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Everything posted by fairytalemama

  1. :iagree: Unless you think you're at risk for your grade to drop to a B as a result of the final, I would skip.
  2. Sending positive thoughts your way. Good luck with the referral. I hope that you get encouraging news. :grouphug:
  3. We have no completion schedule, but here's what we're doing with my 5 year old daughter: 1. Finish Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading (my daughter can read too, but I just want to make sure we're totally solid phonics wise). We're at around lesson 190 out of 231. 2. Continue to do read alouds at bedtime. I have our read aloud list posted to my blog here which is drawn from Sonlight, Ambleside Online, The Hillsdale Academy, and whatever else we feel like reading ;). We just finished The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe today so we'll be moving on to something else. 3. Add in Singapore Math 1A. My dd's school is a public school that teaches using the Montessori method so they use both Montessori math and Everyday Math (which is required by the district). Everyday Math (because of all the horror stories I've heard on this forum) scares me so we'll be working in a little bit of math each week. 4. Over the summer we're going to do "Mommy Camp" using Story of the World 1 with the activity guide and R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Life. I'm just planning on having a good time with it and focusing on all the fun activities with the kids. I haven't purchased these yet, but I have friends that LOVE them. If it goes well, we'll keep doing it every summer. I'm so excited about our summer history and science plans. I'll let everyone know how they go once we get underway. :001_smile:
  4. An emergency quilt project?!?!? I have to know now---why is it an emergency? I occasionally have sewing emergencies, but I haven't had a quilting one ...yet. :001_smile:
  5. Me too!!!! Lots of love and hugs all around!!!! :grouphug:
  6. Go sit in the sun (if there is any) or take a Vitamin D supplement. Works for me everytime. :001_smile: Sometimes if I do something (anything...even if it's super small) that helps me too. Oh and exercise! I just started going to the gym in the morning 3 days a week the beginning of February (doing 1/2 hour of weight lifting and 1/2 of cardio on the elliptical) and I feel like a different person. I have so much more motivation and my dh says I'm nicer. ;) I go at 530AM which really is rough, and I have to admit that that first two weeks kind of sucked (I was sore and REALLY didn't want to go), but I do feel great and ready to meet the day after I go.
  7. I have company coming this week (Thursday night---eek! :tongue_smilie:) so I'll be cleaning my hiney off! I've been posting all my latest cleaning antics to my blog here.
  8. Bella means beautiful in Italian so it does stand alone. Your lil' one would be "beautiful rose". Awwww...I like it. :001_smile: Just be forewarned though, all the Twihards will definitely think you named her after the Twilight books. ;)
  9. She's the bride. She should decide. You should walk her down the aisle. I have seen brides walked down by their dads, their step dads, their mom, their mom and dad, and a close family friend. I've seen brides walk by themselves. Whatever she chooses she won't be the first one to have done it. She should do what she's comfortable with and not worry about what others think. It's her big day.
  10. I have the same problem. You are not alone. I'm trying to limit it to 30 minutes in the morning before we get started with the day (although it's been longer than that today because I'm shipping stuff I sold on eBay over the weekend) and 30 minutes at night. I find that sometimes I use it as an escape from doing housekeeping. :glare: I could use some more self discipline myself. I'll have to check into that blocking tool for me too.
  11. That book has been on my list. I read her other book Still Alice and was deeply impacted by that book. I'm still reading Jane Eyre (I wonder if I'll still be reading it when week #52 rolls around...I feel like such a dork that I'm still reading it). I'm also reading (sort of...I just can't get into it) A Tale of Two Cities and Speaking of Faith. I've also got a whole slew of vegetarian cookbooks lying around that I'm studying. I know those don't really count, but I did make a really good black bean burger tonight. :tongue_smilie:
  12. The whole thing is crazy--- either she's too Christian or not Christian enough. She can't win. Don't worry Susan---I'm making another Peace Hill Press purchase soon, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  13. I personally had a similar issue as a kid with one of my pointy teeth (what are those called---canines? Eye teeth? Can't remember...). My adult one started coming through the gum above in a really small spot like the size of the head of a pin. The dentist pulled out the baby tooth, all was well, and the tooth started emerging in the proper spot instead.
  14. My dh swears by the squeeze bottle version of the neti pot for prevention. I know it sounds weird, but when I was really prone to sinus and ear infections about a decade ago having an adjustment done by a chiropractor helped.
  15. Here's a link to the sweater. It was on sale today too. Don't know how long it goes for...
  16. I was just at JCPenney today and got my daughter a dressy off white one. Maybe Gymboree or Children's Place?
  17. At our house, if it's not on the calendar it doesn't exist. It doesn't matter what it is. The adults (because the kids are too young...at some point we'll get them on board with this) check the calendar the night before to see what's booked for the next day. This way we never have to talk about it. Whoever gets their event on the schedule first gets it (i.e. if I have book club and he has a Model T club meeting at the same time and he gets his on the calendar first, I either have to stay home with the kids or get a babysitter for my meeting and vice versa if mine got on the calendar first). We also made it a rule that you have to put anything on the calendar that you're planning on doing outside of work hours so the other person knows what's going on. It just makes everything SO much easier. Much less fighting and negotiation.
  18. This is why we didn't get leather when we got our new couches. Our cats aren't big scratchers, but when they startle they tend to grab on to the closest thing (mostly my pants it seems) with their claws. A couple of times they've been startled on our cloth upholstered couch and I can still see their little claw marks in it. I just new we would have little tiny holes all over it if we opted for leather furniture.
  19. We let my five year old pick out any shoes she wanted with ties with the knowledge up front that to have those shoes she would have to learn how to tie them herself. She opted for Sketchers Twinkle Toes that were covered with silver sequins. I taught her using the make the ground/here's the tree/have the bunny run around the tree and into the hole method. For a couple months afterward, she would tie one shoe and I would tie the other. I would just sit there with her and walk her through it until she got it. Then I started having her tie both shoes. It works a lot better if you allow extra time before you're leaving to go anywhere so it's not stressful waiting for the kid to finish tying. She's been tying her own shoes now since the end of October.
  20. I would go with Everett. There's a younger brother of a girl in my daughter's dance class whose name is Everett and he is such a cutie patootie. :D Camden and Logan are really super trendy right now. Everywhere I go there's a Logan. Colton makes me think of a gun (maybe because of Colt?) and Troy always makes me think of the mean jock in the movie The Goonies.
  21. :iagree: I feel so powerless...and silly whenever I complain or feel sad about something going on at my house.
  22. My dd and I were not getting along well AT ALL during last summer. A situation fell in my lap where I could have her at one of the best elementary schools in the district that teaches using the Montessori method, was 1/2 day (this was a must for me), and you could only get into via lottery (again, it was a MIRACLE we got in). We decided to give it a shot and it has been a great choice for our family. Unfortunately, our district is suffering a lot of budget cuts this year and the school is at risk for closure. The good news is I feel prepared for her to come home and school at any time. I'm comfortable with the choices we've made and the options we have available to us. I'm so happy that we can choose to public school, homeschool, or afterschool. Parents in other countries are not so lucky.
  23. It really depends on the sheets. My brother in law (who is a stickler for things like this) insists that the right sides should go together because that side of the top sheet is softer; thus, you have the softer sides of the sheets touching your body vs. the rougher side. I personally have only solid sheets and like the way it looks better the other way. I think it's all just personal preference. I guess the only folks you have to worry about are guests and if they complain about something like that I would send them packing to a hotel. ;)
  24. I'm in but I can't get to my dashboard. It's weird I can work on a blog post and use the tabs with stats, comments, etc. but I can't go anywhere else.
  25. What color is your hair? I vote pink if it's blonde. If you have dark hair, I vote blue or red. :D
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