family. I was disgusted to read that they had received a great deal of opposition from the more conservative homeschoolers because of their mixed marriage, etc. It was then that I realized that there are different types of homeschoolers (at least in the U.S. - here in Grenada, there's pretty much only one homeschooling family and you're reading her post right now ;)). Before reading this article, I was quite naive and new to homeschooling.
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